From: Taylor Beebe <>

Update function headers to clarify the contract of each function and
improve readability. Add NULL checks to all functions that take a
pointer as an argument. Add return status to functions that
may need to return early due to invalid input.

Cc: Jian J Wang <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Cc: Dandan Bi <>
 MdeModulePkg/Library/ImagePropertiesRecordLib/ImagePropertiesRecordLib.c | 290 
 MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/ImagePropertiesRecordLib.h                  | 137 
 2 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)

diff --git 
index 379eb0c6cccd..c9378679e7bb 100644
--- a/MdeModulePkg/Library/ImagePropertiesRecordLib/ImagePropertiesRecordLib.c
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/Library/ImagePropertiesRecordLib/ImagePropertiesRecordLib.c
@@ -22,14 +22,13 @@
   ((EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *)((UINT8 *)(MemoryDescriptor) + (Size)))
-  Converts a number of EFI_PAGEs to a size in bytes.
+  Converts a number of pages to a size in bytes.
   NOTE: Do not use EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE because it handles UINTN only.
-  @param  Pages     The number of EFI_PAGES.
+  @param[in]  Pages     The number of EFI_PAGES.
-  @return  The number of bytes associated with the number of EFI_PAGEs 
-           by Pages.
+  @retval  The number of bytes associated with the input number of pages.
@@ -45,10 +44,9 @@ EfiPagesToSize (
   NOTE: Do not use EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES because it handles UINTN only.
-  @param  Size      A size in bytes.
+  @param[in]  Size      A size in bytes.
-  @return  The number of EFI_PAGESs associated with the number of bytes 
-           by Size.
+  @retval  The number of pages associated with the input number of bytes.
@@ -61,12 +59,12 @@ EfiSizeToPages (
-  Sort memory map entries based upon PhysicalStart, from low to high.
+  Sort memory map entries based upon PhysicalStart from low to high.
-  @param  MemoryMap              A pointer to the buffer in which firmware 
-                                 the current memory map.
-  @param  MemoryMapSize          Size, in bytes, of the MemoryMap buffer.
-  @param  DescriptorSize         Size, in bytes, of an individual 
+  @param[in, out] MemoryMap       A pointer to the buffer in which firmware 
+                                  the current memory map.
+  @param[in]      MemoryMapSize   Size, in bytes, of the MemoryMap buffer.
+  @param[in]      DescriptorSize  Size, in bytes, of an individual 
@@ -105,11 +103,12 @@ SortMemoryMap (
   Return the first image record, whose [ImageBase, ImageSize] covered by 
[Buffer, Length].
-  @param Buffer           Start Address
-  @param Length           Address length
-  @param ImageRecordList  Image record list
+  @param[in] Buffer           Starting Address
+  @param[in] Length           Length to check
+  @param[in] ImageRecordList  A list of IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD entries to 
check against
+                              the memory range Buffer -> Buffer + Length
-  @return first image record covered by [buffer, length]
+  @retval The first image record covered by [Buffer, Length]
@@ -144,17 +143,19 @@ GetImageRecordByAddress (
-  Set the memory map to new entries, according to one old entry,
-  based upon PE code section and data section in image record
+  Break up the input OldRecord into multiple new records based on the code
+  and data sections in the input ImageRecord.
-  @param  ImageRecord            An image record whose [ImageBase, ImageSize] 
-                                 by old memory map entry.
-  @param  NewRecord              A pointer to several new memory map entries.
-                                 The caller gurantee the buffer size be 1 +
-                                 (SplitRecordCount * DescriptorSize) calculated
-                                 below.
-  @param  OldRecord              A pointer to one old memory map entry.
-  @param  DescriptorSize         Size, in bytes, of an individual 
+  @param[in]        ImageRecord       An IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD whose 
ImageBase and
+                                      ImageSize is covered by by OldRecord.
+  @param[in, out]   NewRecord         A pointer to several new memory map 
+                                      The caller gurantee the buffer size be 1 
+                                      (SplitRecordCount * DescriptorSize) 
+                                      below.
+  @param[in]        OldRecord         A pointer to one old memory map entry.
+  @param[in]        DescriptorSize    The size, in bytes, of an individual 
+  @retval The number of new descriptors created.
@@ -244,16 +245,16 @@ SetNewRecord (
-  Return the max number of new splitted entries, according to one old entry,
-  based upon PE code section and data section.
