There is no function to send POST request
with the ContentType different from "application\json".
There is no function to send DELETE request with the body.

Cc: Abner Chang <>
Cc: Nickle Wang <>
Signed-off-by: Igor Kulchytskyy <>
 RedfishPkg/Include/Library/RedfishLib.h                                      | 
 80 +++++++++
 RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/RedfishLib.c                            | 
189 ++++++++++++++++++++
 RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/edk2libredfish/include/redfishService.h | 
  8 +
 RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/edk2libredfish/src/service.c            | 
 41 ++++-
 4 files changed, 316 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/RedfishPkg/Include/Library/RedfishLib.h 
index b2488ab..ce39ce3 100644
--- a/RedfishPkg/Include/Library/RedfishLib.h
+++ b/RedfishPkg/Include/Library/RedfishLib.h
@@ -380,6 +380,49 @@ RedfishPatchToPayload (
   OUT    REDFISH_RESPONSE  *RedResponse

+  Use HTTP POST to create new Redfish resource in the Resource Collection.
+  The POST request should be submitted to the Resource Collection in which the 
new resource
+  is to belong. The Resource Collection is addressed by URI. The Redfish may
+  ignore any service controlled properties. The corresponding redfish response 
will returned,
+  including HTTP StatusCode, Headers and Payload which record any HTTP 
response messages.
+  Callers are responsible for freeing the HTTP StatusCode, Headers and Payload 
returned in
+  redfish response data.
+  @param[in]    RedfishService        The Service to access the Redfish 
+  @param[in]    Uri                   Relative path to address the resource.
+  @param[in]    Content               JSON represented properties to be update.
+  @param[in]    ContentSize           Size of the Content to be send to 
Redfish service
+  @param[in]    ContentType           Type of the Content to be send to 
Redfish service
+  @param[out]   RedResponse           Pointer to the Redfish response data.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The opeartion is successful, indicates the 
HTTP StatusCode is not
+                                  NULL and the value is 2XX. The Redfish 
resource will be returned
+                                  in Payload within RedResponse if server send 
it back in the HTTP
+                                  response message body.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   RedfishService, Uri, Content, or RedResponse 
is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR        An unexpected system or network error 
occurred. Callers can get
+                                  more error info from returned HTTP 
StatusCode, Headers and Payload
+                                  within RedResponse:
+                                  1. If the returned StatusCode is NULL, 
indicates any error happen.
+                                  2. If the returned StatusCode is not NULL 
and the value is not 2XX,
+                                     indicates any error happen.
+RedfishPostToUri (
+  IN     REDFISH_SERVICE   RedfishService,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *Uri,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *Content,
+  IN     UINTN             ContentSize,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *ContentType,
+  OUT    REDFISH_RESPONSE  *RedResponse
+  );
   Use HTTP POST to create a new resource in target payload.

@@ -451,6 +494,43 @@ RedfishDeleteByUri (

+  Use HTTP DELETE to remove a resource.
+  This function uses the RedfishService to remove a Redfish resource which is 
+  by input Uri (only the relative path is required). The corresponding redfish 
response will
+  returned, including HTTP StatusCode, Headers and Payload which record any 
HTTP response
+  messages.
+  Callers are responsible for freeing the HTTP StatusCode, Headers and Payload 
returned in
+  redfish response data.
+  @param[in]    RedfishService        The Service to access the Redfish 
+  @param[in]    Uri                   Relative path to address the resource.
+  @param[in]    Content               JSON represented properties to be 
+  @param[out]   RedResponse           Pointer to the Redfish response data.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The opeartion is successful, indicates the 
HTTP StatusCode is not
+                                  NULL and the value is 2XX, the Redfish 
resource has been removed.
+                                  If there is any message returned from 
server, it will be returned
+                                  in Payload within RedResponse.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   RedfishService, Uri, or RedResponse is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR        An unexpected system or network error 
occurred. Callers can get
+                                  more error info from returned HTTP 
StatusCode, Headers and Payload
+                                  within RedResponse:
+                                  1. If the returned StatusCode is NULL, 
indicates any error happen.
+                                  2. If the returned StatusCode is not NULL 
and the value is not 2XX,
+                                     indicates any error happen.
+RedfishDeleteByUriEx (
+  IN     REDFISH_SERVICE   RedfishService,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *Uri,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *Content,
+  OUT    REDFISH_RESPONSE  *RedResponse
+  );
   Dump text in fractions.

