So if you run the stuart command with that plugin available on Linux/GCC, then both the .gcda and HTML content is always generated and local user can either view HTML content with browser or view the results in VS Code with the .gcda files. Correct? Yes, Correct.
I think there ways to run the stuart command for just that single pluigin specified on the command line, so the builds are as fast as possible during unit test development. Would be good to capture that in the as well. Let me think how to integrated into Edk2 appropriately For VS builds, I have heard that OpenCppCoverage is a good option: Wow, Don’t know the tool before. Let me summary as below hope can eliminate your concern. Windows Linux Compiler VS2019 GCC5 Coverage Tool VS Code Extension Support No, For long term, I may need to enough time to study OpenCppCoverage behavior. And try to integrated into BIOS-CAT - Visual Studio Marketplace<> Yes, Gcov Viewer - Visual Studio Marketplace<> Coverage File type *.pdb *.gcda, *.gcno Currently Behavior (Will require [PATCH v2] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add code coverage support for GCC) Step1. wget Step2. OpenCppCoverageSetup-x64- /SILENT Step3. stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/ -t NOOPT TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2019 -p MdePkg Step4. OpenCppCoverage.exe --sources %cd% --export_type html:%cd%\Build\UnitTestReport -- %cd%\Build\MdePkg\HostTest\NOOPT_VS2019\X64\BaseLibUnitTestsHost.exe Step5. Open "Build/UnitTestReport/index.html" Step1. sudo apt-get install lcov Step2. stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/ -p MdePkg -t NOOPT TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=GCC5 Step3. lcov -c --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 -o -d Build/MdePkg/HostTest/NOOPT_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/ Step4. genhtml --branch-coverage -o .Build/UnitTestReport Step5. Open "Build/UnitTestReport/index.html" Ideally Behavior (For Local Build) (It may give me some time to think how to integrate the code into edk2\BaseTools\Plugin\HostBasedUnitTestRunner\ Step1. wget Step2. OpenCppCoverageSetup-x64- /SILENT Step3. stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/ -t NOOPT TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=VS2019 -p MdePkg Step4. Open "Build/Coverage.html" Step1. sudo apt-get install lcov Step2. stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/ -p MdePkg -t NOOPT TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=GCC5 Step3. Open "Build/Coverage.html" Ideally Behavior (For CI/CD) It may give me some time to think how to modify. edk2\.azurepipelines\Windows-VS2019.yml It may give me some time to think how to modify. edk2\.azurepipelines\Ubuntu-GCC5.yml Thanks, Gua From: Kinney, Michael D <> Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 12:35 AM To: Guo, Gua <>; Sean Brogan <>;; Kinney, Michael D <> Cc: Sean Brogan <>; Michael Kubacki <> Subject: RE: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add code coverage support for GCC So if you run the stuart command with that plugin available on Linux/GCC, then both the .gcda and HTML content is always generated and local user can either view HTML content with browser or view the results in VS Code with the .gcda files. Correct? I think there ways to run the stuart command for just that single pluigin specified on the command line, so the builds are as fast as possible during unit test development. Would be good to capture that in the as well. Thanks, Mike From: Guo, Gua <<>> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 7:11 PM To: Kinney, Michael D <<>>; Sean Brogan <<>>;<> Cc: Sean Brogan <<>>; Michael Kubacki <<>> Subject: RE: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add code coverage support for GCC @Sean Brogan<> I go through the code Merged PR 5008: Initial implementation or code coverage on basecore u… · microsoft/mu_basecore@f6af51f (<> It looks good from my view point. @Kinney, Michael D<> Does that pytool plugin support viewing the code coverage visually in C source files? Yes Either HTML or preferably an Visual Studio Code plugin? I think it can be supported by both based on below change. Due to VScode plugin is auto scan *.gcda and show the result in VScode source tree. Merged PR 5008: Initial implementation or code coverage on basecore u… · microsoft/mu_basecore@f6af51f (<> Flow for stuart_ci_build: (a) -> (b) -> (c) -> (d) -> (e) -> (f) Flow for vscode extension Gcov Viewer - Visual Studio Marketplace<>: (a) -> (b) -> (c) -> (d) -> (g) (a) stuart_ci_build -p XXXPkg (b) Call Edk2/.pytool/Plugin/HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin/ (c) Call Edk2/BaseTools/Plugin/HostBasedUnitTestRunner/ (d) execute Build/XXXPkg/**/*Test* -> generate *.gcda files (e) use “lcov” tool to parse *.gcda (f) use “pycobertura” tool to generate index.html (g) vscode extension to parse *.gcda and show it on source code directly. Can it be updated to support VS compilers tool? No, currently I don’t find a good way to generate code