From: VictorX Hsu <>


Wrap mipi sys-T submodule as a MipiSysTLib. This Library provide
mipi sys-T API to be consumed.

Cc: Michael D Kinney <>
Cc: Guo Gua <>
Cc: Chan Laura <>
Cc: Prakashan Krishnadas Veliyathuparambil 
Cc: K N Karthik <>
Signed-off-by: VictorX Hsu <>
 .gitmodules                                |   5 +-
 .pytool/                      |   2 +
 MdePkg/Include/Library/MipiSysTLib.h       | 242 +++++++++
 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.c   | 110 +++++
 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.inf |  52 ++
 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/Platform.c      | 160 ++++++
 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/Platform.h      | 140 ++++++
 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipi_syst.h     | 539 +++++++++++++++++++++
 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst        |   1 +
 MdePkg/                      |   4 +-
 MdePkg/MdePkg.dec                          |   5 +
 MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc                          |   2 +
 ReadMe.rst                                 |   1 +
 13 files changed, 1261 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Include/Library/MipiSysTLib.h
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.inf
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/Platform.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/Platform.h
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipi_syst.h
 create mode 160000 MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst

diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 8011a88d9d..4a0500eea4 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -16,10 +16,13 @@
 [submodule "BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli"]
        path = BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli
        url =
-       ignore = untracked
+       ignore = untracked
 [submodule "RedfishPkg/Library/JsonLib/jansson"]
        path = RedfishPkg/Library/JsonLib/jansson
        url =
 [submodule "UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/GoogleTestLib/googletest"]
        path = UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/GoogleTestLib/googletest
        url =
+[submodule "MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst"]
+       path = MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst
+       url =
diff --git a/.pytool/ b/.pytool/
index d87c8e838e..0118820680 100644
--- a/.pytool/
+++ b/.pytool/
@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@ class Settings(CiBuildSettingsManager, 
UpdateSettingsManager, SetupSettingsManag
             "BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli", False))
             "RedfishPkg/Library/JsonLib/jansson", False))
+        rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
+            "MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst", False))
         return rs
     def GetName(self):
diff --git a/MdePkg/Include/Library/MipiSysTLib.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6282baac8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdePkg/Include/Library/MipiSysTLib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+/** @file
+Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef MIPI_SYST_LIB_H_
+#define MIPI_SYST_LIB_H_
+#include <Uefi.h>
+struct mipi_syst_header;
+struct mipi_syst_handle;
+struct mipi_syst_scatter_prog;
+ * SyS-T handle state initialization hook definition
+ *
+ * This function gets called in the context of IO handle generation.
+ * Its purpose is to initialize the platform dependent portion of
+*  the handle and other necessary platform specific initialization steps.
+ *
+ * @param systh Pointer to new SyS-T handle
+ * @see syst_handle_t
+ */
+typedef void (*mipi_syst_inithandle_hook_t)(
+  struct mipi_syst_handle  *systh
+  );
+ * SyS-T handle state release hook definition
+ *
+ * This function gets called when a handle is about to be destroyed..
+ * Its purpose is to free any resources allocated during the handle
+ * generation.
+ *
+ * @param systh Pointer to handle that is destroyed
+ * @see syst_handle_t
+ */
+typedef void (*mipi_syst_releasehandle_hook_t)(
+  struct mipi_syst_handle  *systh
+  );
+ * Low level message write routine definition
+ *
+ * This function is called at the end of an instrumentation API to output
+ * the raw message data.
+ *
+ * @param systh pointer to a SyS-T handle structure used in the API call,
+ * @param scatterprog pointer to a list of scatter write instructions that
+ *                    encodes how to convert the descriptor pointer by
+ *                    pdesc into raw binary data. This list doesn't include
+ *                    the mandatory first 32 tag byte value pointed by pdesc.
+ * @param pdesc pointer to a message descriptor, which containing at least
+ *              the 32-bit message tag data
+ */
+typedef void (*mipi_syst_msg_write_t)(
+  struct mipi_syst_handle        *systh,
+  struct mipi_syst_scatter_prog  *scatterprog,
+  const void                     *pdesc
+  );
+typedef struct {
+  UINTN    MmioAddr;
+struct mipi_syst_platform_handle {
+  TRACE_HUB_PLATFORM_SYST_DATA    TraceHubPlatformData;
+/** internal handle state flags
+ */
+typedef struct mipi_syst_handle_flags {
+  UINT32    shf_alloc : 1; /**< set to 1 if heap allocated handle */
+ * Message data header tag definition
+ *
+ * Each SyS-T message starts with a 32-bit message tag. The tag defines the
+ * message originator and decoding information for the data following
+ * the tag.
