On 11/3/23 15:16, Michael Kubacki wrote:
> On 11/3/2023 9:06 AM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>> On 11/2/23 21:03, Michael Kubacki wrote:
>>> From: Michael Kubacki <michael.kuba...@microsoft.com>
>>> The code in this directory is licensed under Apache License, Version
>>> 2.0. Therefore, the directory is listed under paths with licenses
>>> other than BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent. The directory link points to the
>>> complete Apache License, Version 2.0 on apache.org.
>>> Cc: Andrew Fish <af...@apple.com>
>>> Cc: Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
>>> Cc: Leif Lindholm <quic_llind...@quicinc.com>
>>> Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
>>> Signed-off-by: Michael Kubacki <michael.kuba...@microsoft.com>
>>> ---
>>>   ReadMe.rst | 1 +
>>>   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>> diff --git a/ReadMe.rst b/ReadMe.rst
>>> index 06fb122ef382..808ccd37af50 100644
>>> --- a/ReadMe.rst
>>> +++ b/ReadMe.rst
>>> @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ The majority of the content in the EDK II open
>>> source project uses a
>>>   source project contains the following components that are covered
>>> by additional
>>>   licenses:
>>>   +-  `BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze
>>> <https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>`__
>>>   -  `BaseTools/Source/C/LzmaCompress
>>> <BaseTools/Source/C/LzmaCompress/LZMA-SDK-README.txt>`__
>>>   -  `BaseTools/Source/C/VfrCompile/Pccts
>>> <BaseTools/Source/C/VfrCompile/Pccts/RIGHTS>`__
>>>   -  `CryptoPkg\Library\BaseCryptLib\SysCall\inet_pton.c
>>> <CryptoPkg\Library\BaseCryptLib\SysCall\inet_pton.c>`__
>> I've carefully read through the cover letter now (impressive work!). I
>> have some questions, with reference to Leif's comment at
>> <https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/110475> as well:
>> - Is the BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze subdirectory not supposed to
>> contain a standalone "COPYING" or similar file?
>> If not, then the current patch seems fine:
>> Reviewed-by: Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
> I wasn't aware of anything further needed for the Apache License 2.0.
> I'm familiar with COPYING in the context of GNU licensing
> (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html). I don't see it applying
> directly to the Apache licensing process as I understand it.

Apologies, I was unclear.

My point was only that, if the copyright notices were included inside the local 
subdir, then we should point this reference too to that local file. And, I 
thought that any project would include such a separate file (which we'd now 

Given that that is not the case, just apply my R-b. :)

>> - I'd like to understand where the BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze/
>> contents (three files) originate from. If it was authored by Microsoft,
>> then I don't understand (per v4 series changelog in the cover letter)
>> why the Microsoft copyright notice had to be removed. And if it is not
>> original work by Microsoft, but work derived by Microsoft from other
>> original work, then it should contain both the original copyright
>> notices, and Microsofts.
> Because these are only a couple files, I tried to follow the guidance in
> "To apply the Apache License to specific files in your work..." in "How
> To Apply the Apache License to Your Work" in
> https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
> For those files I:
> 1. Made the upper text clearly state Apache License Version 2.0 with a
> link to apache.org/licenses.
> 2. Included the boilerplate text as given in the above link for
> "licensing specific files in your work".
> 3. Preserved any existing copyrights.
>    - globber.py had a pre-existing copyright preserved

Ah, indeed! Sorry, I totally missed that. Mea culpa!

>    - analyze_filter.py did not have one in the source Python file or
>      its LICENSE file


Finally, I'm just noticing that "BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze/__init__.py" 
is actually an empty file. This looks like a python trick:


So I now understand this empty __init__.py is not derived from 
<https://github.com/advanced-security/filter-sarif> -- it is a genuine addition 
under edk2, right?

But, because it is zero size (intentionally), adding a Microsoft copyright 
notice to it was deemed overkill. Is that correct?

We have a bunch of other, similarly empty __init__.py files:


> 4. Appended text stating the source of the files and a brief summary of
> the changes in this copy relative to the original.
>> The file-top comments in those three files reference
>>    https://github.com/advanced-security/filter-sarif
>> as the origin. Do the original files in that repository contain
>> copyright notices? (Or does their containing project come with a COPYING
>> or similar file?) I'm not looking for a license specification (SPDX or
>> natural language), but specifically for copyright notices on the
>> original work.
> All copyright notices from original files are preserved.

Indeed -- I'm sorry for missing that previously.

> https://github.com/advanced-security itself actually includes a local
> copy of globber.py
> https://github.com/advanced-security/filter-sarif/blob/main/globber.py.
> I dropped the Microsoft copyright in those specific files because my
> contributions the those files were not significant. If there are other
> factors to consider, please let me know and I will reconsider.

I think the only other factor here may be that you are creating the file in the 
edk2 tree.

Whenever I create a new file in edk2 (for example by copying an existent 
library instance, and customizing the code in the new instance, however 
minimally), I add a Red Hat copyright notice.

But I don't insist at all, I was just curious of the reasoning!

>> Does the <https://github.com/advanced-security> organization perhaps use
>> an over-arching copyright notice somewhere?
> I couldn't find anything.

Thanks a lot for checking!

I don't object to any of the v4 patches getting merged as posted.


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