As detailed on this post on Super User ( ) , I am trying to *add a DXE driver to an OVMF image* I'm building with edk2. Nobody was able to help me there so I turn here for your help.
I haven't found any proper documentation on exactly what I'm trying to achieve so I am probably missing something. So far what I have done is: * create the simplest DXE driver I managed In folder *MdeModulePkg/Application/Hello* , I have: *Hello.c* : include ... while ( 1 ) SystemTable -> ConOut -> OutputString ( SystemTable ->ConOut, L " It works! \n " ); return EFI_SUCCESS ; *Hello.inf* : [ Defines ] INF_VERSION = 0x00010005 BASE_NAME = Hello FILE_GUID =... MODULE_TYPE = DXE_DRIVER VERSION_STRING = 1.0 ENTRY_POINT = UefiMain [ Sources ] Hello.c [ Packages ] MdePkg/MdePkg.dec MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec [ LibraryClasses ] UefiDriverEntryPoint UefiLib [ Depex ] TRUE * Set *OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc* as my target platform with *GCC5* as the toolchain * Add *MdeModulePkg/Application/Hello/Hello.inf* to the end of the component section (I have tried to add it after other certain drivers) in the *.dsc* file. * Add *Mde* *ModulePkg/Application/Hello/Hello.inf* to the end of the *[ FV.DXEFV* *]* section in *OvmfPkgX64.fdf* (I have also tried to add it after other certain drivers) * Run *build* * Run *QEMU* with the resulting *OVMF* image: *qemu-system-x86_64* *-d int -D log.txt -bios OVMF.fd -net none -drive file=fat:rw:bootdrv, format=raw* * *QEMU* hangs with message *"Guest has not initialized display (yet)"* * *log.txt* has one log: *check_exception old: 0xffffffff new 0x6* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#95863): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: Unsubscribe: [] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-