+ */
+typedef struct mipi_syst_msg_tag {
+ #if defined (MIPI_SYST_BIG_ENDIAN)
+  UINT32    et_res31     : 1;  /**< reserved for future use        */
+  UINT32    et_res30     : 1;  /**< reserved for future use        */
+  UINT32    et_subtype   : 6;  /**< type dependent sub category    */
+  UINT32    et_guid      : 1;  /**< 128-bit GUID present           */
+  UINT32    et_modunit   : 11; /**< unit for GUID or module:unit   */
+  UINT32    et_timestamp : 1;  /**< indicate 64-bit timestamp      */
+  UINT32    et_chksum    : 1;  /**< indicate 32-bit CRC            */
+  UINT32    et_length    : 1;  /**< indicate length field          */
+  UINT32    et_location  : 1;  /**< indicate location information  */
+  UINT32    et_res7      : 1;  /**< reserved for future use        */
+  UINT32    et_severity  : 3;  /**< severity level of message      */
+  UINT32    et_type      : 4;  /**< SyS-T message type ID          */
+ #else
+  UINT32    et_type      : 4;  /**< SyS-T message type ID          */
+  UINT32    et_severity  : 3;  /**< severity level of message      */
+  UINT32    et_res7      : 1;  /**< reserved for future use        */
+  UINT32    et_location  : 1;  /**< indicate location information  */
+  UINT32    et_length    : 1;  /**< indicate length field          */
+  UINT32    et_chksum    : 1;  /**< indicate 32-bit CRC            */
+  UINT32    et_timestamp : 1;  /**< indicate 64-bit timestamp      */
+  UINT32    et_modunit   : 11; /**< unit for GUID or module:unit   */
+  UINT32    et_guid      : 1;  /**< 128-bit GUID present           */
+  UINT32    et_subtype   : 6;  /**< type dependent sub category    */
+  UINT32    et_res30     : 1;  /**< reserved for future use        */
+  UINT32    et_res31     : 1;  /**< reserved for future use        */
+ #endif
+/** 128-bit GUID style message origin ID */
+typedef struct mipi_syst_guid {
+  union {
+    UINT8     b[16];
+    UINT64    ll[2];
+  } u;
+ * Message severity level enumeration
+ */
+typedef enum mipi_syst_severity {
+  MIPI_SYST_SEVERITY_MAX     = 0,  /**< no assigned severity       */
+  MIPI_SYST_SEVERITY_FATAL   = 1,  /**< critical error level       */
+  MIPI_SYST_SEVERITY_ERROR   = 2,  /**< error message level        */
+  MIPI_SYST_SEVERITY_WARNING = 3,  /**< warning message level      */
+  MIPI_SYST_SEVERITY_INFO    = 4,  /**< information message level  */
+  MIPI_SYST_SEVERITY_USER1   = 5,  /**< user defined level 5       */
+  MIPI_SYST_SEVERITY_USER2   = 6,  /**< user defined level 6       */
+  MIPI_SYST_SEVERITY_DEBUG   = 7   /**< debug information level    */
+/** SyS-T connection handle state structure
+ *
+ * This structure connects the instrumentation API with the underlying SyS-T
+ * infrastructure. It plays a similar role to a FILE * in traditional
+ * C file IO.
+ */
+typedef struct mipi_syst_handle {
+  struct mipi_syst_header             *systh_header;      /**< global state    
+  struct mipi_syst_handle_flags       systh_flags;        /**< handle state    
+  struct mipi_syst_msg_tag            systh_tag;          /**< tag flags       
+  struct mipi_syst_guid               systh_guid;         /**< module GUID     
+ #endif
+  struct mipi_syst_msglocation        systh_location;     /**< location record 
+ #endif
+  UINT32                              systh_param_count;  /**< number of 
parameters     */
+  UINT32                              systh_param[6];     /**< catalog msg 
parameters   */
+  struct mipi_syst_platform_handle    systh_platform;     /**< platform 
specific state  */
+ #endif
+/** SyS-T global state structure.
+ * This structure is holding the global SyS-T library state
+ */
+typedef struct mipi_syst_header {
+  UINT32                             systh_version;  /**< SyS-T version ID     
+  mipi_syst_inithandle_hook_t        systh_inith;    /**< handle init hook 
+  mipi_syst_releasehandle_hook_t     systh_releaseh; /**< handle release hook  
+ #endif
+  mipi_syst_msg_write_t              systh_writer;   /**< message output 
routine   */
+ #endif
+  struct mipi_syst_platform_state    systh_platform; /**< platform specific 
state  */
+ #endif
+  Invoke initialization function in Mipi Sys-T module to initialize Mipi Sys-T 
+  @param[in, out]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               MIPI_SYST_HANDLE instance was initialized.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     On entry, MipiSystHandle is a NULL pointer.
