edk2's commit:4c4ceb2ceb80 ("NetworkPkg: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45237")
solved CVE-2023-45237 about usage of a weak pseudoRandom number generator
and this modification add dependency for DxeNetLib with RngDxe driver.

Because of new dependency, Juno failed to load Newtork related packages
(i.e VlanConfigDxe, MnpDxe, ArpDxe, Dhcp4Dxe, Ip4Dxe and etc) like

  Driver E4F61863-FE2C-4B56-A8F4-08519BC439DF was discovered but not loaded!!
  Driver 025BBFC7-E6A9-4B8B-82AD-6815A1AEAF4A was discovered but not loaded!!
  Driver 529D3F93-E8E9-4E73-B1E1-BDF6A9D50113 was discovered but not loaded!!

This patch fixes NetworkPkg load failure on ArmJuno platform.

levi.yun (2):
  ARM/VExpressPkg: Use BaseRngLib for NetworkPkg as default
  ARM/JunoPkg: Use ArmTrngLib in NetworkPkg

 Platform/ARM/VExpressPkg/ArmVExpress.dsc.inc            | 35 
 Platform/ARM/JunoPkg/ArmJuno.dsc                        | 10 ++++++
 Platform/ARM/VExpressPkg/ArmVExpress-networking.fdf.inc |  7 +++-
 3 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


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