Since you have direct access to the UEFI builder object, I think you can use "" to get the workspace path instead of looking it up in the build vars.


I know many of these pre-existing files place parentheses around conditions. This is not really Pythonic and I suggest new code avoid it.

The code additions in this patch have mixed usage.

This has no parentheses:

  if thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "GCC5":

This does:

  if(ret != 0):

So, it would be:

  if ret != 0:

This is probably not worth sending a new patch over alone but something to consider if making other updates.

Reviewed-by: Michael Kubacki <>

On 9/29/2022 9:53 PM, Guo, Gua wrote:
From: Gua Guo <>

For GCC, use lcov to generate Unit Test code coverage

For VS2019, use OpenCppCoverage to generate code
coverage report

Cc: Bob Feng <>
Cc: Bret Barkelew <>
Cc: Liming Gao <>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <>
Cc: Sean Brogan <>
Signed-off-by: Gua Guo <>
  .../                | 119 ++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 119 insertions(+)

diff --git 
index c1eeaf2625..d92de236dc 100644
--- a/BaseTools/Plugin/HostBasedUnitTestRunner/
+++ b/BaseTools/Plugin/HostBasedUnitTestRunner/
@@ -112,4 +112,123 @@ class HostBasedUnitTestRunner(IUefiBuildPlugin):
                                              "  %s - %s" % 
(case.attrib['name'], result.text))

                                          failure_count += 1

+            if thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "GCC5":

+                self.gen_code_coverage_gcc(thebuilder)

+            elif thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "VS2019":

+                self.gen_code_coverage_msvc(thebuilder)

+            else:

+      "Skipping code coverage. Only supported on GCC.")


          return failure_count


+    def gen_code_coverage_gcc(self, thebuilder):

+"Generating UnitTest code coverage")


+        buildOutputBase = thebuilder.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE")

+        workspace = thebuilder.env.GetValue("WORKSPACE")


+        # Generate base code coverage for all source files

+        ret = RunCmd("lcov", f"--no-external --capture --initial --directory 
{buildOutputBase} --output-file {buildOutputBase}/ --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to build initial coverage 

+            return 1


+        # Coverage data for tested files only

+        ret = RunCmd("lcov", f"--capture --directory {buildOutputBase}/ 
--output-file {buildOutputBase}/ --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to build coverage data for 
tested files.")

+            return 1


+        # Aggregate all coverage data

+        ret = RunCmd("lcov", f"--add-tracefile {buildOutputBase}/ 
--add-tracefile {buildOutputBase}/ --output-file 
{buildOutputBase}/ --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to aggregate coverage 

+            return 1


+        # Generate coverage XML

+        ret = RunCmd("lcov_cobertura",f"{buildOutputBase}/ -o 

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate coverage 

+            return 1


+        # Filter out auto-generated and test code

+        ret = RunCmd("lcov_cobertura",f"{buildOutputBase}/ 
--excludes ^.*UnitTest\|^.*MU\|^.*Mock\|^.*DEBUG -o {buildOutputBase}/coverage.xml")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed generate filtered coverage 

+            return 1


+        # Generate all coverage file

+        testCoverageList = glob.glob 
(f"{workspace}/Build/**/", recursive=True)


+        coverageFile = ""

+        for testCoverage in testCoverageList:

+            coverageFile += " --add-tracefile " + testCoverage

+        ret = RunCmd("lcov", f"{coverageFile} --output-file 
{workspace}/Build/ --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed generate all coverage 

+            return 1


+        # Generate and HTML file if each package

+        ret = RunCmd("pycobertura", f"show --format html --output 
{buildOutputBase}/coverage.html {buildOutputBase}/coverage.xml --source {workspace}")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate HTML in single 


+        # Generate and HTML file if requested.for all package

+        if os.path.isfile(f"{workspace}/Build/coverage.xml"):

+            os.remove(f"{workspace}/Build/coverage.xml")

+        ret = RunCmd("lcov_cobertura",f"{workspace}/Build/ 
--excludes ^.*UnitTest\|^.*MU\|^.*Mock\|^.*DEBUG -o {workspace}/Build/coverage.xml")


+        if os.path.isfile(f"{workspace}/Build/coverage.html"):

+            os.remove(f"{workspace}/Build/coverage.html")

+        ret = RunCmd("pycobertura", f"show --format html --output 
{workspace}/Build/coverage.html {workspace}/Build/coverage.xml --source {workspace}")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate HTML.")


+        return 0



+    def gen_code_coverage_msvc(self, thebuilder):

+"Generating UnitTest code coverage")



+        buildOutputBase = thebuilder.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE")

+        testList = glob.glob(os.path.join(buildOutputBase, "**","*Test*.exe"), 

+        workspace = thebuilder.env.GetValue("WORKSPACE")


+        # Generate coverage file

+        coverageFile = ""

+        for testFile in testList:

+            ret = RunCmd("OpenCppCoverage", f"--source {workspace} --export_type 
binary:{testFile}.cov -- {testFile}")

+            coverageFile += " --input_coverage=" + testFile + ".cov"

+            if(ret != 0):

+                logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to collect coverage 

+                return 1


+        # Generate and HTML file if each package

+        ret = RunCmd("OpenCppCoverage", f"--export_type 
cobertura:{buildOutputBase}/coverage.xml --working_dir={workspace}/Build {coverageFile}")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate cobertura format 
xml in single package.")

+            return 1


+        ret = RunCmd("pycobertura", f"show --format html --output 
{buildOutputBase}/cverage.html {buildOutputBase}/coverage.xml --source {workspace}")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate HTML in single 

+            return 1


+        # Generate total report HTML file for all package

+        testCoverageList = glob.glob(os.path.join(workspace, "Build", 
"**","*Test*.exe.cov"), recursive=True)

+        coverageFile = ""

+        for testCoverage in testCoverageList:

+            coverageFile += " --input_coverage=" + testCoverage


+        ret = RunCmd("OpenCppCoverage", f"--export_type 
cobertura:{workspace}/Build/coverage.xml --working_dir={workspace}/Build {coverageFile}")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate cobertura format 

+            return 1


+        ret = RunCmd("pycobertura", f"show --format html --output 
{workspace}/Build/coverage.html {workspace}/Build/coverage.xml --source {workspace}")

+        if(ret != 0):

+            logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate HTML.")

+            return 1


+        return 0

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