Hi Evan

On 25 Jul 2024, at 20:08, EvanChai wrote:

> Hi Siyuan,
>  Thanks for your comments.
>  1. will remove it in the next patch
>  2. In my oppinion, we should keep the content here. Similar to how writing a 
> manual for a development board starts with an introduction to its hardware 
> architecture, our server platform relies on a virtual hardware topology, 
> which is currently 'rvsp-ref'. Based on Sunil's earlier recommendation, I 
> have moved all relevant hardware information tables out of this document and 
> created a minimal hardware introduction (or index). Moreover, no 'Qemu model 
> documentation' or similar document exists at present.
>  3. I am considering improving several details in this image, or I might 
> temporarily move it outside and merge it back in the next version once it is 
> ready.
>  4. My intention is actually: in 4.1, try to describe the automation of 
> downloading, compiling, executing, and testing through the rv-brs-test-suit 
> repo. And in 4.2, describe the manual steps for performing the above tasks. I 
> will reconsider how to optimize this section. Maybe Chapter 5 is not suitable 
> as a separate chapter.
I didn’t find how the automatic build is performed in 4.1. Will the operations 
in 4.1.1/4.1.2 point $FW_DIR to this RiscVQemuServerPlatform and generate the 
required RISCV_SP_CODE/VARS.fd file?