+InitMipiSystHandle (
+  );
+  Invoke write_debug_string function in Mipi Sys-T module.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Severity        An error level to decide whether to enable Trace 
Hub data.
+  @param[in]  Len             Length of data buffer.
+  @param[in]  Str             A pointer to data buffer.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               Data in buffer was processed.
+  @retval EFI_ABORTED               No data need to be written to Trace Hub.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     On entry, MipiSystHandle is a NULL pointer.
+MipiSystWriteDebug (
+  IN        MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN        UINT32            Severity,
+  IN        UINT16            Len,
+  IN CONST  CHAR8             *Str
+  );
+  Invoke catalog_write_message function in Mipi Sys-T module.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Severity        An error level to decide whether to enable Trace 
Hub data.
+  @param[in]  CatId           Catalog Id.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS      Data in buffer was processed.
+MipiSystWriteCatalog (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT32            Severity,
+  IN  UINT64            CatId
+  );
+#endif // MIPI_SYST_LIB_H_
diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0195ad85b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/** @file
+Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Uefi.h>
+#include "mipi_syst.h"
+  Invoke initialization function in Mipi Sys-T module to initialize Mipi Sys-T 
+  @param[in, out]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               MIPI_SYST_HANDLE instance was initialized.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     On entry, MipiSystHandle is a NULL pointer.
+InitMipiSystHandle (
+  )
+  if (MipiSystHandle == NULL) {
+  }
+  mipi_syst_init (MipiSystHandle->systh_header, 0, NULL);
+  mipi_syst_init_handle (MipiSystHandle->systh_header, MipiSystHandle, NULL, 
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Invoke write_debug_string function in Mipi Sys-T module.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Severity        An error level to decide whether to enable Trace 
Hub data.
+  @param[in]  Len             Length of data buffer.
+  @param[in]  Str             A pointer to data buffer.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               Data in buffer was processed.
+  @retval EFI_ABORTED               No data need to be written to Trace Hub.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     On entry, MipiSystHandle is a NULL pointer.
+MipiSystWriteDebug (
+  IN        MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN        UINT32            Severity,
+  IN        UINT16            Len,
+  IN CONST  CHAR8             *Str
+  )
+  if (MipiSystHandle == NULL) {
+  }
+  if ((Len == 0) || (Str == NULL)) {
+    //
+    // No data need to be written to Trace Hub
+    //
+    return EFI_ABORTED;
+  }
+  mipi_syst_write_debug_string (
+    MipiSystHandle,
+    Severity,
+    Len,
+    Str
+    );
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  Invoke catalog_write_message function in Mipi Sys-T module.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Severity        An error level to decide whether to enable Trace 
Hub data.
+  @param[in]  CatId           Catalog Id.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS               Data in buffer was processed.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     On entry, MipiSystHandle is a NULL pointer.
+MipiSystWriteCatalog (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT32            Severity,
+  IN  UINT64            CatId
+  )
+  if (MipiSystHandle == NULL) {
+  }
+  mipi_syst_write_catalog64_message (
+    MipiSystHandle,
+    Severity,
+    CatId
+    );
+  return EFI_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.inf 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17ede382cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.inf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+## @file
+#  This library provides Mipi Sys-T API.
+#  Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005
+  BASE_NAME                      = MipiSysTLib
+  FILE_GUID                      = A58B0510-9E6D-4747-95D8-E5B8AF4633E6
+  MODULE_TYPE                    = BASE
+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
+  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = MipiSysTLib
+  DEFINE MIPI_HEADER_PATH        = mipisyst/library/include/mipi_syst
+  DEFINE MIPI_SOURCE_PATH        = mipisyst/library/src
+# The following information is for reference only and not required by the 
build tools.
