Reviewed-by: <>

From: <> on behalf of Sahil Kaushal 
via <>
Sent: 23 April 2024 06:56
Cc: Ard Biesheuvel; Leif Lindholm  ; Sami Mujawar; Sahil Kaushal
Subject: [edk2-devel] [PATCH RESEND edk2-platforms][PATCH V2 04/14] 
Platform/ARM/NorFlashDxe: Move flash specific functions to NorFlash.c

From: sahil <>

Refactoring done in this patch has two major parts:

1. Moving out NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock and
NorFlashWriteFullBlock functions from NorFlashDxe.c and
NorFlashStandaloneMm.c to NorFlash.c files.

2. At the same time, we are adding NorFlashLock and NorFlashUnlock
functions which will take care of TPL related operations needed by
functions mentioned in point 1. These functions are implemented
in NorFlashDxe.c but are just dummy placeholder functions in
NorFlashStandaloneMm.c file.

Signed-off-by: sahil <>
 Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.h             |  26 +++
 Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashCommon.h       |  14 --
 Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.c             | 136 +++++++++++++-
 Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.c          | 193 
 Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashStandaloneMm.c | 151 +++------------
 5 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 295 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.h 
index e0ebb1e2fd35..bd5c6a949cf0 100644
--- a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.h
+++ b/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.h
@@ -220,4 +220,30 @@ NorFlashWriteSingleWord (
   IN UINT32              WriteData



+NorFlashWriteFullBlock (


+  IN EFI_LBA             Lba,

+  IN UINT32              *DataBuffer,

+  IN UINT32              BlockSizeInWords

+  );



+NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock (


+  IN UINTN               BlockAddress

+  );




+NorFlashLock (

+  IN EFI_TPL  *OriginalTPL

+  );




+NorFlashUnlock (

+  IN EFI_TPL OriginalTPL

+  );


 #endif /* __NOR_FLASH_H__ */

diff --git a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashCommon.h 
index e329e0727617..c0a3b5861532 100644
--- a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashCommon.h
+++ b/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashCommon.h
@@ -31,20 +31,6 @@

 // NorFlashDxe.c



-NorFlashWriteFullBlock (


-  IN EFI_LBA             Lba,

-  IN UINT32              *DataBuffer,

-  IN UINT32              BlockSizeInWords

-  );



-NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock (


-  IN UINTN               BlockAddress

-  );



 NorFlashCreateInstance (

   IN UINTN                NorFlashDeviceBase,

diff --git a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.c 
index 4e5a97c83c7b..15000a692b02 100644
--- a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.c
+++ b/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlash.c
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>

 #include "NorFlash.h"

-#include "NorFlashCommon.h"


 // Global variable declarations

@@ -817,3 +816,138 @@ NorFlashReset (
   SEND_NOR_COMMAND (Instance->DeviceBaseAddress, 0, P30_CMD_READ_ARRAY);

   return EFI_SUCCESS;




+ * This function unlock and erase an entire NOR Flash block.



+NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock (


+  IN UINTN               BlockAddress

+  )


+  EFI_STATUS  Status;

+  UINTN       Index;

+  EFI_TPL     OriginalTPL;


+  NorFlashLock (&OriginalTPL);


+  Index = 0;

+  // The block erase might fail a first time (SW bug ?). Retry it ...

+  do {

+    // Unlock the block if we have to

+    Status = NorFlashUnlockSingleBlockIfNecessary (Instance, BlockAddress);

+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+      break;

+    }


+    Status = NorFlashEraseSingleBlock (Instance, BlockAddress);

+    Index++;

+  } while ((Index < NOR_FLASH_ERASE_RETRY) && (Status == EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED));


+  if (Index == NOR_FLASH_ERASE_RETRY) {

+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "EraseSingleBlock(BlockAddress=0x%08x: Block Locked 
Error (try to erase %d times)\n", BlockAddress, Index));

+  }


+  NorFlashUnlock (OriginalTPL);


+  return Status;




+NorFlashWriteFullBlock (


+  IN EFI_LBA             Lba,

+  IN UINT32              *DataBuffer,

+  IN UINT32              BlockSizeInWords

+  )


+  EFI_STATUS  Status;

+  UINTN       WordAddress;

+  UINT32      WordIndex;

+  UINTN       BufferIndex;

+  UINTN       BlockAddress;

+  UINTN       BuffersInBlock;

+  UINTN       RemainingWords;

+  EFI_TPL     OriginalTPL;

+  UINTN       Cnt;


+  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;


+  // Get the physical address of the block

+  BlockAddress = GET_NOR_BLOCK_ADDRESS (Instance->RegionBaseAddress, Lba, 
BlockSizeInWords * 4);


+  // Start writing from the first address at the start of the block

+  WordAddress = BlockAddress;


+  NorFlashLock (&OriginalTPL);


+  Status = NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock (Instance, BlockAddress);

+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "WriteSingleBlock: ERROR - Failed to Unlock and Erase 
the single block at 0x%X\n", BlockAddress));

+    goto EXIT;

+  }


+  // To speed up the programming operation, NOR Flash is programmed using the 
Buffered Programming method.


