Hi Mike,

It has been a week since the last movement on this. Could you please
provide feedback on this patch when you have a chance? Any input is


On 6/30/2023 4:00 PM, Michael Kubacki wrote:
Reviewed-by: Michael Kubacki <michael.kuba...@microsoft.com>

I haven't seen Mike Kinney acknowledge the changes made in response to his v1 request so we'll need to get that before merging the patch.


On 6/30/2023 2:14 PM, Kun Qin wrote:
REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4467

Current implementation of UnitTestFrameworkPkg for shell-based unit test
will save the unit test cache to the same volume as the test application
itself. This works as long as the test application is on a writable
volume, such as USB or EFI partition.

Instead of saving the files to the same file system of unit test
application, this change will save the cache file to the path where the
user ran this test application.

This change then added an input argument to allow user to specify where
to save such cache file through `--CachePath` shell argument to allow
even more flexibility.

This change was tested on proprietary physical hardware platforms and
QEMU based virtual platform.

Cc: Sean Brogan <sean.bro...@microsoft.com>
Cc: Michael Kubacki <mikub...@linux.microsoft.com>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>

Signed-off-by: Kun Qin <kuqi...@gmail.com>

     - Adding input argument [Mike Kinney]
     - No review, no change

UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem.c | 232 +++++++++++++-------
  1 file changed, 157 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem.c b/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem.c
index b59991683f48..8f7f03646cd5 100644
--- a/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem.c +++ b/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem/UnitTestPersistenceLibSimpleFileSystem.c
@@ -16,13 +16,16 @@
  #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>

  #include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>

  #include <Library/ShellLib.h>

+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>

  #include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>

  #include <UnitTestFrameworkTypes.h>

  #define CACHE_FILE_SUFFIX  L"_Cache.dat"

+CHAR16  *mCachePath = NULL;



-  Generate the device path to the cache file.

+  Generate the file name and path to the cache file.

    @param[in]  FrameworkHandle  A pointer to the framework that is being persisted.

@@ -31,8 +34,8 @@




-GetCacheFileDevicePath (

+CHAR16 *

+GetCacheFileName (




@@ -44,13 +47,11 @@ GetCacheFileDevicePath (
    CHAR16                     *TestName;

    UINTN                      DirectorySlashOffset;

    UINTN                      CacheFilePathLength;

-  EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL   *CacheFileDevicePath;

-  Framework           = (UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK *)FrameworkHandle;

-  AppPath             = NULL;

-  CacheFilePath       = NULL;

-  TestName            = NULL;

-  CacheFileDevicePath = NULL;

+  Framework     = (UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK *)FrameworkHandle;

+  AppPath       = NULL;

+  CacheFilePath = NULL;

+  TestName      = NULL;


    // First, we need to get some information from the loaded image.

@@ -85,35 +86,62 @@ GetCacheFileDevicePath (
    // PathCleanUpDirectories (FileNameCopy);

    //     if (PathRemoveLastItem (FileNameCopy)) {


-  AppPath              = ConvertDevicePathToText (LoadedImage->FilePath, TRUE, TRUE); // NOTE: This must be freed.

-  DirectorySlashOffset = StrLen (AppPath);

-  //

-  // Make sure we didn't get any weird data.

-  //

-  if (DirectorySlashOffset == 0) {

-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a - Weird 0-length string when processing app path.\n", __func__));

-    goto Exit;

-  }

+  if (mCachePath == NULL) {

+    AppPath = ConvertDevicePathToText (LoadedImage->FilePath, TRUE, TRUE); // NOTE: This must be freed.

+    if (AppPath == NULL) {

+      goto Exit;

+    }

-  //

-  // Now that we know we have a decent string, let's take a deeper look.

-  //

-  do {

-    if (AppPath[DirectorySlashOffset] == L'\\') {

-      break;

+    DirectorySlashOffset = StrLen (AppPath);

+    //

+    // Make sure we didn't get any weird data.

+    //

+    if (DirectorySlashOffset == 0) {

+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a - Weird 0-length string when processing app path.\n", __func__));

+      goto Exit;


-    DirectorySlashOffset--;

-  } while (DirectorySlashOffset > 0);

+    //

+    // Now that we know we have a decent string, let's take a deeper look.

