On 6/9/2024 6:44 PM, Dhaval Sharma wrote:
Related to this, I also faced this issue where in order to prevent edk2
from allocating this memory I had to modify CoreFindFreePagesI
// Don't allocate out of Special-Purpose memory.
if ((Entry->Attribute & EFI_MEMORY_SP) != 0) {
Can't we add PCD based logic here to selectively NOT use SP memory for
edk2 allocations? I think "reserved-memory" attr does not work well
because it would force OS/drivers not to use it. Which is not what we
want. We really want special drivers to make use of it.
We've had some other conversations around this and I agree, we don't
want DXE Core to allocate this memory unless it has no other option.
I don't think this should be a PCD, I think DXE can make the statement
that it won't allocate EFI_MEMORY_SP memory unless it has run out of
other memory.
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