1. We are moving from RedfishLib to Redfish http protocol 
(gEdkIIRedfishHttpProtocolGuid). I would recommend you to use Redfish http 
protocol for Redfish communication.

2. Redfish config handler protocol is installed by Redfish application. It will 
be called by RedfishConfigHandler driver when Redfish service is discovered. 
Please check the example code here: 

And I hope the information here can help you understand how it works: 


From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of memristor2 via 
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2024 8:05 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io
Subject: [edk2-devel] Redfishlib: How does it work?

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Hello everyone,
I am trying to develop Redfish on my platform. I got a few questions about the 
development process of Redfish.

  1.  Studying the libraries I see this RedfishLib which provides some API's 
but there isn't much specification on how to implement these APIs. My guess is 
I should start with the RedfishCreateService? But this needs a 
RedfishServiceRestExHandle initialized. How is this going to work? My guess is 
by using OpenProtocol?
  2.  Since i was trying to use the provided Redfishlib I realized I need to 
call the RedfishConfigHandlerDriver driver to call a callback function whenever 
the gEdkIIRedfishConfigHandlerProtocolGuid gets installed and then execute the 
RedfishConfigHandlerInitialization and then I would have the 
gRedfishConfigData.RedfishServiceInfo filled out with the instance so I could 
eventually use this function RedfishCreateService (this is my assumption even 
though I highly doubt it would be correct). But the problem is that there are 
NO drivers installing the gEdkIIRedfishConfigHandlerProtocolGuid protocol. In 
fact the function registered to this protocol tries to locate it.  What driver 
is going to install this protocol? I know the callback function gets called 
even if no driver installs the protocol but what is the point if there is no 
drivers installing that protocol?

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