From: Pierre Gondois <>

In an effort to clean the documentation of the above
package, remove duplicated words.

Cc: Sean Brogan <>
Cc: Bret Barkelew <>
Signed-off-by: Pierre Gondois <>
 .pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck/      | 2 +-
 .pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck/uncrustify.cfg | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck/ 
index efe7a573e4fa..51f99565f72a 100644
--- a/.pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck/
+++ b/.pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck/
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ to be ignored.
 If `True`, output diffs of formatting changes into the test case log. This is 
helpful to exactly understand what changes
 need to be made to the source code in order to fix a coding standard 
compliance issue.
-Note that calculating the file diffs on a very large set of of results (e.g. 
>100 files) can significantly slow down
+Note that calculating the file diffs on a very large set of results (e.g. >100 
files) can significantly slow down
 plugin execution.
 ### `SkipGitExclusions`
diff --git a/.pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck/uncrustify.cfg 
index 8506c3333715..2b8f2e539e5f 100644
--- a/.pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck/uncrustify.cfg
+++ b/.pytool/Plugin/UncrustifyCheck/uncrustify.cfg
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ sp_square_fparen                = remove    # Add or remove 
space between ']' an
 # Put a space before an open brace if it is not on its own line
 sp_do_brace_open                = force     # Add or remove space between 'do' 
and '{'.
 sp_paren_brace                  = force     # Add or remove space between ')' 
and '{'.
-sp_sparen_brace                 = force     # Add or remove space between ')' 
and '{' of of control statements.
+sp_sparen_brace                 = force     # Add or remove space between ')' 
and '{' of control statements.
 # Do not put spaces around structure member and pointer operators
 sp_after_byref                  = remove    # Add or remove space after 
reference sign '&', if followed by a word.

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