On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 07:11:18PM +0200, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote:
> Sunil V L <suni...@ventanamicro.com> schrieb am Mi., 14. Juni 2023, 19:01:
> > Recent updates to RISC-V qemu virt platform merged today (07/14),
> > have enabled both pflash devices for the S-mode payload like EDK2.
> > These updates also aligned the design similar to other architectures
> > where pflash0 is for read-only code and pflash1 for variable store.
> > Previously only pflash1 was available for S-mode use.
> >
> > Current EDK2 will not work with this latest qemu changes since it always
> > assumed to boot from pflash1. So, separate the code and variable
> > store and use pflash0 to keep the code.
> >
> Not all users will have the newest QEMU provided by their Linx distro. Will
> it be possible to boot the the same EDK II binary on old and new QEMU
> releases?
Hi Heinrich,

While both unified and separate images can not be generated at the same
time, a build flag can be used by which the user can build one of
the schemes matching qemu capabilities. Default will be separate
code and vars matching the latest qemu.

I believe this will alleviate the concern. If this looks better, let me
test and send v2.


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