On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 02:12:58AM -0800, dha...@rivosinc.com wrote:
> What I see in the current implementation is:
> * UEFICpuPkg implements gEfiCpuIo2ProtocolGuid which does not seem to be 
> generic.
> * ARMPkg implements it which seems similar to what RV needs.
Yes, this is exact copy of the ArmPkg version. I guess Loongarch also will need 
the same.

> Do we really expect this to be platform specific implementation and hence it 
> should be in respective platform folders? Neither x86/ARM seem to follow this 
> model?

Correct. Both real and virtual platforms would need it. But adding
inside UefiCpuPkg/CpuI02Dxe looked bit messy which needs bit more
discussion and not sure whether it is a good idea to create parallel to
CpuIo2Dxe. So, I thought it is better to add it in RiscVVirt for now
instead of delaying the virt support even further. Let us take that as a
separate activity after this series with inputs from different CPU


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