+  Return the maximum number of new entries required to describe the code and 
data sections
+  of all images covered by the input OldRecord.
-  @param  OldRecord              A pointer to one old memory map entry.
-  @param  ImageRecordList        A list of IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD entries 
used when searching
-                                 for an image record contained by the memory 
range described in
-                                 the existing EFI memory map descriptor 
+  @param[in]  OldRecord         A pointer to one old memory map entry.
+  @param[in]  ImageRecordList   A list of IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD entries used 
when searching
+                                for an image record contained by the memory 
range described by
+                                OldRecord
-  @retval  0 no entry need to be splitted.
-  @return  the max number of new splitted entries
+  @retval  The maximum number of new descriptors required to describe the code 
and data sections
+           of all images covered by OldRecord.
@@ -289,22 +290,20 @@ GetMaxSplitRecordCount (
-  Split the memory map to new entries, according to one old entry,
-  based upon PE code section and data section.
+  Split the memory map into new entries based upon the PE code and data 
+  in ImageRecordList covered by the input OldRecord.
-  @param        OldRecord             A pointer to one old memory map entry.
-  @param        NewRecord             A pointer to several new memory map 
-                                      The caller gurantee the buffer size be 1 
-                                      (SplitRecordCount * DescriptorSize) 
-                                      below.
-  @param        MaxSplitRecordCount   The max number of splitted entries
-  @param        DescriptorSize        Size, in bytes, of an individual 
-  @param        ImageRecordList       A list of IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD 
entries used when searching
-                                      for an image record contained by the 
memory range described in
-                                      the existing EFI memory map descriptor 
+  @param[in]        OldRecord             A pointer to one old memory map 
+  @param[in, out]   NewRecord             A pointer to several new memory map 
+                                          The caller gurantee the buffer size 
+                                          (SplitRecordCount * DescriptorSize).
+  @param[in]        MaxSplitRecordCount   The maximum number of entries 
+  @param[in]        DescriptorSize        The size, in bytes, of an individual 
+  @param[in]        ImageRecordList       A list of IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD 
entries used when searching
+                                          for an image record contained by the 
memory range described in
+                                          the existing EFI memory map 
descriptor OldRecord
-  @retval  0 no entry is splitted.
-  @return  the real number of splitted record.
+  @retval  The number of split entries.
@@ -402,56 +401,47 @@ SplitRecord (
-  Split the original memory map, and add more entries to describe PE code 
section and data section.
-  This function will set EfiRuntimeServicesData to be EFI_MEMORY_XP.
-  This function will merge entries with same attributes finally.
+  Split the original memory map and add more entries to describe PE code
+  and data sections for each image in the input ImageRecordList.
-  NOTE: It assumes PE code/data section are page aligned.
-  NOTE: It assumes enough entry is prepared for new memory map.
+  NOTE: This function assumes PE code/data section are page aligned.
+  NOTE: This function assumes there are enough entries for the new memory map.
-  Split table:
-   +---------------+
-   | Record X      |
-   +---------------+
-   | Record RtCode |
-   +---------------+
-   | Record Y      |
-   +---------------+
-   ==>
-   +---------------+
-   | Record X      |
-   +---------------+ ----
-   | Record RtData |     |
-   +---------------+     |
-   | Record RtCode |     |-> PE/COFF1
-   +---------------+     |
-   | Record RtData |     |
-   +---------------+ ----
-   | Record RtData |     |
-   +---------------+     |
-   | Record RtCode |     |-> PE/COFF2
-   +---------------+     |
-   | Record RtData |     |
-   +---------------+ ----
-   | Record Y      |
-   +---------------+
+  |         |      |      |      |      |      |         |
+  |         |      |      |      |      |      |         |
+  Assume the above memory region is the result of one split memory map 
descriptor. It's unlikely
+  that a linker will orient an image this way, but the caller must assume the 
worst case scenario.
+  This image layout example contains code sections oriented in a way that 
maximizes the number of
+  descriptors which would be required to describe each section. To ensure we 
have enough space
+  for every descriptor of the broken up memory map, the caller must assume 
that every image will
+  have the maximum number of code sections oriented in a way which maximizes 
the number of data
+  sections with unrelated memory regions flanking each image within a single 
-  @param  MemoryMapSize                   A pointer to the size, in bytes, of 
-                                          MemoryMap buffer. On input, this is 
the size of
-                                          old MemoryMap before split. The 
actual buffer
-                                          size of MemoryMap is MemoryMapSize +
-                                          (AdditionalRecordCount * 
DescriptorSize) calculated
-                                          below. On output, it is the size of 
new MemoryMap
-                                          after split.
