Hi Ray,

For you two comments:

BTY, can you review the other UefiCpuPkg patches in this series?

On 2023/12/13 下午1:17, Ni, Ray wrote:
Thanks for providing such a cleaner lib API.
Only 2 comments in below:

+                                    EFI_MEMORY_WC  | \
+                                    EFI_MEMORY_WT  | \
+                                    EFI_MEMORY_WB  | \
+                                    EFI_MEMORY_UCE   \
+                                    )
1. Why do you need to define the EFI_MEMORY_CACHETYPE_MASK here?
Can you just mention that the following APIs only return 5 bits: UC/WC/WT/WB/UCE
without defining the EFI_MEMORY_CACHETYPE_MASK?
Agree, I will remove this definition in V5 and if someone uses this macro, it will be private.

+typedef struct {
+  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS    PhysicalBase;
+  EFI_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS     VirtualBase;
+  UINTN                   Length;
+  UINTN                   Attributes;
+  Finds the length and memory properties of the memory region
corresponding to the specified base address.
+  @param[in]  BaseAddress    To find the base address of the memory
+  @param[in]  EndAddress     To find the end address of the memory
+  @param[out]  RegionLength    The length of the memory region
+  @param[out]  RegionAttributes    Properties of the memory region
+  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS    The corresponding memory area was
successfully found
+           EFI_NOT_FOUND    No memory area found
+GetMemoryRegionAttributes (
+  IN     UINTN  BaseAddress,
+  IN     UINTN  EndAddress,
+  OUT    UINTN  *RegionLength,
+  OUT    UINTN  *RegionAttributes
+  );
2. If the actual memory ranges are as follows:
[0 - 1M, UC]
[1M - 1G, WB]

What's the result of following call:
a. GetMemoryRegionAttributes (512KB, 1MB)
b. GetMemoryRegionAttributes (512KB, 2MB)
Yes, if the given memory region has two or more types of attributes, this API may return the first attribute, I should design this API again, thanks.

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