+  // Check that the address starts at a 32-word boundary, i.e. last 7 bits 
must be zero

+  if ((WordAddress & BOUNDARY_OF_32_WORDS) == 0x00) {

+    // First, break the entire block into buffer-sized chunks.

+    BuffersInBlock = (UINTN)(BlockSizeInWords * 4) / 


+    // Then feed each buffer chunk to the NOR Flash

+    // If a buffer does not contain any data, don't write it.

+    for (BufferIndex = 0;

+         BufferIndex < BuffersInBlock;

+         BufferIndex++, WordAddress += P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES, 

+         )

+    {

+      // Check the buffer to see if it contains any data (not set all 1s).

+      for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS; Cnt++) {

+        if (~DataBuffer[Cnt] != 0 ) {

+          // Some data found, write the buffer.

+          Status = NorFlashWriteBuffer (

+                     Instance,

+                     WordAddress,

+                     P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES,

+                     DataBuffer

+                     );

+          if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+            goto EXIT;

+          }


+          break;

+        }

+      }

+    }


+    // Finally, finish off any remaining words that are less than the maximum 
size of the buffer

+    RemainingWords = BlockSizeInWords % P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS;


+    if (RemainingWords != 0) {

+      Status = NorFlashWriteBuffer (Instance, WordAddress, (RemainingWords * 
4), DataBuffer);

+      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+        goto EXIT;

+      }

+    }

+  } else {

+    // For now, use the single word programming algorithm

+    // It is unlikely that the NOR Flash will exist in an address which falls 
within a 32 word boundary range,

+    // i.e. which ends in the range 0x......01 - 0x......7F.

+    for (WordIndex = 0; WordIndex < BlockSizeInWords; WordIndex++, 
DataBuffer++, WordAddress = WordAddress + 4) {

+      Status = NorFlashWriteSingleWord (Instance, WordAddress, *DataBuffer);

+      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+        goto EXIT;

+      }

+    }

+  }



+  NorFlashUnlock (OriginalTPL);


+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "NOR FLASH Programming [WriteSingleBlock] failed at 
address 0x%08x. Exit Status = \"%r\".\n", WordAddress, Status));

+  }


+  return Status;


diff --git a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.c 
index b1e01169c24e..4bad6e9b2a6b 100644
--- a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.c
+++ b/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe.c
@@ -174,161 +174,6 @@ NorFlashCreateInstance (
   return Status;



- * This function unlock and erase an entire NOR Flash block.

- **/


-NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock (


-  IN UINTN               BlockAddress

-  )


-  EFI_STATUS  Status;

-  UINTN       Index;

-  EFI_TPL     OriginalTPL;


-  if (!EfiAtRuntime ()) {

-    // Raise TPL to TPL_HIGH to stop anyone from interrupting us.

-    OriginalTPL = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_HIGH_LEVEL);

-  } else {

-    // This initialization is only to prevent the compiler to complain about 

-    // use of uninitialized variables

-    OriginalTPL = TPL_HIGH_LEVEL;

-  }


-  Index = 0;

-  // The block erase might fail a first time (SW bug ?). Retry it ...

-  do {

-    // Unlock the block if we have to

-    Status = NorFlashUnlockSingleBlockIfNecessary (Instance, BlockAddress);

-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-      break;

-    }


-    Status = NorFlashEraseSingleBlock (Instance, BlockAddress);

-    Index++;

-  } while ((Index < NOR_FLASH_ERASE_RETRY) && (Status == EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED));


-  if (Index == NOR_FLASH_ERASE_RETRY) {

-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "EraseSingleBlock(BlockAddress=0x%08x: Block Locked 
Error (try to erase %d times)\n", BlockAddress, Index));

-  }


-  if (!EfiAtRuntime ()) {

-    // Interruptions can resume.

