When I compile the OVMF packages with "-D SECURE_BOOT_ENABLE=TRUE -D 
DEBUG_ON_SERIAL_PORT=TRUE", I found the OVMF can not work properly.

*First, I boot a Qemu VM with only OVMF_CODE.fd but not OVMF_VARS.fd:*

a. For Non-encrypted VM, the guest hungs in OVMF with the following assert 

Reserved variable store memory: 0xBFD7C000; size: 528kb
NvVarStore FV headers were invalid.
ASSERT [PlatformPei] 
/dev/shm/edk2/OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/Platform.c(932): ((BOOLEAN)(0==1))

b. For SEV VM, the guest reset in the OVMF in an infinite loop.

SecCoreStartupWithStack(0xFFFCC000, 0x820000)
Register PPI Notify: DCD0BE23-9586-40F4-B643-06522CED4EDE
Reserved variable store memory: 0xBFD7C000; size: 528kb
SecCoreStartupWithStack(0xFFFCC000, 0x820000)
Register PPI Notify: DCD0BE23-9586-40F4-B643-06522CED4EDE
Reserved variable store memory: 0xBFD7C000; size: 528kb
SecCoreStartupWithStack(0xFFFCC000, 0x820000)
Register PPI Notify: DCD0BE23-9586-40F4-B643-06522CED4EDE
Reserved variable store memory: 0xBFD7C000; size: 528kb
SecCoreStartupWithStack(0xFFFCC000, 0x820000)

c. For SEV-ES VM, the guest hungs in OVMF with the following assert message.

Reserved variable store memory: 0xBFD7C000; size: 528kb
Invalid MMIO opcode (AF)
ASSERT [SecMain] 

*Then, I boot a Qemu VM with OVMF.fd (the OVMF_VARS.fd part is included in 

a. For SEV/SEV-ES VM, the guest hungs in OVMF with following dump messages.

Loading driver at 0x000BDB92000 EntryPoint=0x000BDB95EF4 
InstallProtocolInterface: BC62157E-3E33-4FEC-9920-2D3B36D750DF BDE01D98
ProtectUefiImageCommon - 0xBDE01040
- 0x00000000BDB92000 - 0x0000000000005B00
Ftw: FtwWorkSpaceLba - 0x40, WorkBlockSize  - 0x1000, FtwWorkSpaceBase - 0x0
Ftw: FtwSpareLba     - 0x42, SpareBlockSize - 0x1000
Ftw: NumberOfWorkBlock - 0x1, FtwWorkBlockLba - 0x40
Ftw: WorkSpaceLbaInSpare - 0x0, WorkSpaceBaseInSpare - 0x0
Ftw: Remaining work space size - FE0
!!!! X64 Exception Type - 0D(#GP - General Protection)  CPU Apic ID - 00000000 
ExceptionData - 0000000000000000
RIP  - 00000000BDB92459, CS  - 0000000000000038, RFLAGS - 0000000000010286
RAX  - 587E3201A019FB0C, RCX - 587E3200E238F994, RDX - 0000000000000001
RBX  - 00000000BDE10018, RSP - 00000000BFB79AD8, RBP - 0000000000000FE0
RSI  - 00000000BDE100A8, RDI - 00000000BDE10128
R8   - D4642A9DFB7C79BE, R9  - 00000000000003F8, R10 - 00000000BDB96602
R11  - 0000000000000002, R12 - 00000000BDE100A0, R13 - 0000000000000000
R14  - 0000000000000001, R15 - 00000000BFBA76C0
DS   - 0000000000000030, ES  - 0000000000000030, FS  - 0000000000000030
GS   - 0000000000000030, SS  - 0000000000000030
CR0  - 0000000080010033, CR2 - 0000000000000000, CR3 - 00000000BF801000
CR4  - 0000000000000668, CR8 - 0000000000000000
DR0  - 0000000000000000, DR1 - 0000000000000000, DR2 - 0000000000000000
DR3  - 0000000000000000, DR6 - 00000000FFFF0FF0, DR7 - 0000000000000400
GDTR - 00000000BF5DC000 0000000000000047, LDTR - 0000000000000000
IDTR - 00000000BEF0C018 0000000000000FFF,   TR - 0000000000000000
FXSAVE_STATE - 00000000BFB79730
!!!! Find image based on IP(0xBDB92459) 
 (ImageBase=00000000BDB92000, EntryPoint=00000000BDB95EF4) !!!!

*Last, I boot a Qemu VM with OVMF_CODE.fd and OVMF_VARS.fd:*

a. For SEV/SEV-ES VM, the guest hungs in OVMF with the following assert message.

Reserved variable store memory: 0xBFD7C000; size: 528kb
NvVarStore FV headers were invalid.
ASSERT [PlatformPei] 
/dev/shm/edk2/OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/Platform.c(932): ((BOOLEAN)(0==1))

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