coverage for MSVC compiler Thanks, Gua From: Kinney, Michael D <<>> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2022 9:52 AM To: Sean Brogan <<>>;<>; Guo, Gua <<>>; Kinney, Michael D <<>> Cc: Sean Brogan <<>>; Michael Kubacki <<>> Subject: RE: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add code coverage support for GCC Does that pytool plugin support viewing the code coverage visually in C source files? Either HTML or preferably an Visual Studio Code plugin? Can it be updated to support VS compilers tool? Mie From: Sean Brogan <<>> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 6:18 PM To:<>; Guo, Gua <<>> Cc: Kinney, Michael D <<>>; Sean Brogan <<>>; Michael Kubacki <<>> Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add code coverage support for GCC Hi Gua Guo, I would propose that we make this easier for both the local user and the CI system to get coverage metrics. Can you review this commit as it uses the same Edk2 plugins but adds code coverage support with GCC5: Merged PR 5008: Initial implementation or code coverage on basecore u… · microsoft/mu_basecore@f6af51f (<> Thanks Sean On 9/13/2022 6:01 PM, Guo, Gua wrote: From: Gua Guo <><> In order to collect code coverage after running executable file, generate *.gcda and *.gcno file that require by lcov tool to generate code coverage report. Cc: Michael D Kinney <><> Cc: Sean Brogan <><> Cc: Bret Barkelew <><> Cc: Michael Kubacki <><> Signed-off-by: Gua Guo <><> --- UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ | 116 +++++++++++++++++++- UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ | 2 +- 2 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ b/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ index e696412cb3..93fdacfc4a 100644 --- a/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ +++ b/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ RUNNING TEST SUITE: Int Safe Conversions Test Suite ``` You can also, if you are so inclined, read the output from the exact instance of the test that was run during -`stuart_ci_build`. The ouput file can be found on a path that looks like: +`stuart_ci_build`. The output file can be found on a path that looks like: `Build/<Package>/HostTest/<Arch>/<TestName>.<TestSuiteName>.<Arch>.result.xml` @@ -399,6 +399,120 @@ CMOCKA_XML_FILE=<absolute or relative path to output file> This mode is used by the test running plugin to aggregate the results for CI test status reporting in the web view. +### Enable Code Coverage for GCC host-based tests + +LCOV is an extension of GCOV, a GNU tool which provides information about what parts of a program are actually executed (i.e. "covered") while running a particular test case. The extension consists of a set of scripts which build on the textual GCOV output to implement it. + +Documentation for LCOV can be found here: + + +You can follow below steps to generate your code coverage report. + + + +```bash +user@linux_machine:~/_uefi$stuart_ci_build -c .pytool/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=GCC5 -p MdePkg -t NOOPT +... +user@linux_machine:~/_uefi$lcov -c --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 -o -d Build/MdePkg/HostTest/NOOPT_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/ +Capturing coverage data from Build/MdePkg/HostTest/NOOPT_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/ +Found gcov version: 9.4.0 +Using intermediate gcov format +Scanning Build/MdePkg/HostTest/NOOPT_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/ for .gcda files ... +Found 38 data files in Build/MdePkg/HostTest/NOOPT_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/ +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/RShiftU64.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/Math64.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/SafeString.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/SwapBytes32.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/CpuDeadLoop.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/MultU64x64.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/LongJump.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/SetJump.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/BitField.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/String.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/DivU64x32Remainder.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/GccInline.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/MultU64x32.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/MultS64x64.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/LinkedList.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/LShiftU64.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/DivU64x32.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/SwapBytes16.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/Unaligned.gcda +Processing Library/BaseLib/UnitTestHostBaseLib/OUTPUT/CheckSum.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/CopyMem.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/MemLibGuid.