On 1/11/2023 11:23 AM, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:
Your feedback is still valuable to the wider TianoCore Tools & CI group
that meets weekly. It may be able to be addressed there.

Those tend to take place in the middle of the night for me, which is
why I rarely join those.

The meeting time has been an issue for a number of people that have expressed interest in joining. There was a discussion around hosting a meeting at least once a month that is Europe friendly that hopefully can get started soon.

On the topic of IBT/BTI, I agree that's useful. We probably need to have
a dedicated thread on that to get more background on where you're at and
then we can try to help where possible.

Would you be open to a meeting to discuss that?

Yes, please. I'm in UTC+1, and my calendar is generally fairly empty,
so please feel free to set a time that works for you.

I've learned this was discussed around 2020 and it appears to have been dropped. Sorry about that. We are gathering the right contacts and will follow up with you likely next week.


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