   @param[in]  String   ASCII string to dump.
diff --git a/RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/RedfishLib.c 
index 9f9d377..6c0f426 100644
--- a/RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/RedfishLib.c
+++ b/RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/RedfishLib.c
@@ -583,6 +583,104 @@ RedfishPatchToPayload (
   return EFI_SUCCESS;

+  Use HTTP POST to create new Redfish resource in the Resource Collection.
+  The POST request should be submitted to the Resource Collection in which the 
new resource
+  is to belong. The Resource Collection is addressed by URI. The Redfish may
+  ignore any service controlled properties. The corresponding redfish response 
will returned,
+  including HTTP StatusCode, Headers and Payload which record any HTTP 
response messages.
+  Callers are responsible for freeing the HTTP StatusCode, Headers and Payload 
returned in
+  redfish response data.
+  @param[in]    RedfishService        The Service to access the Redfish 
+  @param[in]    Uri                   Relative path to address the resource.
+  @param[in]    Content               JSON represented properties to be update.
+  @param[in]    ContentSize           Size of the Content to be send to 
Redfish service
+  @param[in]    ContentType           Type of the Content to be send to 
Redfish service
+  @param[out]   RedResponse           Pointer to the Redfish response data.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The opeartion is successful, indicates the 
HTTP StatusCode is not
+                                  NULL and the value is 2XX. The Redfish 
resource will be returned
+                                  in Payload within RedResponse if server send 
it back in the HTTP
+                                  response message body.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   RedfishService, Uri, Content, or RedResponse 
is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR        An unexpected system or network error 
occurred. Callers can get
+                                  more error info from returned HTTP 
StatusCode, Headers and Payload
+                                  within RedResponse:
+                                  1. If the returned StatusCode is NULL, 
indicates any error happen.
+                                  2. If the returned StatusCode is not NULL 
and the value is not 2XX,
+                                     indicates any error happen.
+RedfishPostToUri (
+  IN     REDFISH_SERVICE   RedfishService,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *Uri,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *Content,
+  IN     UINTN             ContentSize,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *ContentType,
+  OUT    REDFISH_RESPONSE  *RedResponse
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS        Status;
+  Status    = EFI_SUCCESS;
+  JsonValue = NULL;
+  if ((RedfishService == NULL) || (Uri == NULL) || (Content == NULL) || 
(RedResponse == NULL)) {
+  }
+  ZeroMem (RedResponse, sizeof (REDFISH_RESPONSE));
+  JsonValue = (EDKII_JSON_VALUE)postUriFromService (
+                                  RedfishService,
+                                  Uri,
+                                  Content,
+                                  ContentSize,
+                                  ContentType,
+                                  &(RedResponse->StatusCode)
+                                  );
+  //
+  // 1. If the returned StatusCode is NULL, indicates any error happen.
+  //
+  if (RedResponse->StatusCode == NULL) {
+    Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+    goto ON_EXIT;
+  }
+  //
+  // 2. If the returned StatusCode is not NULL and the value is not 2XX, 
indicates any error happen.
+  //    NOTE: If there is any error message returned from server, it will be 
returned in
+  //          Payload within RedResponse.
+  //
+  if ((*(RedResponse->StatusCode) < HTTP_STATUS_200_OK) || \
+      (*(RedResponse->StatusCode) > HTTP_STATUS_206_PARTIAL_CONTENT))
+  {
+    Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+  }
+  if (JsonValue != NULL) {
+    RedResponse->Payload = createRedfishPayload (JsonValue, RedfishService);
+    if (RedResponse->Payload == NULL) {
+      //
+      // Ignore the error when create RedfishPayload, just free the JsonValue 
since it's not what
+      // we care about if the returned StatusCode is 2XX.
+      //
+      JsonValueFree (JsonValue);
+    }
+  }
+  return Status;
   Use HTTP POST to create a new resource in target payload.

@@ -738,6 +836,97 @@ ON_EXIT:
   return Status;

