
> Do you have any pointers for implementing the support of nvdimm in
> edk2/OVMF?  Or is it not feasible and I need to also look at adding it
> directly into QEMU

qemu.  Add e820_add_entry() calls.

Possibly edk2 too.

Not sure how linux is supposed to figure the memory in question is
nvdimm not ram.  Is there a e820 type for nvdimm?  If so then
PlatformAddHobCB() in OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformInitLib/MemDetect.c needs
some code to handle it.

In any case you I don't think you want qemu announce the nvdimm device
twice.  So it should be registered either via acpi/nfit, or via e820
table (which gets passed from qemu to firmware via 'etc/e820' fw_cfg
file), but probably not both.

HTH & take care,

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