-    gBS->RestoreTPL (OriginalTPL);

-  }


-  return Status;




-NorFlashWriteFullBlock (


-  IN EFI_LBA             Lba,

-  IN UINT32              *DataBuffer,

-  IN UINT32              BlockSizeInWords

-  )


-  EFI_STATUS  Status;

-  UINTN       WordAddress;

-  UINT32      WordIndex;

-  UINTN       BufferIndex;

-  UINTN       BlockAddress;

-  UINTN       BuffersInBlock;

-  UINTN       RemainingWords;

-  EFI_TPL     OriginalTPL;

-  UINTN       Cnt;


-  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;


-  // Get the physical address of the block

-  BlockAddress = GET_NOR_BLOCK_ADDRESS (Instance->RegionBaseAddress, Lba, 
BlockSizeInWords * 4);


-  // Start writing from the first address at the start of the block

-  WordAddress = BlockAddress;


-  if (!EfiAtRuntime ()) {

-    // Raise TPL to TPL_HIGH to stop anyone from interrupting us.

-    OriginalTPL = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_HIGH_LEVEL);

-  } else {

-    // This initialization is only to prevent the compiler to complain about 

-    // use of uninitialized variables

-    OriginalTPL = TPL_HIGH_LEVEL;

-  }


-  Status = NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock (Instance, BlockAddress);

-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "WriteSingleBlock: ERROR - Failed to Unlock and Erase 
the single block at 0x%X\n", BlockAddress));

-    goto EXIT;

-  }


-  // To speed up the programming operation, NOR Flash is programmed using the 
Buffered Programming method.


-  // Check that the address starts at a 32-word boundary, i.e. last 7 bits 
must be zero

-  if ((WordAddress & BOUNDARY_OF_32_WORDS) == 0x00) {

-    // First, break the entire block into buffer-sized chunks.

-    BuffersInBlock = (UINTN)(BlockSizeInWords * 4) / 


-    // Then feed each buffer chunk to the NOR Flash

-    // If a buffer does not contain any data, don't write it.

-    for (BufferIndex = 0;

-         BufferIndex < BuffersInBlock;

-         BufferIndex++, WordAddress += P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES, 

-         )

-    {

-      // Check the buffer to see if it contains any data (not set all 1s).

-      for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS; Cnt++) {

-        if (~DataBuffer[Cnt] != 0 ) {

-          // Some data found, write the buffer.

-          Status = NorFlashWriteBuffer (

-                     Instance,

-                     WordAddress,

-                     P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES,

-                     DataBuffer

-                     );

-          if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-            goto EXIT;

-          }


-          break;

-        }

-      }

-    }


-    // Finally, finish off any remaining words that are less than the maximum 
size of the buffer

-    RemainingWords = BlockSizeInWords % P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS;


-    if (RemainingWords != 0) {

-      Status = NorFlashWriteBuffer (Instance, WordAddress, (RemainingWords * 
4), DataBuffer);

-      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-        goto EXIT;

-      }

-    }

-  } else {

-    // For now, use the single word programming algorithm

-    // It is unlikely that the NOR Flash will exist in an address which falls 
within a 32 word boundary range,

-    // i.e. which ends in the range 0x......01 - 0x......7F.

-    for (WordIndex = 0; WordIndex < BlockSizeInWords; WordIndex++, 
DataBuffer++, WordAddress = WordAddress + 4) {

-      Status = NorFlashWriteSingleWord (Instance, WordAddress, *DataBuffer);

-      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-        goto EXIT;

-      }

-    }

-  }



-  if (!EfiAtRuntime ()) {

-    // Interruptions can resume.

-    gBS->RestoreTPL (OriginalTPL);

-  }


-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "NOR FLASH Programming [WriteSingleBlock] failed at 
address 0x%08x. Exit Status = \"%r\".\n", WordAddress, Status));

-  }


-  return Status;





 NorFlashInitialise (

@@ -549,3 +394,41 @@ NorFlashVirtualNotifyEvent (





+  Lock all pending read/write to Nor flash device


+  @param[in]     *OriginalTPL     Pointer to Nor flash device Original TPL.




+NorFlashLock (

+  IN EFI_TPL  *OriginalTPL

+  )


+  if (!EfiAtRuntime ()) {

+    // Raise TPL to TPL_HIGH to stop anyone from interrupting us.

+    *OriginalTPL = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_HIGH_LEVEL);

+  } else {

+    // This initialization is only to prevent the compiler to complain about 

+    // use of uninitialized variables

+    *OriginalTPL = TPL_HIGH_LEVEL;

+  }




+  Unlock all pending read/write to Nor flash device


+  @param[in]     OriginalTPL     Nor flash device Original TPL.




+NorFlashUnlock (

+  IN EFI_TPL  OriginalTPL

+  )


+  if (!EfiAtRuntime ()) {

+    // Interruptions can resume.

+    gBS->RestoreTPL (OriginalTPL);

+  }


diff --git a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashStandaloneMm.c 
index f2919265139b..5bff524e5e18 100644
--- a/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashStandaloneMm.c
+++ b/Platform/ARM/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashStandaloneMm.c
@@ -153,131 +153,6 @@ NorFlashCreateInstance (
   return Status;



- * This function unlock and erase an entire NOR Flash block.