+  IoLib
+  BaseMemoryLib
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+  MipiSysTLib.c
+  mipi_syst.h
+  Platform.c
+  Platform.h
+  $(MIPI_HEADER_PATH)/api.h
+  $(MIPI_HEADER_PATH)/crc32.h
+  $(MIPI_HEADER_PATH)/compiler.h
+  $(MIPI_HEADER_PATH)/message.h
+  $(MIPI_HEADER_PATH)/inline.h
+  $(MIPI_SOURCE_PATH)/mipi_syst_init.c
+  $(MIPI_SOURCE_PATH)/mipi_syst_api.c
+  $(MIPI_SOURCE_PATH)/mipi_syst_crc32.c
+  $(MIPI_SOURCE_PATH)/mipi_syst_writer.c
+  $(MIPI_SOURCE_PATH)/mipi_syst_inline.c
+  $(MIPI_SOURCE_PATH)/mipi_syst_compiler.c
+  MSFT:*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = /Od
diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/Platform.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4079ccb1b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/Platform.c
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/** @file
+Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Uefi.h>
+#include <Library/IoLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include "mipi_syst.h"
+  Write 4 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x10.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD32Ts (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT32            Data
+  )
+  MmioWrite32 (MipiSystHandle->systh_platform.TraceHubPlatformData.MmioAddr + 
0x10, Data);
+  Write 4 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x18.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD32Mts (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT32            Data
+  )
+  MmioWrite32 (MipiSystHandle->systh_platform.TraceHubPlatformData.MmioAddr + 
0x18, Data);
+  Write 8 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x18.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD64Mts (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT64            Data
+  )
+  MmioWrite64 (MipiSystHandle->systh_platform.TraceHubPlatformData.MmioAddr + 
0x18, Data);
+  Write 1 byte to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x0.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD8 (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT8             Data
+  )
+  MmioWrite8 (MipiSystHandle->systh_platform.TraceHubPlatformData.MmioAddr + 
0x0, Data);
+  Write 2 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO mmio addr + 0x0.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD16 (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT16            Data
+  )
+  MmioWrite16 (MipiSystHandle->systh_platform.TraceHubPlatformData.MmioAddr + 
0x0, Data);
+  Write 4 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x0.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD32 (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT32            Data
+  )
+  MmioWrite32 (MipiSystHandle->systh_platform.TraceHubPlatformData.MmioAddr + 
0x0, Data);
+  Write 8 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x0.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD64 (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT64            Data
+  )
+  MmioWrite64 (MipiSystHandle->systh_platform.TraceHubPlatformData.MmioAddr + 
0x0, Data);
+  Clear data in Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x30.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+MipiSystWriteFlag (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle
+  )
+  UINT32  Flag;
+  Flag = 0;
+  MmioWrite32 (MipiSystHandle->systh_platform.TraceHubPlatformData.MmioAddr + 
0x30, Flag);
+  Get Epoch time.
+  @retval UINT64    A numeric number for timestamp.
+MipiSystGetEpochUs (
+  )
+  UINT64  Epoch;
+  Epoch = 1000;
+  return Epoch;
diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/Platform.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b36ab6b84b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/Platform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+/** @file
+Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  Write 4 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x10.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD32Ts (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT32            Data
+  );
+  Write 4 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x18.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD32Mts (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT32            Data
+  );
+  Write 8 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x18.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD64Mts (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT64            Data
+  );
+  Write 1 byte to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x0.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD8 (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT8             Data
+  );
+  Write 2 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO mmio addr + 0x0.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD16 (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT16            Data
+  );
+  Write 4 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x0.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD32 (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT32            Data
+  );
+  Write 8 bytes to Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x0.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+  @param[in]  Data            Data to be written.
+MipiSystWriteD64 (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle,
+  IN  UINT64            Data
+  );
+  Clear data in Trace Hub MMIO addr + 0x30.
+  @param[in]  MipiSystHandle  A pointer to MIPI_SYST_HANDLE structure.
+MipiSystWriteFlag (
+  IN  MIPI_SYST_HANDLE  *MipiSystHandle
+  );
+  Get Epoch time.
+  @retval UINT64    A numeric number for timestamp.
+MipiSystGetEpochUs (
+  );
+#define MIPI_SYST_PLATFORM_CLOCK()  MipiSystGetEpochUs ()
+#define MIPI_SYST_OUTPUT_D32TS(MipiSystHandle, Data)   MipiSystWriteD32Ts 
((MipiSystHandle), (Data))
+#define MIPI_SYST_OUTPUT_D32MTS(MipiSystHandle, Data)  MipiSystWriteD32Mts 
((MipiSystHandle), (Data))
+#define MIPI_SYST_OUTPUT_D64MTS(MipiSystHandle, Data)  MipiSystWriteD64Mts 
((MipiSystHandle), (Data))
+#define MIPI_SYST_OUTPUT_D8(MipiSystHandle, Data)      MipiSystWriteD8 
((MipiSystHandle), (Data))
+#define MIPI_SYST_OUTPUT_D16(MipiSystHandle, Data)     MipiSystWriteD16 
((MipiSystHandle), (Data))
+#define MIPI_SYST_OUTPUT_D32(MipiSystHandle, Data)     MipiSystWriteD32 
((MipiSystHandle), (Data))
+  #if defined (MIPI_SYST_PCFG_ENABLE_64BIT_IO)
+#define MIPI_SYST_OUTPUT_D64(MipiSystHandle, Data)  MipiSystWriteD64 
((MipiSystHandle), (Data))
+  #endif
+#define MIPI_SYST_OUTPUT_FLAG(MipiSystHandle)  MipiSystWriteFlag 
diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipi_syst.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29a1aa431b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipi_syst.h
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+/** @file
+This header file is a customized version of in mipi module.
+Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Library/MipiSysTLib.h>
+/* SyS-T API version information
+ */
+#define MIPI_SYST_VERSION_MAJOR  1   /**< Major version, incremented if API 
changes */
+#define MIPI_SYST_VERSION_MINOR  0   /**< Minor version, incremented on 
compatible extensions */
+#define MIPI_SYST_VERSION_PATCH  0   /**< Patch for existing major, minor, 
usually 0 */
+/** Define SyS-T API conformance level
+ *
+ * 10 = minimal (only short events)
+ * 20 = low overhead  (exluding varag functions and CRC32)
+ * 30 = full implementation
+ */
+/** Compute SYS-T version value
+ *
+ * Used to compare SYS-T Major.Minor.patch versions numerically at runtime.
+ *
+ * @param ma major version number
+ * @param mi minor version number
+ * @param p patch version number
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
+ *
+ *     // do what only >= 1.5.x supports
+ * #endif
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ */
+#define MIPI_SYST_MAKE_VERSION_CODE(ma, mi, p)  (((ma) << 16) | ((mi)<<8) | 
+/** Numeric SYS-T version code */
+/* Macros to trick numeric values like __LINE__ into a string
+ */
+#define _MIPI_SYST_STRINGIFY(x)  #x
+#define _MIPI_SYST_VERSION_STRING(a, b, c) \
+/** Textual version string */
+                MIPI_SYST_VERSION_MAJOR,\
+                MIPI_SYST_VERSION_MINOR,\
+                MIPI_SYST_VERSION_PATCH)
+  #include "mipi_syst/compiler.h"
+/* String hash macros for compile time computation of catalog ID's.
+ * Notes:
+ *    These macros will only be used with optimized builds, otherwise
+ *    a lot of runtime code will be generated.
+ *
+ *    Only the last 64 bytes of the string are considered for hashing
+ */
+#define _MIPI_SYST_HASH1(s, i, x, l)   
+#define _MIPI_SYST_HASH4(s, i, x, l)   
+#define _MIPI_SYST_HASH16(s, i, x, l)  
+#define _MIPI_SYST_HASH64(s, i, x, l)  
+#define _MIPI_SYST_HASH_x65599(s, l)  
+#define _MIPI_SYST_HASH_AT_CPP_TIME(str, offset)  (_MIPI_SYST_HASH_x65599(str, 
sizeof(str)-1) + (offset))
+#define _MIPI_SYST_HASH_AT_RUN_TIME(str, offset)  (mipi_syst_hash_x65599(str, 
sizeof(str)-1) + (offset))
+#if defined (_MIPI_SYST_OPTIMIZER_ON)
+#define MIPI_SYST_HASH(a, b)  _MIPI_SYST_HASH_AT_CPP_TIME((a), (b))
+#define MIPI_SYST_HASH(a, b)  _MIPI_SYST_HASH_AT_RUN_TIME((a), (b))
+/** Major Message Types
+ */
+enum mipi_syst_msgtype {
+  MIPI_SYST_TYPE_BUILD   = 0,        /**< client build id message   */
+  MIPI_SYST_TYPE_SHORT32 = 1,        /**< value only message        */
+  MIPI_SYST_TYPE_STRING  = 2,        /**< text message output       */
+  MIPI_SYST_TYPE_CATALOG = 3,        /**< catalog message output    */
+  MIPI_SYST_TYPE_RAW     = 6,        /**< raw binary data           */
+  MIPI_SYST_TYPE_SHORT64 = 7,        /**<  value only message       */
+  MIPI_SYST_TYPE_CLOCK   = 8,        /**< clock sync message        */
+ */
+enum mipi_syst_subtype_string {
+  MIPI_SYST_STRING_GENERIC       = 1,  /**< string generic debug         */
+  MIPI_SYST_STRING_FUNCTIONENTER = 2,  /**< string is function name      */
+  MIPI_SYST_STRING_FUNCTIONEXIT  = 3,  /**< string is function name      */
+  MIPI_SYST_STRING_INVALIDPARAM  = 5,  /**< invalid SyS-T APIcall        */
+  MIPI_SYST_STRING_ASSERT        = 7,  /**< Software Assert: failure     */
+  MIPI_SYST_STRING_PRINTF_32     = 11, /**< printf with 32-bit packing   */
+  MIPI_SYST_STRING_PRINTF_64     = 12, /**< printf with 64-bit packing   */
+ */
+enum mipi_syst_subtype_catalog {
+  MIPI_SYST_CATALOG_ID32_P32 = 1,   /**< 32-bit catalog ID, 32-bit packing */
+  MIPI_SYST_CATALOG_ID64_P32 = 2,   /**< 64-bit catalog ID, 32-bit packing */
+  MIPI_SYST_CATALOG_ID32_P64 = 5,   /**< 32-bit catalog ID, 64-bit packing */
+  MIPI_SYST_CATALOG_ID64_P64 = 6,   /**< 64-bit catalog ID, 64-bit packing */
+ */
+enum mipi_syst_subtype_clock {
+  MIPI_SYST_CLOCK_TRANSPORT_SYNC = 1,  /**< SyS-T clock & frequency sync  */
+enum mipi_syst_subtype_build {
+  MIPI_SYST_BUILD_ID_COMPACT32 = 0, /**< compact32  build id       */
