On 8/1/2024 10:18 PM, Leif Lindholm via groups.io wrote:
On Thu, Aug 01, 2024 at 16:36:14 +0700, Nhi Pham via groups.io wrote:
This adds the SmbusRead() function designed for SMBUS transaction to
support the extraction of the data lenth byte from the initial byte of
the SMBUS Block Read, allowing the I2C master to accurately read the
SMBUS response with the exact data length. This addresses the issue
where the SmbusLib:SmBusReadBlock() function consistently reads a
32-byte block of data.
This change also changes the API to pass the PecCheck parameter,
without actuaklly using it for anyone. Regardless of my previous
comment, I don't think that's very useful.
So if you can't move it to the struct, can you move it to the later
patch instead?
I will try to split them out.
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