Add the new section for Secure Boot.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Goncharov <>
 OvmfPkg/README | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+)

diff --git a/OvmfPkg/README b/OvmfPkg/README
index 0a408abf01..e106e19818 100644
--- a/OvmfPkg/README
+++ b/OvmfPkg/README
@@ -120,6 +120,42 @@ $ OvmfPkg/ -a X64 qemu -cdrom
/path/to/disk-image.iso To build a 32-bit OVMF without debug messages
using GCC 4.8: $ OvmfPkg/ -a IA32 -b RELEASE -t GCC48
+=== Secure Boot ===
+Secure Boot is a security feature that ensures only trusted and
digitally +signed software is allowed to run during the boot process.
+* In order to support Secure Boot, OVMF must be built with the
+  "-D SECURE_BOOT_ENABLE" option.
+* By default, OVMF is not shipped with any SecureBoot keys installed.
The user
+  need to install them with "Secure Boot Configuration" utility in the
+  UI, or enroll the default UEFI keys using the
OvmfPkg/EnrollDefaultKeys app. +
+  For the EnrollDefaultKeys application, the hypervisor is expected to
add a
+  string entry to the "OEM Strings" (Type 11) SMBIOS table. The string
+  have the following format:
+    4e32566d-8e9e-4f52-81d3-5bb9715f9727:<Base64 X509 cert for PK and
first KEK> +
+  Such string can be generated with the following script, for example:
+    sed \
+      -e 's/^-----BEGIN
CERTIFICATE-----$/4e32566d-8e9e-4f52-81d3-5bb9715f9727:/' \
+      -e '/^-----END CERTIFICATE-----$/d' \
+      PkKek1.pem \
+    | tr -d '\n' \
+    > PkKek1.oemstr
+  - Using QEMU 5.2 or later, the SMBIOS type 11 field can be specified
from a
+    file:
+    -smbios type=11,path=PkKek1.oemstr \
+  - Using QEMU 5.1 or earlier, the string has to be passed as a value:
+    -smbios type=11,value="$(< PkKek1.oemstr)"
 === SMM support ===


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