Hi Liming,
The Patch V2 will help fix the CI failure on Uncrustify issue. 

There is CI failure in https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/5585. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nong, Foster <foster.n...@intel.com> 
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2024 3:10 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io
Cc: Nong, Foster <foster.n...@intel.com>; Kinney, Michael D 
<michael.d.kin...@intel.com>; Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>; Ni, Ray 
<ray...@intel.com>; Chris Li <chri...@os.amperecomputing.com>
Subject: [PATCH v2] MdePkg: Add Cxl30.h into IndustryStandard

REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4516

1) Add CXL 3.0 header file to comply with CXL 3.0 specification
2) CXL 3.0 header will embed Cxl20.h
3) Updated Cxl.h to point to 3.0 header file

Signed-off-by: Foster Nong <foster.n...@intel.com>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
Cc: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
Cc: Ray Ni <ray...@intel.com>
Cc: Chris Li <chri...@os.amperecomputing.com>
 MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Cxl.h   |   2 +-
 MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Cxl30.h | 316 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Cxl.h 
index 9ad3242e25..cb623a355d 100755
--- a/MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Cxl.h
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Cxl.h
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent  #ifndef 
_CXL_MAIN_H_ #define _CXL_MAIN_H_ -#include <IndustryStandard/Cxl20.h>+#include 
<IndustryStandard/Cxl30.h> // // CXL assigned new Vendor ID //diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a9a6d6940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard/Cxl30.h
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+/** @file+  CXL 3.0 Register definitions++  This file contains the register 
definitions based on the Compute Express Link+  (CXL) Specification Revision 
3.0.++  Copyright (c) 2024, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>++  
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent++**/++#ifndef CXL30_H_+#define 
CXL30_H_++#include <IndustryStandard/Cxl20.h>++//+// CXL Cache Memory 
Capability IDs+// Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0 - Chapter 
0x0009+#define CXL_CACHE_MEM_CAPABILITY_ID_EXTENDED               
0x000B+#define CXL_CACHE_MEM_CAPABILITY_ID_BI_DECODER             
CXL_Capability_Version+// Compute Express ink Specification Revision 3.0 - 
Decoder n Control+// Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0 - Bit4..7: Interleave Ways (IW)+//+#define 
0x8+#define CXL_HDM_6_WAY_INTERLEAVING   0x9+#define 
CXL_HDM_12_WAY_INTERLEAVING  0xA++//+// Ensure proper structure 
formats+//+#pragma pack(1)++//+// CXL.cachemem Extended Register Capability+// 
Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0  - Chapter 
union {+  struct {+    UINT32    ExtendedRangesBitmap : 16;      // Bit 0..15+  
  UINT32    Reserved             : 16;      // Bit 16..31+  } Bits;+  UINT32    
| BIT9 | BIT10 | BIT11 | BIT12 | BIT13 | BIT15)++//+// CXL BI Route Table 
Capability+// Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0  - Chapter union {+  struct {+    UINT32    ExplicitBiRtCommitRequired 
: 1;                  // bit 0+    UINT32    Reserved                   : 31;   
              // bit 1..31+  } Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} 
CXL_BI_RT_CAPABILITY;++typedef union {+  struct {+    UINT32    BiRtCommit : 1; 
                                  // bit 0+    UINT32    Reserved   : 31;       
                           // bit 1..31+  } Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} 
CXL_BI_RT_CONTROL;++typedef union {+  struct {+    UINT32    BiRtCommitted      
    : 1;                      // bit 0+    UINT32    BiRtErrorNotCommitted  : 
1;                      // bit 1+    UINT32    Reserved1              : 6;      
                // bit 2..7+    UINT32    BiRtCommitTimeoutScale : 4;           
           // bit 8..11+    UINT32    BiRtCommitTimeoutBase  : 4;               
       // bit 12..15+    UINT32    Reserved2              : 16;                 
    // bit 16..31+  } Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} CXL_BI_RT_STATUS;++typedef 
struct {+  CXL_BI_RT_CAPABILITY    BiRtCap;                              // 
offset 0x00+  CXL_BI_RT_CONTROL       BiRtControl;                          // 
offset 0x04+  CXL_BI_RT_STATUS        BiRtStatus;                           // 
