On 5/17/2024 4:49 PM, duntan via groups.io wrote:
This patch set defines a new VARIABLE_RUNTIME_CACHE_INFO HOB. The HOB is used 
to store the address and size of the buffer that will be used for variable 
runtime service when the PcdEnableVariableRuntimeCache is TRUE.
In following patches, when PcdEnableVariableRuntimeCache is TRUE, VariablePei 
will install a callback of gEfiPeiMemoryDiscoveredPpiGuid to allocate the 
needed buffer for different type variable runtime cache and build the HOB.
Then VariableSmmRuntimeDxe driver will consume 
gEdkiiVariableRuntimeCacheInfoHobGuid to initialize the variable runtime cache 
related content. The code to allocate and unblock the runtime cache buffer in 
VariableSmmRuntimeDxe is also removed in this patc set.

PR for review: https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/5607

Per design, SMM or StandaloneMM needs to access these runtime cache buffers for cache coherency. I'm not sure how to implement the MmUnblockMemoryLib for ARM to dynamically request mapping of the non-secure runtime cache buffers in StandaloneMM (Secure World). Is it possible to have these runtime buffers allocated statically with predefined PCD at build time. On ARM, they can also define the buffers in device tree (manifest)?


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