+  MIPI_SYST_BUILD_ID_COMPACT64 = 1, /**< compact64  build id       */
+  MIPI_SYST_BUILD_ID_LONG      = 2, /**< normal build  message     */
+/** GUID initializer code
+ *
+ * This macro simplifies converting a GUID from its string representation
+ * into the mipi_syst_guid data structure. The following example shows
+ * how the values from a GUID string are used with the macro. Each numeric
+ * component from the GUID string gets converted into a hex value parameter
+ * when invoking the macro.
+ *
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
+ *
+ *  // Guid: f614b99d-99a1-4c04-8c30-90999ab5fe05
+ *
+ *   struct mipi_syst_guid guid =
+ *      MIPI_SYST_GEN_GUID(0xf614b99d, 0x99a1, 0x4c04, 0x8c30, 0x90999ab5fe05);
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ */
+#define MIPI_SYST_GEN_GUID(l1, w1, w2, w3, l2) \
+  {{\
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u32)(l1) >> 24), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u32)(l1) >> 16), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u32)(l1) >>  8), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u32)(l1) >>  0), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u16)(w1) >>  8), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u16)(w1) >>  0), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u16)(w2) >>  8), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u16)(w2) >>  0), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u16)(w3) >>  8), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u16)(w3) >>  0), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u64)(l2) >> 40), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u64)(l2) >> 32), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u64)(l2) >> 24), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u64)(l2) >> 16), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u64)(l2) >>  8), \
+          (mipi_syst_u8)((mipi_syst_u64)(l2) >>  0)  \
+  }}
+/** SyS-T client origin data
+ *
+ * This structure holds the GUID or header origin and unit data
+ * used by SyS-T handles. The structure gets passed into the handle
+ * creation functions to initialize the values that identify clients.
+ */
+struct mipi_syst_origin {
+  struct mipi_syst_guid    guid;    /**< origin GUID or module value */
+  mipi_syst_u16            unit;    /**< unit value                  */
+/** Origin structure initializer code using GUID
+* This macro simplifies initializing a mipi_syst_origin structure. The
+* first 5 parameters are GUID values as used by the MIPI_SYST_GEN_GUID
+* macro. The last parameter is the unit value (11-Bits).
+* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
+*  // Guid: {494E5443-B659-45AF-B786-9DB0786248AE}
+*   struct mipi_syst_origin = origin
+*        0x494E5443, 0xB659, 0x45AF, 0xB786, 0x9DB0786248AE,
+*        0x1);
+* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#define MIPI_SYST_GEN_ORIGIN_GUID(l1, w1, w2, w3, l2, u) \
+        {\
+                MIPI_SYST_GEN_GUID(l1, w1, w2, w3, l2) ,\
+                u\
+        }
+/** Origin structure initializer code using header module value
+* This macro simplifies initializing a mipi_syst_origin structure. The
+* first parameter is the header origin value (7-Bits). The second parameter
+* is the unit value (4-bits)
+* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
+*  // Guid: {494E5443-B659-45AF-B786-9DB0786248AE}
+*   #define MODULE_X 0x10
+*   struct mipi_syst_origin =
+* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        {\
+                MIPI_SYST_GEN_GUID(0,0,0, ((mipi_syst_u16)(m & 0x7F)) << 8, 0 
+                u\
+        }
+ * Global state initialization hook definition
+ *
+ * This function gets called in the context of the mipi_syst_init() API
+ * function after the generic state members of the global state
+ * structure syst_hdr have been setup. It's purpose is to initialize the
+ * platform dependent portion of the state and other necessary
+ * platform specific initialization steps.