+    //

+    do {

+      if (AppPath[DirectorySlashOffset] == L'\\') {

+        break;

+      }


+      DirectorySlashOffset--;

+    } while (DirectorySlashOffset > 0);

-  //

-  // After that little maneuver, DirectorySlashOffset should be pointing at the last '\' in AppString.

-  // That would be the path to the parent directory that the test app is executing from.

-  // Let's check and make sure that's right.

-  //

-  if (AppPath[DirectorySlashOffset] != L'\\') {

-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a - Could not find a single directory separator in app path.\n", __func__));

-    goto Exit;

+    //

+    // After that little maneuver, DirectorySlashOffset should be pointing at the last '\' in AppString.

+    // That would be the path to the parent directory that the test app is executing from.

+    // Let's check and make sure that's right.

+    //

+    if (AppPath[DirectorySlashOffset] != L'\\') {

+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a - Could not find a single directory separator in app path.\n", __func__));

+      goto Exit;

+    }

+  } else {

+    AppPath = FullyQualifyPath (mCachePath); // NOTE: This must be freed.

+    if (AppPath == NULL) {

+      goto Exit;

+    }


+    DirectorySlashOffset = StrLen (AppPath);


+    if (AppPath[DirectorySlashOffset - 1] != L'\\') {

+      // Set the slash if user did not specify it on the newly allocated pool

+      AppPath = ReallocatePool (

+                  (DirectorySlashOffset + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16),

+                  (DirectorySlashOffset + 2) * sizeof (CHAR16),

+                  AppPath

+                  );

+      AppPath[DirectorySlashOffset]     = L'\\';

+      AppPath[DirectorySlashOffset + 1] = L'\0';

+    } else {

+      // Otherwise the user input is good enough to go, mostly

+      DirectorySlashOffset--;

+    }



@@ -135,11 +163,6 @@ GetCacheFileDevicePath (
    StrCatS (CacheFilePath, CacheFilePathLength, TestName);                            // Copy the base name for the test cache.

    StrCatS (CacheFilePath, CacheFilePathLength, CACHE_FILE_SUFFIX);                   // Copy the file suffix.

-  //

-  // Finally, try to create the device path for the thing thing.

-  //

-  CacheFileDevicePath = FileDevicePath (LoadedImage->DeviceHandle, CacheFilePath);




    // Free allocated buffers.

@@ -148,15 +171,11 @@ Exit:
      FreePool (AppPath);


-  if (CacheFilePath != NULL) {

-    FreePool (CacheFilePath);

-  }


    if (TestName != NULL) {

      FreePool (TestName);


-  return CacheFileDevicePath;

+  return CacheFilePath;



@@ -175,21 +194,24 @@ DoesCacheExist (




-  EFI_STATUS                Status;

-  SHELL_FILE_HANDLE         FileHandle;

+  CHAR16             *FileName;

+  EFI_STATUS         Status;



    // NOTE: This devpath is allocated and must be freed.


-  FileDevicePath = GetCacheFileDevicePath (FrameworkHandle);

+  FileName = GetCacheFileName (FrameworkHandle);

+  if (FileName == NULL) {

+    return FALSE;

+  }


    // Check to see whether the file exists.  If the file can be opened for

    // reading, it exists.  Otherwise, probably not.


-  Status = ShellOpenFileByDevicePath (

-             &FileDevicePath,

+  Status = ShellOpenFileByName (

+             FileName,




@@ -198,8 +220,8 @@ DoesCacheExist (
      ShellCloseFile (&FileHandle);


-  if (FileDevicePath != NULL) {

-    FreePool (FileDevicePath);

+  if (FileName != NULL) {

+    FreePool (FileName);


    DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%a - Returning %d\n", __func__, !EFI_ERROR (Status)));

@@ -229,10 +251,10 @@ SaveUnitTestCache (
    IN UINTN                       SaveStateSize




-  EFI_STATUS                Status;

-  SHELL_FILE_HANDLE         FileHandle;

-  UINTN                     WriteCount;

+  CHAR16             *FileName;

+  EFI_STATUS         Status;


+  UINTN              WriteCount;


    // Check the inputs for sanity.