-  @param  MemoryMap                       A pointer to the buffer in which 
firmware places
-                                          the current memory map.
-  @param  DescriptorSize                  Size, in bytes, of an individual 
-  @param  ImageRecordList                 A list of IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD 
entries used when searching
-                                          for an image record contained by the 
memory range described in
-                                          EFI memory map descriptors.
-  @param  NumberOfAdditionalDescriptors   The number of unused descriptors at 
the end of the input MemoryMap.
+  Given an image record list, the caller should use the following formula when 
allocating extra descriptors:
+  NumberOfAdditionalDescriptors = (MemoryMapSize / DescriptorSize) +
+                                    ((2 * <Most Code Segments in a Single 
Image> + 3) * <Number of Images>)
+  @param[in, out] MemoryMapSize                   IN:   The size, in bytes, of 
the old memory map before the split.
+                                                  OUT:  The size, in bytes, of 
the used descriptors of the split
+                                                        memory map
+  @param[in, out] MemoryMap                       IN:   A pointer to the 
buffer containing the current memory map.
+                                                        This buffer must have 
enough space to accomodate the "worst case"
+                                                        scenario where every 
image in ImageRecordList needs a new descriptor
+                                                        to describe its code 
and data sections.
+                                                  OUT:  A pointer to the 
updated memory map with separated image section
+                                                        descriptors.
+  @param[in]      DescriptorSize                  The size, in bytes, of an 
+  @param[in]      ImageRecordList                 A list of 
IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD entries used when searching
+                                                  for an image record 
contained by the memory range described in
+                                                  EFI memory map descriptors.
+  @param[in]      NumberOfAdditionalDescriptors   The number of unused 
descriptors at the end of the input MemoryMap.
+                                                  The formula in the 
description should be used to calculate this value.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                             The memory map was 
successfully split.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER                   MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, or 
ImageRecordList was NULL.
 SplitTable (
   IN OUT UINTN                  *MemoryMapSize,
@@ -468,6 +458,10 @@ SplitTable (
   UINTN  RealSplitRecordCount;
   UINTN  TotalSkippedRecords;
+  if ((MemoryMapSize == NULL) || (MemoryMap == NULL) || (ImageRecordList == 
NULL)) {
+  }
   TotalSkippedRecords = 0;
   // Let old record point to end of valid MemoryMap buffer.
@@ -518,16 +512,19 @@ SplitTable (
   *MemoryMapSize = (IndexNewStarting - IndexNew - TotalSkippedRecords) * 
-  return;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Swap two code sections in image record.
+  Swap two code sections in a single IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD.
-  @param  FirstImageRecordCodeSection    first code section in image record
-  @param  SecondImageRecordCodeSection   second code section in image record
+  @param[in]  FirstImageRecordCodeSection    The first code section
+  @param[in]  SecondImageRecordCodeSection   The second code section
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                        The code sections were swapped 
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER              FirstImageRecordCodeSection or 
SecondImageRecordCodeSection is NULL
 SwapImageRecordCodeSection (
@@ -536,6 +533,10 @@ SwapImageRecordCodeSection (
+  if ((FirstImageRecordCodeSection == NULL) || (SecondImageRecordCodeSection 
== NULL)) {
+  }
   TempImageRecordCodeSection.CodeSegmentBase = 
   TempImageRecordCodeSection.CodeSegmentSize = 
@@ -544,19 +545,26 @@ SwapImageRecordCodeSection (
   SecondImageRecordCodeSection->CodeSegmentBase = 
   SecondImageRecordCodeSection->CodeSegmentSize = 
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Sort code section in image record, based upon CodeSegmentBase from low to 
+  Sort the code sections in the input ImageRecord based upon CodeSegmentBase 
from low to high.