+ *
+ * @param systh Pointer to global state structure
+ * @param p user defined value or pointer to data
+ * @see  mipi_syst_header
+ */
+typedef void (MIPI_SYST_CALLCONV *mipi_syst_inithook_t)(
+  struct mipi_syst_header  *systh,
+  const void               *p
+  );
+ * Global state destroy hook definition
+ *
+ * This function gets called in the context of the mipi_syst_destroy() API
+ * function before the generic state members of the global state
+ * structure syst_hdr have been destroyed. Its purpose is to free resources
+ * used by the platform dependent portion of the global state.
+ *
+ * @param systh Pointer to global state structure
+ */
+typedef void (MIPI_SYST_CALLCONV *mipi_syst_destroyhook_t)(
+  struct mipi_syst_header  *systh
+  );
+ * @defgroup PCFG_Config  Platform Feature Configuration Defines
+ *
+ * Defines to customize the SyS-T feature set to match the platform needs.
+ *
+ * Each optional library feature can be disabled by not defining the related
+ * MIPI_SYST_PCFG_ENABLE define. Removing unused features in this way reduces
+ * both memory footprint and runtime overhead of SyS-T.
+ */
+ * @defgroup PCFG_Global Platform Wide Configuration
+ * @ingroup  PCFG_Config
+ *
+ * These defines enable global features in the SyS-T library.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Extend SyS-T handle data state
+ *
+ * This define extends the SyS-T handle state data structure
+ * mipi_syst_handle with platform private content. A platform typically
+ * stores data for fast trace hardware access in the handle data, for
+ * example a volatile pointer to an MMIO space.
+ *
+ * The platform example uses #mipi_syst_platform_handle as handle state
+ * extension.
+ */
+/* MSVC and GNU compiler 64-bit mode */
+ * Enable 64-bit instruction addresses
+ *
+ * Set this define if running in 64-bit code address space.
+ */
+  #if defined (_WIN64) || defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__LP64__)
+  #endif
+ * Enable atomic 64-bit write operations
+ *
+ * Set this define if your platform supports an atomic 64-bit data write
+ * operation. This results in fewer MMIO accesses.The SyS-T library
+ * defaults to 2 consecutive 32-Bit writes otherwise.
+ */
+  #if defined (_WIN64) || defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__LP64__)
+  #endif
+ * Enable helper function code inlining
+ *
+ * Set this define if speed is more important than code size on your platform.
+ * It causes several helper function to get inlined, producing faster, but
+ * also larger, code.
+ */
+/** @} */
+ * @defgroup PCFG_ApiSet Supported API sets
+ * @ingroup  PCFG_Config
+ *
+ * These defines enable API sets in the SyS-T library. They are set by default
+ * depending on the SyS-T API conformance level. The level is specified using
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Use SyS-T scatter write output function
+ *
+ * The library comes with an output routine that is intended to write data out
+ * to an MMIO space. It simplifies a SyS-T platform integration as
+ * only low-level access macros must be provided for outputting data. These
+ * macros follow MIPI System Trace Protocol (STP) naming convention, also
+ * non STP generators can use this interface.
+ *
+ * These low level output macros are:
+ *
+ *
+ * Note: This version of the write function always starts messages
+ * using a 32-bit timestamped record also other sized timestamped
+ * packets are allowed by the SyS-T specification.
+ */
+ * Enable the Catalog API for 32-Bit Catalog IDs.
+ */
+ * Enable the Catalog API for 64-Bit Catalog IDs.
+ */
+ * Enable plain UTF-8 string output APIs.
+ */
+ * Enable raw data output APIs
+ */
+ * Enable Build API
+ */
+  #endif /* MIPI_SYST_CONFORMANCE_LEVEL > 10 */
+ * Maximum size of printf payload in bytes.
+ * Adjust this value if larger strings shall be supported by the library.
+ * The buffer space is located in stack memory when calling one of the printf
+ * style APIs.
+ */
+  #endif /* #if MIPI_SYST_CONFORMANCE_LEVEL > 20 */
+/* @} */
+ * @defgroup PCFG_Message Optional Message Attributes
+ * @ingroup  PCFG_Config
+ *
+ * These defines enable optional message components. They are set by default
+ * depending on the SyS-T API conformance level. The level is specified using
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Enable 128-bit origin GUID support.
+ */
+ * Enable protocol timestamp.
+ *
+ * This option adds a timestamp into the SyS-T protocol. This
+ * option is used if the SyS-T protocol is not embedded into a hardware
+ * timestamped trace protocol like MIPI STP or if the HW timestamp cannot
+ * be used for other reasons. Setting this option creates the need to define
+ *  return a 64-bit clock tick value and its frequency.