offset 0x08+} CXL_BI_ROUTE_TABLE_CAPABILITY;++//+// CXL BI Decoder 
Capability+// Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0  - Chapter union {+  struct {+    UINT32    HdmDCapable                
     : 1;             // bit 0+    UINT32    ExplicitBiDecoderCommitRequired : 
1;             // bit 1+    UINT32    Reserved                        : 30;     
       // bit 2..31+  } Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} 
CXL_BI_DECODER_CAP;++typedef union {+  struct {+    UINT32    BiForward       : 
1;                             // bit 0+    UINT32    BiEnable        : 1;      
                       // bit 1+    UINT32    BiDecoderCommit : 1;              
               // bit 2+    UINT32    Reserved        : 29;                     
       // bit 3..31+  } Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} 
CXL_BI_DECODER_CONTROL;++typedef union {+  struct {+    UINT32    
BiDecoderCommitted          : 1;                 // bit 0+    UINT32    
BiDecoderErrorNotCommitted  : 1;                 // bit 1+    UINT32    
Reserved1                   : 6;                 // bit 2..7+    UINT32    
BiDecoderCommitTimeoutScale : 4;                 // bit 8..11+    UINT32    
BiDecoderCommitTimeoutBase  : 4;                 // bit 12..15+    UINT32    
Reserved2                   : 16;                // bit 16..31+  } Bits;+  
UINT32    Uint32;+} CXL_BI_DECODER_STATUS;++typedef struct {+  
CXL_BI_DECODER_CAP        BiDecoderCap;                       // offset 0x00+  
CXL_BI_DECODER_CONTROL    BiDecoderControl;                   // offset 0x04+  
CXL_BI_DECODER_STATUS     BiDecoderStatus;                    // offset 0x08+} 
CXL_BI_DECODER_CAPABILITY;++//+// CXL Cache ID Route Table Capability+// 
Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0  - Chapter 
union {+  struct {+    UINT32    CacheIdTargetCount              : 5;           
 // Bit 0..4+    UINT32    Reserved1                       : 3;            // 
Bit 5..7+    UINT32    HdmDType2DeviceMaxCount         : 4;            // Bit 
8..11+    UINT32    Reserved2                       : 4;            // Bit 
12..15+    UINT32    ExplicitCacheIdRtCommitRequired : 1;            // Bit 16+ 
   UINT32    Reserved3                       : 15;           // Bit 17:31+  } 
Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} CXL_CACHE_ID_RT_CAPABILITY;++typedef union {+  
struct {+    UINT32    CacheIdRtCommit : 1;                   // Bit 0+    
UINT32    Reserved        : 31;                  // Bit 1..31+  } Bits;+  
UINT32    Uint32;+} CXL_CACHE_ID_RT_CONTROL;++typedef union {+  struct {+    
UINT32    CacheIdRtCommitted          : 1;       // Bit 0+    UINT32    
CacheIdRtErrNotCommitted    : 1;       // Bit 1+    UINT32    Reserved1         
          : 6;       // Bit 2..7+    UINT32    CacheIdRtCommitTimeoutScale : 4; 
      // Bit 8..11+    UINT32    CacheIdRtCommitTimeoutBase  : 4;       // Bit 
12..15+    UINT32    Reserved2                   : 16;      // Bit 16..31+  } 
Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} CXL_CACHE_ID_RT_STATUS;++typedef union {+  struct 
{+    UINT16    Valid      : 1;                       // Bit 0+    UINT16    
Reserved   : 7;                       // Bit 1..7+    UINT16    PortNumber : 8; 
                      // Bit 8..15+  } Bits;+  UINT16    Uint16;+} 
CacheIdRtCap;               // offset 0x00+  CXL_CACHE_ID_RT_CONTROL       
CacheIdRtControl;           // offset 0x04+  CXL_CACHE_ID_RT_STATUS        
CacheIdRtStatus;            // offset 0x08+  UINT32                        
Reserved;                   // offset 0x0C+  CXL_CACHE_ID_RT_TARGET        
CacheIdRtTarget[];          // offset 0x10+} 
CXL_CACHE_ID_ROUTE_TABLE_CAPABILITY;++//+// CXL Cache ID Decoder Capability+// 
Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0  - Chapter 
union {+  struct {+    UINT32    ExplicitCacheIdDecoderCommitRequired : 1;      
      // Bit 0+    UINT32    Reserved                             : 31;         
  // Bit 1..31+  } Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} 
CXL_CACHE_ID_DECODER_CAP;++typedef union {+  struct {+    UINT32    
ForwardCacheId         : 1;           // Bit 0+    UINT32    AssignCacheId      
    : 1;           // Bit 1+    UINT32    HdmDType2DevicePresent : 1;           
// Bit 2+    UINT32    CacheIdDecoderCommit   : 1;           // Bit 3+    
UINT32    Reserved1              : 4;           // Bit 4..7+    UINT32    
HdmDType2DeviceCacheId : 4;           // Bit 8..11+    UINT32    Reserved2      
