Hi Liming,

I apologize for the delayed response.


On 8/6/2024 1:34 AM, gaoliming via groups.io wrote:
   Thanks for your great effort. This is a good direction to consolidate code 
and issue together. My feedbacks are below:

1. BugZilla supports code first process. What proposal will handle this process 
in Github issue flow?

For the Tianocore specifications, the proposal is that each respective repository in the tianocore-docs organization (https://github.com/tianocore-docs) maintain their issues.

I'm open to suggestions for the UEFI Specification issues.

2. BugZilla supports Edk2-Platform and Edk2-Test repo. After their issues are 
migrated to Github, their code process will be migrated to Github pull request. 

Yes. The RFC focuses on edk2 right now, but that would be the plan as we're trying to consolidate process across the repos. For clarity, I will add that as a section in the RFC.

3. Edk2 Stable Tag Release Note will list the resolved issue and feature. I 
think they can be found in GitHub issue. I will learn the way how to find them.

We'll have many options to streamline this process. We can create a single dashboard that can show issues from all the repos if that helps and I think we'll be able to better track issues to features and code changes for the reasons mention in the RFC.

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