+ */
+    #if defined (_DOXYGEN_)  /*  only for doxygen, remove the #if to enable */
+* Enable generation of length field
+* Set this define if the message data shall include the optional length
+* field that indicates how many payload bytes follow.
+    #endif
+  #endif
+ * Enable message data CRC32 generation.
+ */
+/** @} */
+  #include "Platform.h"
+#define _MIPI_SYST_MK_MODUNIT_ORIGIN(m, u)  (((u) & 0xF)|(m<<4))
+ * Location information inside a message (64-bit format)
+ * Location is either the source position of the instrumentation call, or
+ * the call instruction pointer value.
+ */
+union mipi_syst_msglocation32 {
+  struct {
+ #if defined (MIPI_SYST_BIG_ENDIAN)
+    mipi_syst_u16    etls_lineNo; /**< line number in file       */
+    mipi_syst_u16    etls_fileID; /**< ID of instrumented file   */
+ #else
+    mipi_syst_u16    etls_fileID; /**< ID of instrumented file   */
+    mipi_syst_u16    etls_lineNo; /**< line number in file       */
+ #endif
+  } etls_source_location;
+  mipi_syst_u32    etls_code_location : 32; /**< instruction pointer value */
+ * Location information inside a message (32-bit format)
+ * Location is either the source position of the instrumentation call, or
+ * the call instruction pointer value.
+ */
+union mipi_syst_msglocation64 {
+  struct {
+ #if defined (MIPI_SYST_BIG_ENDIAN)
+    mipi_syst_u32    etls_lineNo; /**< line number in file       */
+    mipi_syst_u32    etls_fileID; /**< ID of instrumented file   */
+ #else
+    mipi_syst_u32    etls_fileID; /**< ID of instrumented file   */
+    mipi_syst_u32    etls_lineNo; /**< line number in file       */
+ #endif
+  } etls_source_location;
+  mipi_syst_u64    etls_code_location; /**< instruction pointer value */
+ * Location information record descriptor
+ */
+struct mipi_syst_msglocation {
+  /** Message format
+   * 0 = 16-Bit file and 16-Bit line (total: 32-bit)
+   * 1 = 32-Bit file and 32-Bit line (total: 64-bit)
+   * 2 = 32-bit code address
+   * 3 = 64-bit code address
+   */
+  mipi_syst_u8    el_format;
+  union {
+    union mipi_syst_msglocation32    loc32; /**< data for 32-bit variant  */
+    union mipi_syst_msglocation64    loc64; /**< data for 64-bit variant  */
+  } el_u;
+  #include "mipi_syst/api.h"
diff --git a/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst 
new file mode 160000
index 0000000000..aae857d0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit aae857d0d05ac65152ed24992a4acd834a0a107c
diff --git a/MdePkg/ b/MdePkg/
index 19bc0138cb..590cb85fd5 100644
--- a/MdePkg/
+++ b/MdePkg/
@@ -64,8 +64,10 @@
+            "Include/Library/MipiSysTLib.h",
-            "Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLib.c"
+            "Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLib.c",
+            "Library/MipiSysTLib/mipi_syst.h"
     ## options defined ci/Plugin/CompilerPlugin
diff --git a/MdePkg/MdePkg.dec b/MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
index 3d08f20d15..bee7ac538a 100644
--- a/MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+++ b/MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+  Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst/library/include
@@ -284,6 +285,10 @@
+  ##  @libraryclass  Provides general mipi sys-T services.
+  #
+  MipiSysTLib|Include/Library/MipiSysTLib.h
 [LibraryClasses.IA32, LibraryClasses.X64, LibraryClasses.AARCH64]
   ##  @libraryclass  Provides services to generate random number.
diff --git a/MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc b/MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc
index 32a852dc46..cbcf4a6047 100644
--- a/MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc
+++ b/MdePkg/MdePkg.dsc
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+  MipiSysTLib|MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.inf
@@ -135,6 +136,7 @@
+  MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/MipiSysTLib.inf
 [Components.IA32, Components.X64, Components.ARM, Components.AARCH64]
diff --git a/ReadMe.rst b/ReadMe.rst
index 497d963559..283f807ab5 100644
--- a/ReadMe.rst
+++ b/ReadMe.rst
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ that are covered by additional licenses.
 -  `UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/CmockaLib/cmocka 
 -  `UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/GoogleTestLib/googletest 
 -  `RedfishPkg/Library/JsonLib/jansson 
+-  `MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst 
 The EDK II Project is composed of packages. The maintainers for each package
 are listed in `Maintainers.txt <Maintainers.txt>`__.

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