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/CompareMemWrapper.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/SetMemWrapper.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/SetMem64Wrapper.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/MemLibGeneric.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/CopyMemWrapper.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/SetMem.gcda +Processing Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib/OUTPUT/ZeroMemWrapper.gcda +Processing Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib/OUTPUT/PrintLibInternal.gcda +Processing Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib/OUTPUT/PrintLib.gcda +Processing Library/BaseSafeIntLib/BaseSafeIntLib/OUTPUT/SafeIntLib64.gcda +Processing Library/BaseSafeIntLib/BaseSafeIntLib/OUTPUT/SafeIntLib.gcda +Processing Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseLib/BaseLibUnitTestsHost/OUTPUT/Base64UnitTest.gcda +Processing Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseLib/BaseLibUnitTestsHost/OUTPUT/AutoGen.gcda +Processing Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLibHost/OUTPUT/SafeIntLibUintnIntnUnitTests64.gcda +Processing Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLibHost/OUTPUT/TestBaseSafeIntLib.gcda +Processing Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLibHost/OUTPUT/AutoGen.gcda + +user@linux_machine:~/_uefi$genhtml --branch-coverage -o Build/UnitTestReport + +Reading data file +Found 38 entries. +Found common filename prefix "~/_uefi/MdePkg/Library" +Writing .css and .png files. +Generating output. +Processing file ~/_uefi/Build/MdePkg/HostTest/NOOPT_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseLib/BaseLibUnitTestsHost/DEBUG/AutoGen.c +Processing file ~/_uefi/Build/MdePkg/HostTest/NOOPT_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLibHost/DEBUG/AutoGen.c +Processing file BaseLib/Unaligned.c +Processing file BaseLib/CheckSum.c +Processing file BaseLib/BitField.c +Processing file BaseLib/DivU64x32.c +Processing file BaseLib/CpuDeadLoop.c +Processing file BaseLib/LongJump.c +Processing file BaseLib/MultU64x64.c +Processing file BaseLib/RShiftU64.c +Processing file BaseLib/SwapBytes32.c +Processing file BaseLib/SwapBytes16.c +Processing file BaseLib/SetJump.c +Processing file BaseLib/LinkedList.c +Processing file BaseLib/LShiftU64.c +Processing file BaseLib/SafeString.c +Processing file BaseLib/String.c +Processing file BaseLib/DivU64x32Remainder.c +Processing file BaseLib/MultS64x64.c +Processing file BaseLib/MultU64x32.c +Processing file BaseLib/Math64.c +Processing file BaseLib/X64/GccInline.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/SetMemWrapper.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/CompareMemWrapper.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/SetMem64Wrapper.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/ZeroMemWrapper.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/CopyMemWrapper.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/CopyMem.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/SetMem.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/MemLibGuid.c +Processing file BaseMemoryLib/MemLibGeneric.c +Processing file BasePrintLib/PrintLib.c +Processing file BasePrintLib/PrintLibInternal.c +Processing file BaseSafeIntLib/SafeIntLib64.c +Processing file BaseSafeIntLib/SafeIntLib.c +Processing file ~/_uefi/MdePkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseLib/Base64UnitTest.c +Processing file ~/_uefi/MdePkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/TestBaseSafeIntLib.c +Processing file ~/_uefi/MdePkg/Test/UnitTest/Library/BaseSafeIntLib/SafeIntLibUintnIntnUnitTests64.c +Writing directory view page. +Overall coverage rate: + lines......: 58.6% (2688 of 4589 lines) + functions..: 57.1% (249 of 436 functions) + branches...: 25.3% (1062 of 4195 branches) + +... + +``` + ### Important Note This works on both Windows and Linux, but is currently limited to x64 architectures. Working on getting others, but we diff --git a/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ b/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ index 4dd8d4ac67..8623aecb33 100644 --- a/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ +++ b/UnitTestFrameworkPkg/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ MemoryAllocationLib|UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/Posix/MemoryAllocationLibPosix/MemoryAllocationLibPosix.inf [BuildOptions] - GCC:*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = -fno-pie + GCC:*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = -fno-pie -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs !ifdef $(UNIT_TESTING_DEBUG) MSFT:*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = -D UNIT_TESTING_DEBUG=1 GCC:*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = -D UNIT_TESTING_DEBUG=1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#93796): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: Unsubscribe: [] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-