From: Michael Kubacki <>

CodeQL currently runs via the codeql-analysis.yml GitHub workflow
which uses the github/codeql-action/init@v2 action (pre-build)
and the github/codeql-action/analyze@v2 action (post-build) to
setup the CodeQL environment and extract results.

This infrastructure is removed in preparation for a new design that
will directly run the CodeQL CLI as part of the build. This will
allow CodeQL to be run locally as part of the normal build process
with results that match 1:1 with CI builds.

The CodeQL CLI design is automatically driven by a set of CodeQL

  1. `CodeQlBuildPlugin` - Used to produce a CodeQL database from a
  2. `CodeQlAnalyzePlugin` - Used to analyze a CodeQL database.

This approach offers the following advantages:

  1. Provides exactly the same results locally as on a CI server.
  2. Integrates very well into IDEs such as VS Code.
  3. Very simple to use - just use normal Stuart update and build
  4. Very simple to understand - minimally wraps the official CodeQL
  5. Very simple to integrate - works like any other Stuart build
  6. Portable - not tied to Azure DevOps specific, GitHub specific,
     or other host infrastructure.
  7. Versioned - the query and filters are versioned in source
     control so easy to find and track.

The appropriate CodeQL CLI is downloaded for the host OS by passing
the `--codeql` argument to the update command.

  `stuart_update -c .pytool/ --codeql`

After that, CodeQL can be run in a build by similarly passing the
`--codeql` argument to the build command. For example:

  `stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/ --codeql`

Going forward, CI will simply use those commands in CodeQL builds
to get results instead of the CodeQL GitHub actions.

When `--codeql` is specified in the build command, each package will
contain two main artifacts in the Build directory.

  1. The CodeQL database for the package
  2. The CodeQL SARIF (result) file for the package

The CodeQL database (1) can be used to run queries against without
rebuilding any code. The SARIF result file (2) is the result of
running enabled queries against the database.

SARIF stands for Static Analysis Results Interchange Format and it
is an industry standard format for output from static analysis tools.

The SARIF file can be opened with any standard SARIF file viewer
such as this one for VS Code:

That includes the ability to jump directly to issues in the source
code file with relevant code highlighted and suggestions included.

This means that after simply adding `--codeql` to the normal build
commands, a database will be present for future querying and a SARIF
result file will be present to allow the developer to immediately
start fixing issues.

More details about the location of these and usage is in the
BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/ included in this patch series.

The CI process pushes the SARIF file to GitHub Code Scanning so the
results are generated exactly the same way they are locally.

All build logs and the SARIF file for each package are uploaded to
the GitHub action run as artifacts. If a CodeQL issue is found, a
developer can download the SARIF file directly from the GitHub action
run to fix the problem without needing to rebuild locally.

An example run of these changes showing the packages built and output
logs and SARIF files is available here:

The series enables a new set of CodeQL queries that helps find useful
issues in the codebase. So, new CodeQL results will appear in the edk2
GitHub Code Scanning area after the change. It is expected that the
community will work together to prioritize and resolve issues to improve
the quality of the codebase.

V3 Changes:

1. Add a "Resolution Guidelines" section to the CodeQL plugin readme
   file based on feedback in the October 16, 2023 Tianocore Tools &
   CI meeting to capture some notes useful in solving issues in the

V2 Changes:

1. Enable CodeQL audit mode. This is because a new patch also enables
   queries that will result in unresolved issues so audit mode is needed
   for the build to succeed.
2. Enable new CodeQL queries. This will enable new CodeQL queries so the
   issues are easier to find and track.

Links and refernces:

  - CodeQL Overview:
  - CodeQL open-source queries:
  - CodeQL CLI:
  - SARIF Specification and Information:

Cc: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <>
Cc: Rebecca Cran <>
Cc: Sean Brogan <>
Cc: Yuwei Chen <>

Michael Kubacki (7):
  Remove existing CodeQL infrastructure
  BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL: Add CodeQL build plugin
  BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL: Add integration helpers
  .pytool/ Integrate CodeQL
  .github/workflows/codeql.yml: Add CodeQL workflow
  .pytool/CISettings: Enable CodeQL audit mode
  BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL: Enable 30 queries

 .github/codeql/codeql-config.yml                       |  29 --
 .github/codeql/edk2.qls                                |  24 --
 .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml                  | 118 ------
 .github/workflows/codeql.yml                           | 338 +++++++++++++++++
 .pytool/                                  |  36 ++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/         | 222 +++++++++++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/CodeQlAnalyze_plug_in.yaml     |  13 +
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/           | 172 +++++++++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/CodeQlBuild_plug_in.yaml       |  13 +
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/CodeQlQueries.qls              | 118 ++++++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/                      | 388 
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze/            |   0
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze/      | 176 +++++++++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze/             | 132 +++++++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/codeqlcli_ext_dep.yaml         |  26 ++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/codeqlcli_linux_ext_dep.yaml   |  24 ++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/codeqlcli_windows_ext_dep.yaml |  24 ++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/common/             |   0
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/common/        |  74 ++++
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/integration/        |   0
 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/integration/   |  79 ++++
 21 files changed, 1835 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .github/codeql/codeql-config.yml
 delete mode 100644 .github/codeql/edk2.qls
 delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/codeql.yml
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/CodeQlAnalyze_plug_in.yaml
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/CodeQlBuild_plug_in.yaml
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/CodeQlQueries.qls
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/analyze/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/codeqlcli_ext_dep.yaml
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/codeqlcli_linux_ext_dep.yaml
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/codeqlcli_windows_ext_dep.yaml
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/common/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/common/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/integration/
 create mode 100644 BaseTools/Plugin/CodeQL/integration/


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