        : 4;           // Bit 12..15+    UINT32    LocalCacheId           : 4;  
         // Bit 16..19+    UINT32    Reserved3              : 4;           // 
Bit 20..23+    UINT32    TrustLevel             : 2;           // Bit 24..25+   
 UINT32    Reserved4              : 6;           // Bit 26..31+  } Bits;+  
UINT32    Uint32;+} CXL_CACHE_ID_DECODER_CONTROL;++typedef union {+  struct {+  
  UINT32    CacheIdDecoderCommitted          : 1;           // Bit 0+    UINT32 
   CacheIdDecoderErrorNotCommitted  : 1;           // Bit 1+    UINT32    
Reserved1                        : 6;           // Bit 2..7+    UINT32    
CacheIdDecoderCommitTimeoutScale : 4;           // Bit 8..11+    UINT32    
CacheIdDecoderCommitTimeoutBase  : 4;           // Bit 12..15+    UINT32    
Reserved2                        : 16;          // Bit 16..31+  } Bits;+  
UINT32    Uint32;+} CXL_CACHE_ID_DECODER_STATUS;++typedef struct {+  
CXL_CACHE_ID_DECODER_CAP        CacheIdDecoderCap;           // offset 0x00+  
CXL_CACHE_ID_DECODER_CONTROL    CacheIdDecoderControl;       // offset 0x04+  
CXL_CACHE_ID_DECODER_STATUS     CacheIdDecoderStatus;        // offset 0x08+} 
CXL_CACHE_ID_DECODER_CAPABILITY;++//+// CXL Timeout and Isolation Capability 
Structure+// Compute Express Link Specification Revision 3.0  - Chapter union {+  struct {+    UINT32    
CxlmemTransactionTimeoutRangesSupported   : 4; // Bits 3:0+    UINT32    
CxlmemTransactionTimeoutSupported         : 1; // Bits 4+    UINT32    
Reserved1                                 : 3; // Bits 7:5+    UINT32    
CxlcacheTransactionTimeoutRangesSupported : 4; // Bits 11:8+    UINT32    
CxlcacheTransactionTimeoutSupported       : 1; // Bits 12+    UINT32    
Reserved2                                 : 3; // Bits 15:13+    UINT32    
CxlmemIsolationSupported                  : 1; // Bits 16+    UINT32    
CxlmemIsolationLinkdownSupported          : 1; // Bits 17+    UINT32    
CxlcacheIsolationSupported                : 1; // Bits 18+    UINT32    
CxlcacheIsolationLinkdownSupported        : 1; // Bits 19+    UINT32    
Reserved3                                 : 5; // Bits 24:20+    UINT32    
IsolationErrCorSignalingSupported         : 1; // Bits 25+    UINT32    
IsolationInterruptSupported               : 1; // Bits 26+    UINT32    
IsolationInterruptMessageNumber           : 5; // Bits 31:27+  } Bits;+  UINT32 
   Uint32;+} CXL_3_0_CXL_TIMEOUT_AND_ISOLATION_CAPABILITY;++typedef union {+  
struct {+    UINT32    CxlmemTransactionTimeoutValue    : 4; // Bits 3:0+    
UINT32    CxlmemTransactionTimeoutEnable   : 1; // Bits 4+    UINT32    
Reserved1                        : 3; // Bits 7:5+    UINT32    
CxlcacheTransactionTimeoutValue  : 4; // Bits 11:8+    UINT32    
CxlcacheTransactionTimeoutEnable : 1; // Bits 12+    UINT32    Reserved2        
                : 3; // Bits 15:13+    UINT32    CxlmemIsolationEnable          
  : 1; // Bits 16+    UINT32    CxlmemIsolationLinkdownEnable    : 1; // Bits 
17+    UINT32    CxlcacheIsolationEnable          : 1; // Bits 18+    UINT32    
CxlcacheIsolationLinkdownEnable  : 1; // Bits 19+    UINT32    Reserved3        
                : 5; // Bits 24:20+    UINT32    IsolationErrCorSignalingEnable 
  : 1; // Bits 25+    UINT32    IsolationInterruptEnable         : 1; // Bits 
26+    UINT32    Reserved4                        : 5; // Bits 31:27+  } Bits;+ 
 UINT32    Uint32;+} CXL_3_0_CXL_TIMEOUT_AND_ISOLATION_CONTROL;++typedef union 
{+  struct {+    UINT32    CxlmemTransactionTimeout        : 1;  // Bits 0+    
UINT32    Reserved1                       : 3;  // Bits 3:1+    UINT32    
CxlcacheTransactionTimeout      : 1;  // Bits 4+    UINT32    Reserved2         
              : 3;  // Bits 7:5+    UINT32    CxlmemIsolationStatus           : 
1;  // Bits 8+    UINT32    CxlmemIsolationLinkdownStatus   : 1;  // Bits 9+    
UINT32    Reserved3                       : 2;  // Bits 11:10+    UINT32    
CxlcacheIsolationStatus         : 1;  // Bits 12+    UINT32    
CxlcacheIsolationLinkdownStatus : 1;  // Bits 13+    UINT32    CxlRpBusy        
               : 1;  // Bits 14+    UINT32    Reserved4                       : 
17; // Bits 31:15+  } Bits;+  UINT32    Uint32;+} 
CXL_3_0_CXL_TIMEOUT_AND_ISOLATION_STATUS;++typedef struct {+  
UINT32                                          Reserved;+  
CXL_3_0_CXL_TIMEOUT_AND_ISOLATION_CONTROL       TimeoutAndIsolationControl;+  
CXL_3_0_CXL_TIMEOUT_AND_ISOLATION_STATUS        TimeoutAndIsolationStatus;+} 

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