- **/


-NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock (


-  IN UINTN               BlockAddress

-  )


-  EFI_STATUS  Status;

-  UINTN       Index;


-  Index = 0;

-  // The block erase might fail a first time (SW bug ?). Retry it ...

-  do {

-    // Unlock the block if we have to

-    Status = NorFlashUnlockSingleBlockIfNecessary (Instance, BlockAddress);

-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-      break;

-    }


-    Status = NorFlashEraseSingleBlock (Instance, BlockAddress);

-    Index++;

-  } while ((Index < NOR_FLASH_ERASE_RETRY) && (Status == EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED));


-  if (Index == NOR_FLASH_ERASE_RETRY) {

-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "EraseSingleBlock(BlockAddress=0x%08x: Block Locked 
Error (try to erase %d times)\n", BlockAddress, Index));

-  }


-  return Status;




-NorFlashWriteFullBlock (


-  IN EFI_LBA             Lba,

-  IN UINT32              *DataBuffer,

-  IN UINT32              BlockSizeInWords

-  )


-  EFI_STATUS  Status;

-  UINTN       WordAddress;

-  UINT32      WordIndex;

-  UINTN       BufferIndex;

-  UINTN       BlockAddress;

-  UINTN       BuffersInBlock;

-  UINTN       RemainingWords;

-  UINTN       Cnt;


-  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;


-  // Get the physical address of the block

-  BlockAddress = GET_NOR_BLOCK_ADDRESS (Instance->RegionBaseAddress, Lba, 
BlockSizeInWords * 4);


-  // Start writing from the first address at the start of the block

-  WordAddress = BlockAddress;


-  Status = NorFlashUnlockAndEraseSingleBlock (Instance, BlockAddress);

-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "WriteSingleBlock: ERROR - Failed to Unlock and Erase 
the single block at 0x%X\n", BlockAddress));

-    goto EXIT;

-  }


-  // To speed up the programming operation, NOR Flash is programmed using the 
Buffered Programming method.


-  // Check that the address starts at a 32-word boundary, i.e. last 7 bits 
must be zero

-  if ((WordAddress & BOUNDARY_OF_32_WORDS) == 0x00) {

-    // First, break the entire block into buffer-sized chunks.

-    BuffersInBlock = (UINTN)(BlockSizeInWords * 4) / 


-    // Then feed each buffer chunk to the NOR Flash

-    // If a buffer does not contain any data, don't write it.

-    for (BufferIndex = 0;

-         BufferIndex < BuffersInBlock;

-         BufferIndex++, WordAddress += P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES, 

-         )

-    {

-      // Check the buffer to see if it contains any data (not set all 1s).

-      for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS; Cnt++) {

-        if (~DataBuffer[Cnt] != 0 ) {

-          // Some data found, write the buffer.

-          Status = NorFlashWriteBuffer (

-                     Instance,

-                     WordAddress,

-                     P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES,

-                     DataBuffer

-                     );

-          if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-            goto EXIT;

-          }


-          break;

-        }

-      }

-    }


-    // Finally, finish off any remaining words that are less than the maximum 
size of the buffer

-    RemainingWords = BlockSizeInWords % P30_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS;


-    if (RemainingWords != 0) {

-      Status = NorFlashWriteBuffer (Instance, WordAddress, (RemainingWords * 
4), DataBuffer);

-      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-        goto EXIT;

-      }

-    }

-  } else {

-    // For now, use the single word programming algorithm

-    // It is unlikely that the NOR Flash will exist in an address which falls 
within a 32 word boundary range,

-    // i.e. which ends in the range 0x......01 - 0x......7F.

-    for (WordIndex = 0; WordIndex < BlockSizeInWords; WordIndex++, 
DataBuffer++, WordAddress = WordAddress + 4) {

-      Status = NorFlashWriteSingleWord (Instance, WordAddress, *DataBuffer);

-      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-        goto EXIT;

-      }

-    }

-  }



-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "NOR FLASH Programming [WriteSingleBlock] failed at 
address 0x%08x. Exit Status = \"%r\".\n", WordAddress, Status));

-  }


-  return Status;





 NorFlashInitialise (

@@ -382,3 +257,29 @@ NorFlashFvbInitialize (

   return Status;




+  Lock all pending read/write to Nor flash device


+  @param[in]     OriginalTPL     Nor flash device Original TPL.




+NorFlashLock (

+  IN EFI_TPL  *OriginalTPL

+  )





+  Unlock all pending read/write to Nor flash device


+  @param[in]     OriginalTPL     Nor flash device Original TPL.




+NorFlashUnlock (

+  IN EFI_TPL  OriginalTPL

+  )




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