In order to make this a compatible change, look into
updating too so the lib mappings 
to the new locations are invisible to DSC files that


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oliver Smith-Denny <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2024 3:39 PM
> To:; Ard Biesheuvel <>; Leif Lindholm
> <>; Sami Mujawar <>; Kinney,
> Michael D <>; Liming Gao
> <>; Liu, Zhiguang <>
> Subject: [RFC] Move CompilerIntrinsicsLib and ArmSoftFloatLib to MdePkg
> CompilerIntrinsicsLib and ArmSoftFloatLib add ARM/AARCH64 compiler
> intrinsics and floating point functions required by OpenSSL,
> respectively. CompilerIntrinsicsLib is used almost in every DSC that
> builds ARM/AARCH64 and ArmSoftFloatLib is used by every DSC that builds
> logic from OpenSSL. Together these make almost every DSC have a
> dependency on ArmPkg, which is odd and for a handful, MdeModulePkg,
> EmbeddedPkg, and ShellPkg, namely, it is a circular dependency.
> There have been previous mailing list suggestions to move
> CompilerIntrinsicsLib to MdePkg (possibly combining with other arch
> intrinsics). I am not sure the end status of those conversations. By
> moving these two libraries to MdePkg package, we accomplish a few
> things:
>    - Removing the circular dependency from MdeModulePkg and ShellPkg
>      (EmbeddedPkg has other ArmPkg dependencies)
>    - Aligning MdePkg as the base package where baseline build and spec
>      dependencies are found with other industry standard behavior
>    - Detangling ArmPkg and making ARM/AARCH64 more of a first class
>      citizen in edk2 instead of bolted onto the side
> There is no functional change here and the amount of work is light, but
> I think it moves edk2 in the direction it wants to go, so I'm happy to
> put up a PR for this, but I wanted to get feedback before I did so. This
> aligns with similar efforts, such as moving more ARM/AARCH64 chipset
> definitions to MdePkg from ArmPkg [1][2][3]. This also aligns to the
> overall goal of deleting ArmPkg:
> Thanks,
> Oliver
> [1]
> 890aab
> [2]
> ee1b2f
> [3]
> 8c6926

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