On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 11:30:46AM +0000, Xu, Min M wrote:
> On January 27, 2023 3:54 PM, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 08:11:00AM +0800, Min Xu wrote:
> > > From: Min M Xu <min.m...@intel.com>
> > >
> > > BZ: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4243
> > >
> > What is the reason to create a new TdxHelperLib btw.?
> > Are there any problems with the code being in PlatformInitLib?
> > 
> When tdx-measurement is being enabled in OvmfPkgX64, we find below functions 
> are needed.
>  - ProcessTdHob
>  - MeasureTdHob
>  - MeasureCfvImage
>  - BuildGuidHobForTdxMeasurement
> The first one was implemented in PlatformInitLib. The others were implemented 
> in PeilessStartupLib. These 4 functions should be implemented in one lib so 
> that they could be called in both OvmfPkgX64 and IntelTdxX64.
> So there are below 2 options
> 1) Implement all these 4 functions in PlatformInitLib
> 2) Implement all these 4 functions in a new TdxHelperLib
> We choose option-2 (a new TdxHelperLib).
> 1. TdxHelperLib contains all the tdx specific helper functions as the lib 
> name indicates.
> 2. We can avoid PlatformInitLib getting bigger and bigger by adding more and 
> more functions. (these functions can be implemented in a separate lib)
> 3. Furthermore, PlatformTdxPublishRamRegions in PlatformInitLib can be moved 
> to TdxHelperLib as well (we will submit a separate patch-set later). So that 
> we can have a general-purpose PlatformInitLib.
> Based on above consideration, we create a new TdxHelperLib.

Ok, makes sense to me.


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