On 10/20/23 14:25, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> On 10/20/23 13:30, John Chew wrote:
>> Hi Heinrich, Laszlo,
>> Thank you very much for your support! Really appreciate it =D
>> My account just approved few days ago, so original patch (submit few weeks 
>> back) is not in the mailing list.
> Let me rectify that in a minute.

huh, I thought I'd find the patch email as "pending moderation" in the
moderators' queue, but it's not there.

(I can see you having been added as a member; your new messages seem to
be reflected, so that should be fine.)

I assume either one of the mods mis-clicked on your initial submission
(from 29 September, I think?), rejecting or deleting it instead or
approving it, or else nobody had taken notice and your patch email
"timed out". (I don't know if that's possible with groups.io; just

Either way I think I should have it from Heinrich now...


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