@@ -245,13 +267,16 @@ SaveUnitTestCache (
    // Determine the path for the cache file.

    // NOTE: This devpath is allocated and must be freed.


-  FileDevicePath = GetCacheFileDevicePath (FrameworkHandle);

+  FileName = GetCacheFileName (FrameworkHandle);

+  if (FileName == NULL) {


+  }


    // First lets open the file if it exists so we can delete it...This is the work around for truncation


-  Status = ShellOpenFileByDevicePath (

-             &FileDevicePath,

+  Status = ShellOpenFileByName (

+             FileName,




@@ -270,8 +295,8 @@ SaveUnitTestCache (

    // Now that we know the path to the file... let's open it for writing.


-  Status = ShellOpenFileByDevicePath (

-             &FileDevicePath,

+  Status = ShellOpenFileByName (

+             FileName,




@@ -304,8 +329,8 @@ SaveUnitTestCache (
    ShellCloseFile (&FileHandle);


-  if (FileDevicePath != NULL) {

-    FreePool (FileDevicePath);

+  if (FileName != NULL) {

+    FreePool (FileName);


    return Status;

@@ -334,13 +359,13 @@ LoadUnitTestCache (
    OUT UINTN                       *SaveStateSize



-  EFI_STATUS                Status;


-  SHELL_FILE_HANDLE         FileHandle;

-  BOOLEAN                   IsFileOpened;

-  UINT64                    LargeFileSize;

-  UINTN                     FileSize;

-  VOID                      *Buffer;

+  EFI_STATUS         Status;

+  CHAR16             *FileName;


+  BOOLEAN            IsFileOpened;

+  UINT64             LargeFileSize;

+  UINTN              FileSize;

+  VOID               *Buffer;

    IsFileOpened = FALSE;

    Buffer       = NULL;

@@ -356,13 +381,16 @@ LoadUnitTestCache (
    // Determine the path for the cache file.

    // NOTE: This devpath is allocated and must be freed.


-  FileDevicePath = GetCacheFileDevicePath (FrameworkHandle);

+  FileName = GetCacheFileName (FrameworkHandle);

+  if (FileName == NULL) {


+  }


    // Now that we know the path to the file... let's open it for writing.


-  Status = ShellOpenFileByDevicePath (

-             &FileDevicePath,

+  Status = ShellOpenFileByName (

+             FileName,




@@ -407,8 +435,8 @@ Exit:

    // Free allocated buffers


-  if (FileDevicePath != NULL) {

-    FreePool (FileDevicePath);

+  if (FileName != NULL) {

+    FreePool (FileName);


    if (IsFileOpened) {

@@ -426,3 +454,57 @@ Exit:
    *SaveData = Buffer;

    return Status;




+  Shell based UnitTestPersistenceLib library constructor.


+  @param[in]  ImageHandle  The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.

+  @param[in]  SystemTable  A pointer to the EFI System Table.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS      The constructor finished successfully.

+  @retval Others           Error codes returned from gBS->HandleProtocol.

+ **/



+UnitTestPersistenceLibConstructor (

+  IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,

+  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable

+  )


+  UINTN                          Index;

+  UINTN                          Argc;

+  CHAR16                         **Argv;

+  EFI_STATUS                     Status;



+  Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (

+                  gImageHandle,

+                  &gEfiShellParametersProtocolGuid,

+                  (VOID **)&ShellParameters

+                  );

+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

+    goto Done;

+  }


+  Argc = ShellParameters->Argc;

+  Argv = ShellParameters->Argv;


+  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

+  if ((Argc > 1) && (Argv != NULL)) {

+    // This might be our cue, check for whether we need to do anything

+    for (Index = 1; Index < Argc; Index++) {

+      if (StrCmp (Argv[Index], L"--CachePath") == 0) {

+        // Need to update the potential cache path to designated path

+        if (Index < Argc - 1) {

+          mCachePath = Argv[Index + 1];

+        } else {

+          Print (L"  --CachePath <Path of where to save unit test cache files, i.e. FS0:TestFolder>\n");

+        }

+      }

+    }

+  }



+  return Status;


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