L36 is help text that says what you are trying to do, wont work

On Tue, 7 Feb 2023 at 20:51, ritul guru <ritul.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> fatal: repository 'payloads/external/edk2/workspace/tianocore' does not
> exist
> make[1]: *** [Makefile:123:
> /home/amd/src/phx2/coreboot_phx2/coreboot/payloads/external/edk2/workspace/edk2]
> Error 128
> make: *** [payloads/external/Makefile.inc:158: build/UEFIPAYLOAD.fd] Error
> 2
> *Thanks & RegardsRitul Guru+91-9916513186*
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 2:19 AM ritul guru <ritul.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I do not get debug logs from edk2 payload even though debug payload is
>> selected in menuconfig of coreboot.
>> and also updated FD_BASE, if not then getting GCD assert while adding
>> regions in phit table.
>> below path should be give at L36 for custom edk2 repo?
>> payloads/external/edk2/workspace/tianocore/
>> *Thanks & RegardsRitul Guru+91-9916513186*
>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 2:06 AM Sean Rhodes <sean@starlabs.systems> wrote:
>>> Why the edk2 changes? Just to fix this issue?
>>> Have you seen L36 of payloads/external/edk2/Kconfig
>>> On Tue, 7 Feb 2023 at 20:30, ritul guru <ritul.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Loading driver 378D7B65-8DA9-4773-B6E4-A47826A833E1
>>>> InstallProtocolInterface: 5B1B31A1-9562-11D2-8E3F-00A0C969723B 51A3E1C0
>>>> Loading driver at 0x00051DD1000 EntryPoint=0x00051DD5670 PcRtc.efi
>>>> InstallProtocolInterface: BC62157E-3E33-4FEC-9920-2D3B36D750DF 51A3ED98
>>>> ProtectUefiImageCommon - 0x51A3E1C0
>>>>   - 0x0000000051DD1000 - 0x0000000000008000
>>>> SetUefiImageMemoryAttributes - 0x0000000051DD1000 - 0x0000000000001000
>>>> (0x0000000000004008)
>>>> SetUefiImageMemoryAttributes - 0x0000000051DD2000 - 0x0000000000006000
>>>> (0x0000000000020008)
>>>> SetUefiImageMemoryAttributes - 0x0000000051DD8000 - 0x0000000000001000
>>>> (0x0000000000004008)
>>>> PROGRESS CODE: V03040002 I0
>>>> ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status = Device Error)
>>>> *ASSERT [PcRtc]
>>>> /home//src/p/coreboot/payloads/external/edk2/workspace/tianocore/PcAtChipsetPkg/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/PcRtcEntry.c(1)*
>>>> getting above assert after changed to FD_BASE to below value,
>>>> This error is coming while booting to coreboot with edk2 payload:
>>>> UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.fdf
>>>> DEFINE FD_BASE       = 0x02182000
>>>> need to change FD_BASE, as it was going outside Available memory.
>>>> any hint would be appreciated.
>>>> *Thanks & RegardsRitul Guru+91-9916513186*
>>>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 10:09 PM ritul guru <ritul.b...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.fdf
>>>>> DEFINE FD_BASE       = 0x00800000
>>>>> Is the above address correct in uefipaylaod?
>>>>> As observing some regions are getting out of limit of FD limit,
>>>>> and when setting DEFINE FD_BASE       = 0x02200000, then seeing assert
>>>>> in
>>>>> [gPcAtChipsetPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdRtcIndexRegister].
>>>>> *Thanks & RegardsRitul Guru+91-9916513186*
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 8:29 PM ritul guru <ritul.b...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am building edk2 payload and getting below warning for
>>>>>> PcdRtcIndexRegister,
>>>>>> and if try to boot to then observing that there is assert at:
>>>>>> ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status = Device Error)
>>>>>> DXE_ASSERT!:
>>>>>> /home/amd/src///coreboot/payloads/external/tianocore/tianocore/PcAtChipsetPkg/PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/PcRtcEntry.c
>>>>>> (141): !EFI_ERROR (Status)
>>>>>> build time warning:
>>>>>> Active Platform          =
>>>>>> /home//src///coreboot/payloads/external/edk2/workspace/tianocore/UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc
>>>>>> .build: : warning: The PCD was not specified by any INF module in the
>>>>>> platform for the given architecture.
>>>>>>         PCD: [gPcAtChipsetPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdRtcIndexRegister]
>>>>>>         Platform: [UefiPayloadPkg.dsc]
>>>>>>         Arch: ['IA32']
>>>>>> build: : warning: The PCD was not specified by any INF module in the
>>>>>> platform for the given architecture.
>>>>>>         PCD: [gPcAtChipsetPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdRtcTargetRegister]
>>>>>>         Platform: [UefiPayloadPkg.dsc]
>>>>>>         Arch: ['IA32']
>>>>>> . done!
>>>>>> *Thanks & RegardsRitul Guru+91-9916513186*

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