On 5/6/24 15:27, Tobin Feldman-Fitzthum wrote:
The Blob Verifier checks boot artifacts against a hash table
injected by the hypervisor and measured by hardware.

Update the Blob Verifier to enter a dead loop if the artifacts
do not match.

There are some changes to messages from ERROR to WARN and the return is kept as EFI_ACCESS_DENIED, so it would be best to describe in the commit message what situations result in EFI_ACCES_DENIED vs dead loop.

Signed-off-by: Tobin Feldman-Fitzthum <to...@linux.ibm.com>
  .../BlobVerifierSevHashes.c                   | 39 +++++++++++++++----
  1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/OvmfPkg/AmdSev/BlobVerifierLibSevHashes/BlobVerifierSevHashes.c 
index 2e58794c3c..ee8bca509a 100644
--- a/OvmfPkg/AmdSev/BlobVerifierLibSevHashes/BlobVerifierSevHashes.c
+++ b/OvmfPkg/AmdSev/BlobVerifierLibSevHashes/BlobVerifierSevHashes.c
@@ -77,13 +77,17 @@ FindBlobEntryGuid (
    Verify blob from an external source.
+ If a non-secure configuration is detected this function will enter a
+  dead loop to prevent a boot.
    @param[in] BlobName           The name of the blob
    @param[in] Buf                The data of the blob
    @param[in] BufSize            The size of the blob in bytes
- @retval EFI_SUCCESS The blob was verified successfully.
-  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The blob could not be verified, and therefore
-                                should be considered non-secure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The blob was verified successfully or was not
+                                found in the hash table.
+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     Kernel hashes not supported, but the boot
+                                can continue safely.
@@ -99,8 +103,8 @@ VerifyBlob (
if ((mHashesTable == NULL) || (mHashesTableSize == 0)) {
      DEBUG ((
-      "%a: Verifier called but no hashes table discoverd in MEMFD\n",
+      DEBUG_WARN,
+      "%a: No hashes table discovered in MEMFD\n",

Technically, this should really just change the ERROR to WARN without changing the message text.

      return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
@@ -114,7 +118,8 @@ VerifyBlob (
-    return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;
+    CpuDeadLoop ();
@@ -136,10 +141,22 @@ VerifyBlob (
DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: Found GUID %g in table\n", __func__, Guid)); + if (BufSize == 0) {
+      DEBUG ((
+        DEBUG_ERROR,
+        "%a: Blob Specified in Hash Table was not Provided",
+        __func__,
+        EntrySize,
+        SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE

Looks like there's no substitution spots in the message for these last two parameters.


+        ));
+      CpuDeadLoop ();
+    }
      EntrySize = Entry->Len - sizeof Entry->Guid - sizeof Entry->Len;
      if (EntrySize != SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) {
        DEBUG ((
-        DEBUG_ERROR,
+        DEBUG_WARN,
          "%a: Hash has the wrong size %d != %d\n",
@@ -170,18 +187,24 @@ VerifyBlob (
+      CpuDeadLoop ();
return Status;
+ //
+  // If the GUID is not in the hash table, execution can still continue.
+  // This blob will not be measured, but at least one blob must be.
+  //
    DEBUG ((
      "%a: Hash GUID %g not found in table\n",
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;

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