During the Incremental build GenerateByteArrayValue used to generate the
ByteArrayValue even when there is no change in the PCD/VPDs. which is
time consuming API based on the number of PCD/VPDs and SKU IDs.

The optimization is that GenerateByteArrayValue is used to store the
PcdRecordList in a JSON file for each of the arch. and during the
Incremental build this API will check if there is any change in the PCD
/VPDs then rest of the flow remains the same. if there is no change then
it will return the provious build data.

during the 1st build PcdRecordList.json is not exists, PcdRecordList
will be dumped to json file. and it will copy the output.txt as well.
Note: as the output.txt are different for different Arch, so it will be
stored in the Arch folder.
During the Incremental build check if there is any change in PCD/VPD.
if there is a change in VPD/PCD then recreate the PcdRecordList.json.
and rest of the flow remains same.
if there is no change in VPD/PCD read the output.txt and return the data

Cc: Yuwei Chen <yuwei.c...@intel.com>
Cc: Rebecca Cran <rebe...@bsdio.com>
Cc: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
Cc: Bob Feng <bob.c.f...@intel.com>
Cc: Amy Chan <amy.c...@intel.com>
Cc: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
Cc: Digant H Solanki <digant.h.sola...@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Ashraf Ali S <ashraf.al...@intel.com>
 .../Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py | 16 ++---
 .../Source/Python/Workspace/DscBuildData.py   | 72 +++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py 
index 160e3a3cd3..eec9280c8e 100644
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py
@@ -160,22 +160,18 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
     def CollectPlatformGuids(self):
         oriInfList = []
-        oriPkgSet = set()
-        PlatformPkg = set()
+        pkgSet = set()
         for Arch in self.ArchList:
             Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, 
self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
             oriInfList = Platform.Modules
             for ModuleFile in oriInfList:
                 ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Platform._Arch, 
Platform._Target, Platform._Toolchain]
-                oriPkgSet.update(ModuleData.Packages)
-                for Pkg in oriPkgSet:
-                    Guids = Pkg.Guids
-                    GlobalData.gGuidDict.update(Guids)
+                pkgSet.update(ModuleData.Packages)
             if Platform.Packages:
-                PlatformPkg.update(Platform.Packages)
-                for Pkg in PlatformPkg:
-                    Guids = Pkg.Guids
-                    GlobalData.gGuidDict.update(Guids)
+                pkgSet.update(Platform.Packages)
+        for Pkg in pkgSet:
+            Guids = Pkg.Guids
+            GlobalData.gGuidDict.update(Guids)
     def FdfProfile(self):
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/DscBuildData.py 
index 4768099343..740b8e22be 100644
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/DscBuildData.py
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/DscBuildData.py
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ from functools import reduce
 from Common.Misc import SaveFileOnChange
 from Workspace.BuildClassObject import PlatformBuildClassObject, StructurePcd, 
PcdClassObject, ModuleBuildClassObject
 from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+import json
+import shutil
 def _IsFieldValueAnArray (Value):
     Value = Value.strip()
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ def _IsFieldValueAnArray (Value):
 PcdValueInitName = 'PcdValueInit'
 PcdValueCommonName = 'PcdValueCommon'
+PcdRecordListName = 'PcdRecordList.json'
 PcdMainCHeader = '''
@@ -1599,7 +1602,7 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
         S_pcd_set = DscBuildData.OverrideByComm(S_pcd_set)
         # Create a tool to caculate structure pcd value
-        Str_Pcd_Values = self.GenerateByteArrayValue(S_pcd_set)
+        Str_Pcd_Values = self.GenerateByteArrayValue(S_pcd_set, RecordList)
         if Str_Pcd_Values:
             for (skuname, StoreName, PcdGuid, PcdName, PcdValue) in 
@@ -2750,12 +2753,61 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
             i +=1
         return ccflags
-    def GenerateByteArrayValue (self, StructuredPcds):
+    def GetStructurePcdSet (self, OutputValueFile):
+        if not os.path.isfile(OutputValueFile):
+            EdkLogger.error("GetStructurePcdSet", FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Output.txt 
doesn't exist", ExtraData=OutputValueFile)
+            return []
+        File = open (OutputValueFile, 'r')
+        FileBuffer = File.readlines()
+        File.close()
+        #start update structure pcd final value
+        StructurePcdSet = []
+        for Pcd in FileBuffer:
+            PcdValue = Pcd.split ('|')
+            PcdInfo = PcdValue[0].split ('.')
+            StructurePcdSet.append((PcdInfo[0], PcdInfo[1], PcdInfo[2], 
PcdInfo[3], PcdValue[2].strip()))
+        return StructurePcdSet
+    def GenerateByteArrayValue (self, StructuredPcds, PcdRecordList):
         # Generate/Compile/Run C application to determine if there are any 
flexible array members
         if not StructuredPcds:
+        #
+        # If the output path doesn't exists then create it
+        #
+        if not os.path.exists(self.OutputPath):
+            os.makedirs(self.OutputPath)
+        PcdRecordListPath = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, self._Arch, 
+        PcdRecordOutputValueFile = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, self._Arch, 
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(PcdRecordListPath)):
+            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(PcdRecordListPath))
+        #
+        # Check if the PcdRecordList.json exists or not
+        # if exits then it might be a incremental build then check if the 
PcdRecord list has been changed or not.
+        # if changed then proceed further, if not changed then return the 
stored data from earlier build
+        #
+        if os.path.isfile(PcdRecordListPath):
+            with open(PcdRecordListPath, 'r') as file:
+                file_content_str = file.read()
+                if file_content_str:
+                    # Use json.loads to convert the string back to a list
+                    file_content = json.loads(file_content_str)
+                    # Check if all PcdRecordList in record_set are present in 
+                    # and if there are no extra PcdRecordList in file_content
+                    if set(map(tuple, PcdRecordList)) == set(map(tuple, 
+                        return 
+        #
+        # 1st build, create the PcdRecordList.json
+        # update the record as PCD Input has been changed in incremental build
+        #
+        with open(PcdRecordListPath, 'w') as file:
+            json.dump(PcdRecordList, file)
         InitByteValue = ""
         CApp = PcdMainCHeader
@@ -2832,8 +2884,6 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
         CApp = CApp + PcdMainCEntry + '\n'
-        if not os.path.exists(self.OutputPath):
-            os.makedirs(self.OutputPath)
         CAppBaseFileName = os.path.join(self.OutputPath, PcdValueInitName)
         SaveFileOnChange(CAppBaseFileName + '.c', CApp, False)
@@ -3042,17 +3092,11 @@ class DscBuildData(PlatformBuildClassObject):
             if returncode != 0:
                 EdkLogger.warn('Build', COMMAND_FAILURE, 'Can not collect 
output from command: %s\n%s\n%s\n' % (Command, StdOut, StdErr))
-        #start update structure pcd final value
-        File = open (OutputValueFile, 'r')
-        FileBuffer = File.readlines()
-        File.close()
+        # Copy output file for each Arch
+        shutil.copyfile(OutputValueFile, PcdRecordOutputValueFile)
-        StructurePcdSet = []
-        for Pcd in FileBuffer:
-            PcdValue = Pcd.split ('|')
-            PcdInfo = PcdValue[0].split ('.')
-            StructurePcdSet.append((PcdInfo[0], PcdInfo[1], PcdInfo[2], 
PcdInfo[3], PcdValue[2].strip()))
-        return StructurePcdSet
+        # return structure pcd final value
+        return self.GetStructurePcdSet(OutputValueFile)
     def NeedUpdateOutput(OutputFile, ValueCFile, StructureInput):

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