-  @param  ImageRecord    image record to be sorted
+  @param[in]  ImageRecord         IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD to be sorted
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The code sections in the input ImageRecord 
were sorted successfully
+  @retval EFI_ABORTED             An error occurred while sorting the code 
sections in the input ImageRecord
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   ImageRecord is NULL
 SortImageRecordCodeSection (
+  EFI_STATUS                            Status;
   LIST_ENTRY                            *ImageRecordCodeSectionLink;
@@ -564,6 +572,10 @@ SortImageRecordCodeSection (
   LIST_ENTRY                            *ImageRecordCodeSectionEndLink;
   LIST_ENTRY                            *ImageRecordCodeSectionList;
+  if (ImageRecord == NULL) {
+  }
   ImageRecordCodeSectionList = &ImageRecord->CodeSegmentList;
   ImageRecordCodeSectionLink     = ImageRecordCodeSectionList->ForwardLink;
@@ -584,7 +596,11 @@ SortImageRecordCodeSection (
       if (ImageRecordCodeSection->CodeSegmentBase > 
NextImageRecordCodeSection->CodeSegmentBase) {
-        SwapImageRecordCodeSection (ImageRecordCodeSection, 
+        Status = SwapImageRecordCodeSection (ImageRecordCodeSection, 
+        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+          ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+          return EFI_ABORTED;
+        }
       NextImageRecordCodeSectionLink = 
@@ -593,15 +609,20 @@ SortImageRecordCodeSection (
     ImageRecordCodeSectionLink     = ImageRecordCodeSectionLink->ForwardLink;
     NextImageRecordCodeSectionLink = ImageRecordCodeSectionLink->ForwardLink;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Check if code section in image record is valid.
+  Check if the code sections in the input ImageRecord are valid.
+  The code sections are valid if they don't overlap, are contained
+  within the the ImageRecord's ImageBase and ImageSize, and are
+  contained within the MAX_ADDRESS.
-  @param  ImageRecord    image record to be checked
+  @param[in]  ImageRecord    IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD to be checked
-  @retval TRUE  image record is valid
-  @retval FALSE image record is invalid
+  @retval TRUE  The code sections in the input ImageRecord are valid
+  @retval FALSE The code sections in the input ImageRecord are invalid
@@ -615,6 +636,10 @@ IsImageRecordCodeSectionValid (
   LIST_ENTRY                            *ImageRecordCodeSectionEndLink;
   LIST_ENTRY                            *ImageRecordCodeSectionList;
+  if (ImageRecord == NULL) {
+    return FALSE;
+  }
   DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "ImageCode SegmentCount - 0x%x\n", 
   ImageRecordCodeSectionList = &ImageRecord->CodeSegmentList;
@@ -661,10 +686,13 @@ IsImageRecordCodeSectionValid (
   Swap two image records.
-  @param  FirstImageRecord   first image record.
-  @param  SecondImageRecord  second image record.
+  @param[in]  FirstImageRecord   The first image record.
+  @param[in]  SecondImageRecord  The second image record.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The image records were swapped successfully
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  FirstImageRecord or SecondImageRecord is NULL
 SwapImageRecord (
@@ -673,6 +701,10 @@ SwapImageRecord (
+  if ((FirstImageRecord == NULL) || (SecondImageRecord == NULL)) {
+  }
   TempImageRecord.ImageBase        = FirstImageRecord->ImageBase;
   TempImageRecord.ImageSize        = FirstImageRecord->ImageSize;
   TempImageRecord.CodeSegmentCount = FirstImageRecord->CodeSegmentCount;
@@ -686,14 +718,19 @@ SwapImageRecord (
   SecondImageRecord->CodeSegmentCount = TempImageRecord.CodeSegmentCount;
   SwapListEntries (&FirstImageRecord->CodeSegmentList, 
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Sort image record based upon the ImageBase from low to high.
+  Sort the input ImageRecordList based upon the ImageBase from low to high.
-  @param ImageRecordList    Image record list to be sorted
+  @param[in] ImageRecordList    Image record list to be sorted
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The image record list was sorted successfully
+  @retval EFI_ABORTED           An error occurred while sorting the image 
record list
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ImageRecordList is NULL
 SortImageRecord (
   IN LIST_ENTRY  *ImageRecordList
@@ -704,6 +741,11 @@ SortImageRecord (
   LIST_ENTRY               *ImageRecordLink;
   LIST_ENTRY               *NextImageRecordLink;
   LIST_ENTRY               *ImageRecordEndLink;
+  EFI_STATUS               Status;
+  if (ImageRecordList == NULL) {
+  }
   ImageRecordLink     = ImageRecordList->ForwardLink;
   NextImageRecordLink = ImageRecordLink->ForwardLink;
@@ -724,7 +766,11 @@ SortImageRecord (
       if (ImageRecord->ImageBase > NextImageRecord->ImageBase) {
-        SwapImageRecord (ImageRecord, NextImageRecord);
+        Status = SwapImageRecord (ImageRecord, NextImageRecord);
+        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+          ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+          return EFI_ABORTED;
+        }
       NextImageRecordLink = NextImageRecordLink->ForwardLink;
@@ -733,16 +779,20 @@ SortImageRecord (
     ImageRecordLink     = ImageRecordLink->ForwardLink;
     NextImageRecordLink = ImageRecordLink->ForwardLink;
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
   Find image record according to image base and size.
