Add code to compare ParentPagingEntry Attribute&Mask and input
Attribute&Mask to decide if new next level page table is needed
in non-present ParentPagingEntry condition. This can help avoid
unneccessary page table creation.

For example, there is a page table in which [0, 1G] is mapped(Lv4[0]
,Lv3[0,0], a non-leaf level4 entry and a leaf level3 entry).And we
only want to map [1G, 1G+2M] linear address still as non-present.
The expected behaviour should be nothing happens in the process.
However, previous code logic doesn't check if ParentPagingEntry
Attribute&Mask and input Attribute&Mask are the same in non-present
ParentPagingEntry condition. Then a new 4K memory is allocated for
Lv2 since 1G+2M is not 1G-aligned.
So when ParentPagingEntry is non-present, before allocate 4K memory
for next level paging, we also check if ParentPagingEntry Attribute&
Mask and input Attribute&Mask are the same.

Signed-off-by: Dun Tan <>
Cc: Eric Dong <>
Cc: Ray Ni <>
Cc: Rahul Kumar <>
Cc: Gerd Hoffmann <>
 UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+)

diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c 
index fbfd6389dc..29191d26b5 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c
@@ -355,6 +355,24 @@ PageTableLibMapInLevel (
       return Status;
+    //
+    // Use NOP attributes as the attribute of grand-parents because CPU will 
+    // the actual attributes of grand-parents when determing the memory type.
+    //
+    PleBAttribute.Uint64 = PageTableLibGetPleBMapAttribute 
(&ParentPagingEntry->PleB, ParentAttribute);
+    if ((((IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES (&PleBAttribute) & 
+          == (IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES (Attribute) & 
+        (  ((Mask->Bits.PageTableBaseAddressLow == 0) && 
(Mask->Bits.PageTableBaseAddressHigh == 0))
+        || ((IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (&PleBAttribute) + 
PagingEntryIndex * RegionLength)
+            == (IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (Attribute) + 
+    {
+      //
+      // This function is called when the memory length is less than the 
region length of the parent level.
+      // No need to split the page when the attributes equal.
+      //
+      return RETURN_SUCCESS;
+    }
     // The parent entry is CR3 or PML5E/PML4E/PDPTE/PDE.
     // It does NOT point to an existing page directory.

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