From: Abner Chang <>

PR # 5491

In V2, add patch 6/6 contibuted by Nvidia for updating BIOS
menu path implementation based on the performance improvement.

In this patch set,
1 We enhance the config language searching algorithm.
  As the performance of searching config language using HII GetString is
  pretty slow. For the example, 1800 HII BIOS options takes over 30 mins
  to build up the metadata required for Redfish BIOS resource. With this
  improvement, it only takes 4 seconds.

2.Introduce the Redfish debug framework, there are three edk2 Redfish
  debug scopes.
  a. PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel, DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY to enable debug message
     for edk2 Redfish.
  b. PcdRedfishDebugCategory, enablement of individule edk2 Redfish
     component. Currently we only support RedfishPlatformConfigDxe
  c. PcdRedfishPlatformConfigDebugProperty, edk2 Redfish module debug
     scope. This PCD is used by RedfishPlatformConfigDxe debug enablement.

3 This patch set also fixes an issue that deletes HII string unexpectedly.

Signed-off-by: Abner Chang <>
Co-authored-by: Nickle Wang <>
Cc: Igor Kulchytskyy <>

Abner Chang (4):
  RedfishPkg/RedfishDebugLib: Introduce Redfish DEBUG macro
  RedfishPkg/RedfishPlatformConfigDxe:Add RefishDebugLib support
  RedfishPkg/RedfishPlatformConfigDxe: HII string is deleted
  EmulatorPkg/Redfish: Use edk2 Redfish debug PCDs

Nickle Wang (1):
  RedfishPkg/RedfishPlatformConfigDxe: support menu path report

abnchang (1):
  RedfishPkg/RedfishPlatformConfigDxe: Config language searching

 RedfishPkg/RedfishPkg.dec                     |  24 +
 EmulatorPkg/EmulatorPkg.dsc                   |  21 +
 .../RedfishDebugLib/RedfishDebugLib.inf       |   4 +
 .../RedfishPlatformConfigDxe.inf              |   8 +
 RedfishPkg/Include/Library/RedfishDebugLib.h  |  43 +-
 .../RedfishPlatformConfigDxe.h                |  48 +-
 .../RedfishPlatformConfigImpl.h               | 135 ++-
 .../Library/RedfishDebugLib/RedfishDebugLib.c |  55 +-
 .../RedfishPlatformConfigCapability.c         |  58 ++
 .../RedfishPlatformConfigDxe.c                |  89 +-
 .../RedfishPlatformConfigImpl.c               | 928 ++++++++++++++++--
 11 files changed, 1240 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 


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