On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 08:50:24AM +0000, Xie, Yuanhao wrote:
> Hi Gerd,
> Could you please provide me more information, like where does it hang, ad 
> what build and boot options you use

qemu-system-x86_64 -display none -accel kvm -smp 2 -M q35 \
        -bios Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/OVMF.fd \
        -chardev stdio,id=fw -device isa-debugcon,iobase=0x402,chardev=fw

Last log lines are ...

        AP Loop Mode is 1
        AP Vector: non-16-bit = 7EA7000/447
        WakeupBufferStart = 9F000, WakeupBufferSize = 1000
        AP Vector: 16-bit = 9F000/39, ExchangeInfo = 9F039/A4
        CpuMpPei: 5-Level Paging = 0

... and here it hangs.

>     -p OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32.dsc \

Using OvmfPkgX64.dsc here.  Tried using Ia32 instead, hangs too,
at the same place.

take care,

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