Best Regards,

>  5. Will remove it in the next patch
>  6. Will remove it.
> BR,
> Evan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 发件人:Fu Siyuan <siyuan...@linux.alibaba.com>
> 发送时间:2024年7月25日(星期四) 16:28
> 收件人:devel<devel@edk2.groups.io>; EvanChai<evan.c...@linux.alibaba.com>
> 抄 送:Andrei Warkentin<andrei.warken...@intel.com>; 
> "yong.li"<yong...@intel.com>; Sunil V L<suni...@ventanamicro.com>
> 主 题:Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH V3 0/2] Initial commit for RISC-V Qemu-based 
> Server
> Hi, Evan
> Here are some more comments for the Readme.md in the v2.5 branch.
> https://github.com/ChaiEvan/edk2-platforms/blob/RV_ServerPlatformRef_v2.5/Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/Readme.md
> <https://github.com/ChaiEvan/edk2-platforms/blob/RV_ServerPlatformRef_v2.5/Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/Readme.md
>  >
>  *
> Please remove the Revision History section, since this is a readme file 
> instead of a formal released document. I guess you may copied from a design 
> doc of this Pkg? If yes pls put a link here.
>  *
> The “2.1 Requirements” and “2.2 High Level Design” are describing the QEMO 
> model requirement/design, not this platform package. Please replace them by a 
> link to the QEMO model doc. It doesn’t make sense to maintain these content 
> here.
>  *
> About figure 1 “RISC-V Platform EDK2 Firmware Enabling Philosophy” in section 
> 3. It makes me confuse about the platform enabling philosophy instead of 
> explained it. The dotted line “QemuVirt Boot Flow” and blue like 
> “QemuServerPlatform Boot Flow” behaves exactly same with each other - both 
> loaded OpenSbi, both consume VirtDevices dotted box, and both boot to 
> Shell/Linux - so what’s the meaning of creating a new QemuServerPlatform 
> package and what’s the expected diffenence (benifit) vs the existing Virt? 
> Please consider to update this figure to make it more clear. Again, 
> considering the boot flow design may change, please move it to the design doc.
>  *
> Please reverse the order of Section 4.1 built test, 4.2 build platform BIOS, 
> or move 4.1 to 5 Verification. A common dev setup process should be like 
> “download code, build it, then test”.
>  *
> Please remove the 8 Appendix if there is no content.
>  *
> Please remove your old email address, not cross it out.
> Best Regards,
>  Siyuan
> On 19 Jul 2024, at 12:29, EvanChai wrote:
> Hi Andrei,
>  Could you help review the patch?
> As I said before, it is the initial commit for kicking off RV server platform 
> project. Then we can continue to optimize it based on this foundation. More 
> importantly, other developers now have a codebase for developing server 
> platform features.
> If I remember correctly, the following table lists the next phase of feature 
> implementation that you and Yong discussed a couple of months ago. Let's 
> proceed with the work according to this table.
> Table 6 Upcoming UEFI Features List
> Task Category
> Task Description
> Comments
> # Enable Non-Virtio devices1. Add Memory mapped AHCI controller, to enable 
> SATA deviceInlcude drivers for AHCI and Sata, eg: 
> OvmfPkg/SataControllerDxe/SataControllerDxe.inf 
> MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiBusDxe/ScsiBusDxe.inf 
> MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiDiskDxe/ScsiDiskDxe.inf
> 2. Add Memory mapped EHCI/XHCI controller to enable USB devicesInclude 
> drivers for XHCI/ECHI for USB devices, eg: 
> MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/UhciDxe/UhciDxe.inf 
> MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/EhciDxe/EhciDxe.inf 
> MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/XhciDxe/XhciDxe.inf 
> MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbKbDxe/UsbKbDxe.inf
> 3. Clean-up OVMF version of the NOR flash DXE driver, which supports QEMU's 
> NOR flash emulationExisting OVMF Norflash driver will cause some BRS related 
> cases’ failure, this takes includes the code clean-up and bug fixes to the 
> existing Norflash drvier in OVMF: ExitBootServicesTestVariable * 1, 
> BS.GetNextMonotonicCount * 3, RT.SetVariable - Non-volatile variable after 
> system reset * 4, RT.SetTime - Verify xx after change * 8
> 4. Enable non-virtio network, eg: E1000E NICThis may depend on QEMU side 
> implementation, and the server platform spec requirement, can take it as low 
> priority and use virtio-net first
> 5. Enable non-virto VGA displayThis may depend on QEMU side implementation, 
> and the server platform spec requirement, can take it as low priority and use 
> virtio-gpu first
> # Add initial support for static ACPI tables6. Add the DSDT, FADT, GTDT, SPCR 
> tables for ServerPlatform-Ref platformThis can refer to SBSA’s implementation 
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/commit/4476e34cf93458e0ea84820fb88e82a2997e5075
> <https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/commit/4476e34cf93458e0ea84820fb88e82a2997e5075
>  >
> 7. Handle EHCI and XHCI in DSDT, not to try to initialize non-existing 
> hardwareThis can refer to SBSA’s implementation 
> https://www.mail-archive.com/devel@edk2.groups.io/msg64706.html 
> <https://www.mail-archive.com/devel@edk2.groups.io/msg64706.html >
> # Add SMBIOS tables8. Add SMBIOS tables by referencing 
> ArmPkg/Universal/Smbios, set PcdSmbiosVersion to the version as required by 
> RISCV server platform specRefer to 
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/commit/c2016d9b6836acc27df939f0cccffe61c1bac492
> <https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/commit/c2016d9b6836acc27df939f0cccffe61c1bac492
>  >
> 9. Add implementation that provides the system information. The serial 
> numbers, asset tags etc. are currently all fixed strings, to allow fwts to 
> pass without errorsRefer to 
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/tree/master/Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/OemMiscLib
> <https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/tree/master/Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/OemMiscLib
>  >
> # Move drivers toward to FdtBusPkg-based implementation (This will not be 1st 
> priority)10. Verify and replace the OVMF Norflash driver to device tree-based 
> Norflash driverRefer to https://github.com/intel/FdtBusPkg 
> <https://github.com/intel/FdtBusPkg >
> 11. Verify and replace the PCI root bridge driver to device tree-based PCI 
> root bridge driverRefer to https://github.com/intel/FdtBusPkg 
> <https://github.com/intel/FdtBusPkg >
> # MSIC12. Initiate the design by Intel, keep ReadMe.md <http://readme.md/ > 
> update with partnerRefer to 
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/blob/master/Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/Readme.md
> <https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms/blob/master/Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/Readme.md
>  >
> BR,
> Evan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 发件人:EvanChai <evan.c...@linux.alibaba.com>
> 发送时间:2024年7月12日(星期五) 16:30
> 收件人:Sunil V L<suni...@ventanamicro.com>
> 抄 送:devel<devel@edk2.groups.io>; "evan.chai"<evan.c...@linux.alibaba.com>; 
> Andrei Warkentin<andrei.warken...@intel.com>; "yong.li"<yong...@intel.com>
> 主 题:回复:[edk2-devel] [PATCH V3 0/2] Initial commit for RISC-V Qemu-based Server
> Hi Sunil,
>  I updated the patch by your solid commetns:
> 1. I didn't do any change except for renaming in this version, so the code 
> part is no need to be splitted to pieces;
> 2. I simplified the Readme file, the rest of part were all linked to the RISE 
> wik. 
> <https://wiki.riseproject.dev/display/HOME/EDK2_00_18+-+RISC-V+QEMU+Server+Reference+Platform
>  > Then we can keep improving it on that page.
> Source: 
> https://github.com/ChaiEvan/edk2-platforms/commits/RV_ServerPlatformRef_v2.5 
> <https://github.com/ChaiEvan/edk2-platforms/commits/RV_ServerPlatformRef_v2.5 
> >
> BR,
> Evan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 发件人:Evan Chai <evancha...@gmail.com>
> 发送时间:2024年7月12日(星期五) 16:20
> 收件人:devel<devel@edk2.groups.io>
> 抄 送:Evan Chai<evan.c...@linux.alibaba.com>
> 主 题:[edk2-devel] [PATCH V3 0/2] Initial commit for RISC-V Qemu-based Server
>  This is a foundational patch to move the 'RISC-V QEMU Server Reference 
> Platform' forward.
>  Evan Chai (2):
>  RiscVQemuServerPlatform: Initial commit for RISC-V Qemu-based Server
>  platform
>  RiscVQemuServerPlatform: added README file
>  Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/Readme.md | 165 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.dsc | 496 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.dsc.inc | 341 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.fdf | 317 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.fdf.inc | 41 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/VarStore.fdf.inc | 72 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  6 files changed, 1432 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/Readme.md
>  create mode 100644 
> Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.dsc
>  create mode 100644 
> Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.dsc.inc
>  create mode 100644 
> Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.fdf
>  create mode 100644 
> Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/RiscVQemuServerPlatform.fdf.inc
>  create mode 100644 Platform/Qemu/RiscVQemuServerPlatform/VarStore.fdf.inc
>  --
>  2.45.1.windows.1

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