Contiguous memory allocation and
This patch includes the code refactoring to eliminate the duplication,
non-descriptive variable, etc.

The memory is calculated taking into account the size difference of
RelocateApLoopFunc under different cases.

Allocate the memory for stacks and AP loop at contiguous address.

Cc: Guo Dong <>
Cc: Ray Ni <>
Cc: Sean Rhodes <>
Cc: James Lu <>
Cc: Gua Guo <>
Signed-off-by: Yuanhao Xie <>
 UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/DxeMpLib.c | 157 ++++++++++++------------
 UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/MpLib.h    |   9 ++
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/DxeMpLib.c 
index fd94652e5b..7b51c5c7f7 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/DxeMpLib.c
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/DxeMpLib.c
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 #define  AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE  128
-CPU_MP_DATA       *mCpuMpData                  = NULL;
-EFI_EVENT         mCheckAllApsEvent            = NULL;
-EFI_EVENT         mMpInitExitBootServicesEvent = NULL;
-EFI_EVENT         mLegacyBootEvent             = NULL;
-volatile BOOLEAN  mStopCheckAllApsStatus       = TRUE;
-VOID              *mReservedApLoopFunc         = NULL;
-UINTN             mReservedTopOfApStack;
-volatile UINT32   mNumberToFinish = 0;
+CPU_MP_DATA             *mCpuMpData                  = NULL;
+EFI_EVENT               mCheckAllApsEvent            = NULL;
+EFI_EVENT               mMpInitExitBootServicesEvent = NULL;
+EFI_EVENT               mLegacyBootEvent             = NULL;
+volatile BOOLEAN        mStopCheckAllApsStatus       = TRUE;
+UINTN                   mReservedTopOfApStack;
+volatile UINT32         mNumberToFinish = 0;
 // Begin wakeup buffer allocation below 0x88000
@@ -380,8 +380,6 @@ RelocateApLoop (
   CPU_MP_DATA                 *CpuMpData;
   BOOLEAN                     MwaitSupport;
-  ASM_RELOCATE_AP_LOOP        AsmRelocateApLoopFunc;
-  ASM_RELOCATE_AP_LOOP_AMD64  AsmRelocateApLoopFuncAmd64;
   UINTN                       ProcessorNumber;
   UINTN                       StackStart;
@@ -390,30 +388,28 @@ RelocateApLoop (
   MwaitSupport = IsMwaitSupport ();
   if (StandardSignatureIsAuthenticAMD () && (sizeof (UINTN) == sizeof 
(UINT64))) {
     StackStart = CpuMpData->UseSevEsAPMethod ? 
CpuMpData->SevEsAPResetStackStart : mReservedTopOfApStack;
-    AsmRelocateApLoopFuncAmd64 = 
-    AsmRelocateApLoopFuncAmd64 (
-      MwaitSupport,
-      CpuMpData->ApTargetCState,
-      CpuMpData->PmCodeSegment,
-      StackStart - ProcessorNumber * AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE,
-      (UINTN)&mNumberToFinish,
-      CpuMpData->Pm16CodeSegment,
-      CpuMpData->SevEsAPBuffer,
-      CpuMpData->WakeupBuffer
-      );
+    mReservedApLoop.Amd64Entry (
+                      MwaitSupport,
+                      CpuMpData->ApTargetCState,
+                      CpuMpData->PmCodeSegment,
+                      StackStart - ProcessorNumber * AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE,
+                      (UINTN)&mNumberToFinish,
+                      CpuMpData->Pm16CodeSegment,
+                      CpuMpData->SevEsAPBuffer,
+                      CpuMpData->WakeupBuffer
+                      );
   } else {
-    StackStart            = mReservedTopOfApStack;
-    AsmRelocateApLoopFunc = (ASM_RELOCATE_AP_LOOP)(UINTN)mReservedApLoopFunc;
-    AsmRelocateApLoopFunc (
-      MwaitSupport,
-      CpuMpData->ApTargetCState,
-      CpuMpData->PmCodeSegment,
-      StackStart - ProcessorNumber * AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE,
-      (UINTN)&mNumberToFinish,
-      CpuMpData->Pm16CodeSegment,
-      CpuMpData->SevEsAPBuffer,
-      CpuMpData->WakeupBuffer
-      );
+    StackStart = mReservedTopOfApStack;
+    mReservedApLoop.GenericEntry (
+                      MwaitSupport,
+                      CpuMpData->ApTargetCState,
+                      CpuMpData->PmCodeSegment,
+                      StackStart - ProcessorNumber * AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE,
+                      (UINTN)&mNumberToFinish,
+                      CpuMpData->Pm16CodeSegment,
+                      CpuMpData->SevEsAPBuffer,
+                      CpuMpData->WakeupBuffer
+                      );
@@ -477,12 +473,15 @@ InitMpGlobalData (
   EFI_STATUS                       Status;
-  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS             Address;
-  UINTN                            ApSafeBufferSize;
+  MP_ASSEMBLY_ADDRESS_MAP          *AddressMap;
+  UINTN                            AllocSize;
   UINTN                            Index;
   UINTN                            StackBase;
   CPU_INFO_IN_HOB                  *CpuInfoInHob;
+  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS             Address;
+  UINT8                            *ApLoopFuncData;
+  UINTN                            ApLoopFuncSize;
   SaveCpuMpData (CpuMpData);
@@ -537,6 +536,21 @@ InitMpGlobalData (
+  AddressMap = &CpuMpData->AddressMap;
+  if (StandardSignatureIsAuthenticAMD () && (sizeof (UINTN) == sizeof 
