On 26/09/2022 16:39, Clark-williams, Zachary wrote:
+ if (Profile->Password[StrLen (Profile->Password)] != '\0') {
+ Profile->Password[StrLen (Profile->Password)] = L'\0'; }
I don't understand this change, StrLen returns the length of a Null-terminated Unicode string,
it means "Profile->Password[StrLen (Profile->Password)]" should always be 0.
Did you see exceptional case?
Yes this is checking if the users entered password had a terminator on the end,
if it doesn't we are adding it.
During dev and testing we found a failure case if this was not tested and fixed.
No. StrLen() works by scanning the string until it finds a L'\0'
terminator. Your code is provably wrong.
I would suggest that you retest, and find the mistake in your testing
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