On 7/24/24 20:35, Michael Kubacki wrote:
A change was just pushed to edk2 to automatically add reviewers to pull request based on those listed in Maintainers.txt.

For more details and in case of any issues, I put some information on this wiki page:

https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Automatic-Pull- Request-Reviewer-Details

On a related note, this tool looks useful for verifying the content of CODEOWNERS and/or REVIEWERS when we decide to move to those files: https://github.com/hmarr/codeowners.

By default, the command line tool will walk the directory tree, printing the code owners of any files that are found.

$ codeowners --help
usage: codeowners <path>...
  -f, --file string     CODEOWNERS file path
  -h, --help            show this help message
  -o, --owner strings   filter results by owner
  -u, --unowned         only show unowned files (can be combined with -o)

$ ls
CODEOWNERS DOCUMENTATION.md README.md example.go example_test.go

*.go       @example/go-engineers
*.md       @example/docs-writers
README.md  product-mana...@example.com

$ codeowners
CODEOWNERS                           (unowned)
README.md                            product-mana...@example.com
example_test.go                      @example/go-engineers
example.go                           @example/go-engineers
DOCUMENTATION.md                     @example/docs-writers

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