-  @param  ImageBase           Base of PE image
-  @param  ImageSize           Size of PE image
-  @param  ImageRecordList     Image record list to be searched
+  @param[in]  ImageBase           Base of PE image
+  @param[in]  ImageSize           Size of PE image
+  @param[in]  ImageRecordList     Image record list to be searched
-  @return image record
+  @retval    NULL             No IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD matches ImageBase
+                              and ImageSize in the input ImageRecordList
+  @retval    Other            The found IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD
@@ -755,6 +805,10 @@ FindImageRecord (
   LIST_ENTRY               *ImageRecordLink;
+  if (ImageRecordList == NULL) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
   for (ImageRecordLink = ImageRecordList->ForwardLink;
        ImageRecordLink != ImageRecordList;
        ImageRecordLink = ImageRecordLink->ForwardLink)
diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/ImagePropertiesRecordLib.h 
index 9139c7b6c05d..b6365662646a 100644
--- a/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/ImagePropertiesRecordLib.h
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/ImagePropertiesRecordLib.h
@@ -32,56 +32,47 @@ typedef struct {
-  Split the original memory map, and add more entries to describe PE code 
section and data section.
-  This function will set EfiRuntimeServicesData to be EFI_MEMORY_XP.
-  This function will merge entries with same attributes finally.
+  Split the original memory map and add more entries to describe PE code
+  and data sections for each image in the input ImageRecordList.
-  NOTE: It assumes PE code/data section are page aligned.
-  NOTE: It assumes enough entry is prepared for new memory map.
+  NOTE: This function assumes PE code/data section are page aligned.
+  NOTE: This function assumes there are enough entries for the new memory map.
-  Split table:
-   +---------------+
-   | Record X      |
-   +---------------+
-   | Record RtCode |
-   +---------------+
-   | Record Y      |
-   +---------------+
-   ==>
-   +---------------+
-   | Record X      |
-   +---------------+ ----
-   | Record RtData |     |
-   +---------------+     |
-   | Record RtCode |     |-> PE/COFF1
-   +---------------+     |
-   | Record RtData |     |
-   +---------------+ ----
-   | Record RtData |     |
-   +---------------+     |
-   | Record RtCode |     |-> PE/COFF2
-   +---------------+     |
-   | Record RtData |     |
-   +---------------+ ----
-   | Record Y      |
-   +---------------+
+  |         |      |      |      |      |      |         |
+  |         |      |      |      |      |      |         |
+  Assume the above memory region is the result of one split memory map 
descriptor. It's unlikely
+  that a linker will orient an image this way, but the caller must assume the 
worst case scenario.
+  This image layout example contains code sections oriented in a way that 
maximizes the number of
+  descriptors which would be required to describe each section. To ensure we 
have enough space
+  for every descriptor of the broken up memory map, the caller must assume 
that every image will
+  have the maximum number of code sections oriented in a way which maximizes 
the number of data
+  sections with unrelated memory regions flanking each image within a single 
-  @param  MemoryMapSize                   A pointer to the size, in bytes, of 
-                                          MemoryMap buffer. On input, this is 
the size of
-                                          old MemoryMap before split. The 
actual buffer
-                                          size of MemoryMap is MemoryMapSize +
-                                          (AdditionalRecordCount * 
DescriptorSize) calculated
-                                          below. On output, it is the size of 
new MemoryMap
-                                          after split.
-  @param  MemoryMap                       A pointer to the buffer in which 
firmware places
-                                          the current memory map.
-  @param  DescriptorSize                  Size, in bytes, of an individual 
-  @param  ImageRecordList                 A list of IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD 
entries used when searching
-                                          for an image record contained by the 
memory range described in
-                                          EFI memory map descriptors.
-  @param  NumberOfAdditionalDescriptors   The number of unused descriptors at 
the end of the input MemoryMap.