(UINT64))) {
+    //
+    // 64-bit AMD Processor
+    //
+    ApLoopFuncData = AddressMap->RelocateApLoopFuncAddressAmd64;
+    ApLoopFuncSize = AddressMap->RelocateApLoopFuncSizeAmd64;
+  } else {
+    //
+    // Intel Processor (32-bit or 64-bit), or 32-bit AMD Processor
+    //
+    ApLoopFuncData = AddressMap->RelocateApLoopFuncAddress;
+    ApLoopFuncSize = AddressMap->RelocateApLoopFuncSize;
+  }
   // Avoid APs access invalid buffer data which allocated by BootServices,
   // so we will allocate reserved data for AP loop code. We also need to
@@ -545,26 +559,32 @@ InitMpGlobalData (
   // Allocating it in advance since memory services are not available in
   // Exit Boot Services callback function.
-  ApSafeBufferSize = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (
-                       EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (
-                         CpuMpData->AddressMap.RelocateApLoopFuncSize
-                         )
-                       );
+  // +------------+
+  // | Ap Loop    |
+  // +------------+
+  // | Stack * N  |
+  // +------------+ (low address)
+  //
   Address = BASE_4GB - 1;
-  Status  = gBS->AllocatePages (
-                   AllocateMaxAddress,
-                   EfiReservedMemoryType,
-                   EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (ApSafeBufferSize),
-                   &Address
-                   );
+  AllocSize = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (
+                EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (
+                  CpuMpData->CpuCount * AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE + ApLoopFuncSize
+                  )
+                );
+  Status = gBS->AllocatePages (
+                  AllocateMaxAddress,
+                  EfiReservedMemoryType,
+                  EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (AllocSize),
+                  &Address
+                  );
-  mReservedApLoopFunc = (VOID *)(UINTN)Address;
-  ASSERT (mReservedApLoopFunc != NULL);
+  // If a memory range has the EFI_MEMORY_XP attribute, OS loader
+  // may set the IA32_EFER.NXE (No-eXecution Enable) bit in IA32_EFER MSR,
+  // then set the XD (eXecution Disable) bit in the CPU PAE page table.
-  // Make sure that the buffer memory is executable if NX protection is enabled
-  // for EfiReservedMemoryType.
+  // Here is to make sure that the memory is executable if NX protection is
+  // enabled for EfiReservedMemoryType.
   // TODO: Check EFI_MEMORY_XP bit set or not once it's available in DXE GCD
   //       service.
@@ -573,40 +593,15 @@ InitMpGlobalData (
   if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     gDS->SetMemorySpaceAttributes (
-           ApSafeBufferSize,
+           ApLoopFuncSize,
            MemDesc.Attributes & (~EFI_MEMORY_XP)
-  ApSafeBufferSize = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (
-                       EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (
-                         CpuMpData->CpuCount * AP_SAFE_STACK_SIZE
-                         )
-                       );
-  Address = BASE_4GB - 1;
-  Status  = gBS->AllocatePages (
-                   AllocateMaxAddress,
-                   EfiReservedMemoryType,
-                   EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (ApSafeBufferSize),
-                   &Address
-                   );
-  mReservedTopOfApStack = (UINTN)Address + ApSafeBufferSize;
+  mReservedTopOfApStack = ((UINTN)Address + CpuMpData->CpuCount * 
   ASSERT ((mReservedTopOfApStack & (UINTN)(CPU_STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1)) == 0);
-  if (StandardSignatureIsAuthenticAMD () && (sizeof (UINTN) == sizeof 
(UINT64))) {
-    CopyMem (
-      mReservedApLoopFunc,
-      CpuMpData->AddressMap.RelocateApLoopFuncAddress,
-      CpuMpData->AddressMap.RelocateApLoopFuncSize
-      );
-  } else {
-    CopyMem (
-      mReservedApLoopFunc,
-      CpuMpData->AddressMap.RelocateApLoopFuncAddressAmd64,
-      CpuMpData->AddressMap.RelocateApLoopFuncSizeAmd64
-      );
-  }
+  mReservedApLoop.Data = (VOID *)mReservedTopOfApStack;
+  CopyMem (mReservedApLoop.Data, ApLoopFuncData, ApLoopFuncSize);
   Status = gBS->CreateEvent (
                   EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL,
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/MpLib.h 
index 4f6146e30d..f1b9063e78 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/MpLib.h
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/MpInitLib/MpLib.h
@@ -401,6 +401,15 @@ typedef
   IN UINTN                   WakeupBuffer
+// Union holds the relocate APs loop entries for different cases
+typedef union {
+  VOID                          *Data;
+  ASM_RELOCATE_AP_LOOP_AMD64    Amd64Entry;   // 64-bit AMD Processor
+  ASM_RELOCATE_AP_LOOP          GenericEntry; // Intel Processor (32-bit or 
64-bit), or 32-bit AMD Processor
   Assembly code to get starting address and size of the rendezvous entry for 
   Information for fixing a jump instruction in the code is also returned.

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