This patch series provides fixes for boot VM when use secure boot supported (-D SECURE_BOOT_ENABLE=TRUE) OVMF packages. - Detect FlashNvVarStore before calls PlaformValidateNvVarStore in PlatformInitLib and skip the validation process if the FlashNvVarStore doesn't exist. Since the PlatformValidateNvVarStore will return false if the FlashNvVarStore doesn't exist, this will trigger ASSERT (FALSE) and prevent the guest from moving forward. - Init the whole range of EmuVariableNvStore before copy content from the FlashNvVarStore to EmuVariableNvStore. If the Ftw (Fault Tolerant Write) part of the EmuVariableNvStore isn't initialized, the FaultToleranteWriteDxe will use scrambled address to access memory and leads to crash if the VM is a SEV guest. - Fix the mapping for FlashNvVarStore. If launch a SEV VM with only OVMF.fd, the address range for FlashNvVarStore should be mapped as encrypted before access FlashNvVarStore in PlatformValidateNvVarStore. If launch a SEV VM with both OVMF_CODE.fd and OVMF_VARS.fd, the address range for FlashNvVarStore should be mapped as decrypted before access FlashNvVarStore in PlatformValidateNvVarStore. --- These patches based on commit: d4dbe5e101dc ("SecurityPkg/Tcg2Acpi: Revise debug print") Han Liyang (3): OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Update mapping of FlashNvVarStore before validate it OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Init the EmuVariableNvStore before copy data OvmfPkg/PlatformInitLib: Detect FlashNvVarStore before validate it OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/Platform.c | 67 +++++++++++ OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/PlatformInitLib.inf | 1 + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/AmdSev.c | 105 ++++++++++++++++++ OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/Platform.c | 6 + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/Platform.h | 6 + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPei.inf | 1 + 6 files changed, 186 insertions(+) -- 2.25.1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#119924): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: Unsubscribe: [] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-