+  Given an image record list, the caller should use the following formula when 
allocating extra descriptors:
+  NumberOfAdditionalDescriptors = (MemoryMapSize / DescriptorSize) +
+                                    ((2 * <Most Code Segments in a Single 
Image> + 3) * <Number of Images>)
+  @param[in, out] MemoryMapSize                   IN:   The size, in bytes, of 
the old memory map before the split.
+                                                  OUT:  The size, in bytes, of 
the used descriptors of the split
+                                                        memory map
+  @param[in, out] MemoryMap                       IN:   A pointer to the 
buffer containing the current memory map.
+                                                        This buffer must have 
enough space to accomodate the "worst case"
+                                                        scenario where every 
image in ImageRecordList needs a new descriptor
+                                                        to describe its code 
and data sections.
+                                                  OUT:  A pointer to the 
updated memory map with separated image section
+                                                        descriptors.
+  @param[in]      DescriptorSize                  The size, in bytes, of an 
+  @param[in]      ImageRecordList                 A list of 
IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD entries used when searching
+                                                  for an image record 
contained by the memory range described in
+                                                  EFI memory map descriptors.
+  @param[in]      NumberOfAdditionalDescriptors   The number of unused 
descriptors at the end of the input MemoryMap.
+                                                  The formula in the 
description should be used to calculate this value.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                             The memory map was 
successfully split.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER                   MemoryMapSize, MemoryMap, or 
ImageRecordList was NULL.
 SplitTable (
   IN OUT UINTN                  *MemoryMapSize,
@@ -92,23 +83,30 @@ SplitTable (
-  Sort code section in image record, based upon CodeSegmentBase from low to 
+  Sort the code sections in the input ImageRecord based upon CodeSegmentBase 
from low to high.
-  @param  ImageRecord    image record to be sorted
+  @param[in]  ImageRecord         IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD to be sorted
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The code sections in the input ImageRecord 
were sorted successfully
+  @retval EFI_ABORTED             An error occurred while sorting the code 
sections in the input ImageRecord
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   ImageRecord is NULL
 SortImageRecordCodeSection (
-  Check if code section in image record is valid.
+  Check if the code sections in the input ImageRecord are valid.
+  The code sections are valid if they don't overlap, are contained
+  within the the ImageRecord's ImageBase and ImageSize, and are
+  contained within the MAX_ADDRESS.
-  @param  ImageRecord    image record to be checked
+  @param[in]  ImageRecord    IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD to be checked
-  @retval TRUE  image record is valid
-  @retval FALSE image record is invalid
+  @retval TRUE  The code sections in the input ImageRecord are valid
+  @retval FALSE The code sections in the input ImageRecord are invalid
@@ -117,11 +115,15 @@ IsImageRecordCodeSectionValid (
-  Sort image record based upon the ImageBase from low to high.
+  Sort the input ImageRecordList based upon the ImageBase from low to high.
-  @param ImageRecordList    Image record list to be sorted
+  @param[in] ImageRecordList    Image record list to be sorted
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The image record list was sorted successfully
+  @retval EFI_ABORTED           An error occurred while sorting the image 
record list
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ImageRecordList is NULL
 SortImageRecord (
   IN LIST_ENTRY  *ImageRecordList
@@ -132,8 +134,11 @@ SortImageRecord (
   @param[in]  FirstImageRecord   The first image record.
   @param[in]  SecondImageRecord  The second image record.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The image records were swapped successfully
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  FirstImageRecord or SecondImageRecord is NULL
 SwapImageRecord (
@@ -145,8 +150,11 @@ SwapImageRecord (
   @param[in]  FirstImageRecordCodeSection    The first code section
   @param[in]  SecondImageRecordCodeSection   The second code section
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                        The code sections were swapped 
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER              FirstImageRecordCodeSection or 
SecondImageRecordCodeSection is NULL
 SwapImageRecordCodeSection (
@@ -154,13 +162,16 @@ SwapImageRecordCodeSection (
-  Find image record according to image base and size.
+  Find image properties record according to image base and size in the
+  input ImageRecordList.
-  @param  ImageBase           Base of PE image
-  @param  ImageSize           Size of PE image
-  @param  ImageRecordList     Image record list to be searched
+  @param[in]  ImageBase           Base of PE image
+  @param[in]  ImageSize           Size of PE image
+  @param[in]  ImageRecordList     Image record list to be searched
-  @return image record
+  @retval    NULL             No IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD matches ImageBase
+                              and ImageSize in the input ImageRecordList
+  @retval    Other            The found IMAGE_PROPERTIES_RECORD

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