On Fri, 26 Jul 2024 at 22:03, Michael Kubacki
<mikub...@linux.microsoft.com> wrote:
> TLDR: Pipelines should be relatively faster soon

That is a *very* welcome improvement, thanks.

After a day of coding, I've spent another 3 days fighting the CI to
get my changes in.

This is related to removing obsolete ResetSystemLib implementations as
well as the reset runtime in EmbedderdPkg. Due to the
interdependencies with edk2-platforms which I am trying to keep in a
building state at each point in time, I split the work in to 3 or 4
PRs on the EDK2 side, and just managing those along with the hours and
hours of CI delays and lockups have really sucked all the joy out of
contributing to Tianocore.

Getting the CI delay down would help me a lot. But we also need a way
for maintainers -who are ultimately in charge of their packages- to
simply overrule the CI and merge a PR regardless of the CI outcome.

Without this, I am seriously considering whether being a maintainer in
Tianocore is worth the effort for me.


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