On Wed, May 01, 2024 at 02:03:37PM GMT, Michael Roth wrote:
> For the most part, OVMF will clear the encryption bit for MMIO regions,
> but there is currently one known exception during SEC when the APIC
> base address is accessed via MMIO with the encryption bit set for
> SEV-ES/SEV-SNP guests. In the case of SEV-SNP, this requires special
> handling on the hypervisor side which may not be available in the
> future[1], so make the necessary changes in the SEC-configured page
> table to clear the encryption bit for 4K region containing the APIC
> base address.
> Since CpuPageTableLib is used to handle the splitting, some additional
> care must be taken to clear the C-bit in all non-leaf PTEs since the
> library expects that to be the case. Add handling for that when setting
> up the SEC page table.
> While here, drop special handling for the APIC base address in the
> SEV-ES/SNP #VC handler.

Reviewed-by: Gerd Hoffmann <kra...@redhat.com>

take care,

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