+  Use HTTP DELETE to remove a resource.
+  This function uses the RedfishService to remove a Redfish resource which is 
+  by input Uri (only the relative path is required). The corresponding redfish 
response will
+  returned, including HTTP StatusCode, Headers and Payload which record any 
HTTP response
+  messages.
+  Callers are responsible for freeing the HTTP StatusCode, Headers and Payload 
returned in
+  redfish response data.
+  @param[in]    RedfishService        The Service to access the Redfish 
+  @param[in]    Uri                   Relative path to address the resource.
+  @param[in]    Content               JSON represented properties to be 
+  @param[out]   RedResponse           Pointer to the Redfish response data.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The opeartion is successful, indicates the 
HTTP StatusCode is not
+                                  NULL and the value is 2XX, the Redfish 
resource has been removed.
+                                  If there is any message returned from 
server, it will be returned
+                                  in Payload within RedResponse.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   RedfishService, Uri, or RedResponse is NULL.
+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR        An unexpected system or network error 
occurred. Callers can get
+                                  more error info from returned HTTP 
StatusCode, Headers and Payload
+                                  within RedResponse:
+                                  1. If the returned StatusCode is NULL, 
indicates any error happen.
+                                  2. If the returned StatusCode is not NULL 
and the value is not 2XX,
+                                     indicates any error happen.
+RedfishDeleteByUriEx (
+  IN     REDFISH_SERVICE   RedfishService,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *Uri,
+  IN     CONST CHAR8       *Content,
+  OUT    REDFISH_RESPONSE  *RedResponse
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS        Status;
+  Status    = EFI_SUCCESS;
+  JsonValue = NULL;
+  if ((RedfishService == NULL) || (Content == NULL) || (Uri == NULL) || 
(RedResponse == NULL)) {
+  }
+  ZeroMem (RedResponse, sizeof (REDFISH_RESPONSE));
+  JsonValue = (EDKII_JSON_VALUE)deleteUriFromServiceEx (
+                                  RedfishService,
+                                  Uri,
+                                  Content,
+                                  &(RedResponse->StatusCode)
+                                  );
+  //
+  // 1. If the returned StatusCode is NULL, indicates any error happen.
+  //
+  if (RedResponse->StatusCode == NULL) {
+    Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+    goto ON_EXIT;
+  }
+  //
+  // 2. If the returned StatusCode is not NULL and the value is not 2XX, 
indicates any error happen.
+  //    NOTE: If there is any error message returned from server, it will be 
returned in
+  //          Payload within RedResponse.
+  //
+  if ((*(RedResponse->StatusCode) < HTTP_STATUS_200_OK) || \
+      (*(RedResponse->StatusCode) > HTTP_STATUS_206_PARTIAL_CONTENT))
+  {
+    Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+  }
+  if (JsonValue != NULL) {
+    RedResponse->Payload = createRedfishPayload (JsonValue, RedfishService);
+    if (RedResponse->Payload == NULL) {
+      //
+      // Ignore the error when create RedfishPayload, just free the JsonValue 
since it's not what
+      // we care about if the returned StatusCode is 2XX.
+      //
+      JsonValueFree (JsonValue);
+    }
+  }
+  return Status;
   Dump text in fractions.

diff --git 
index 5c13b68..75afadc 100644
@@ -129,6 +129,14 @@ deleteUriFromService (

+json_t *
+deleteUriFromServiceEx (
+  redfishService        *service,
+  const char            *uri,
+  const char            *content,
+  );
 redfishPayload *
 getRedfishServiceRoot (
   redfishService        *service,
diff --git a/RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/edk2libredfish/src/service.c 
index afa172b..086e04a 100644
--- a/RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/edk2libredfish/src/service.c
+++ b/RedfishPkg/PrivateLibrary/RedfishLib/edk2libredfish/src/service.c
@@ -923,10 +923,12 @@ ON_EXIT:
   return ret;

 json_t *
-deleteUriFromService (
+deleteUriFromServiceEx (
   redfishService        *service,
   const char            *uri,
+  const char            *content,
@@ -937,6 +939,8 @@ deleteUriFromService (
   EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE       *RequestMsg  = NULL;
   EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE       ResponseMsg;
+  CHAR8                  ContentLengthStr[80];
+  size_t                 contentLength;

   ret = NULL;

@@ -956,7 +960,7 @@ deleteUriFromService (
   // Step 1: Create HTTP request message with 4 headers:
-  HttpIoHeader = HttpIoCreateHeader ((service->sessionToken || 
service->basicAuthStr) ? 5 : 4);
+  HttpIoHeader = HttpIoCreateHeader ((service->sessionToken || 
service->basicAuthStr) ? 8 : 7);
   if (HttpIoHeader == NULL) {
     ret = NULL;
     goto ON_EXIT;
@@ -979,6 +983,23 @@ deleteUriFromService (
   Status = HttpIoSetHeader (HttpIoHeader, "Connection", "Keep-Alive");

+  Status = HttpIoSetHeader (HttpIoHeader, "Content-Type", "application/json");
+  if(content != NULL){
+      contentLength = strlen (content);
+      AsciiSPrint (
+        ContentLengthStr,
+        sizeof (ContentLengthStr),
+        "%lu",
+        (UINT64)contentLength
+        );
+      Status = HttpIoSetHeader (HttpIoHeader, "Content-Length", 
+      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+      Status = HttpIoSetHeader (HttpIoHeader, "OData-Version", "4.0");
+      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
+  }
   // Step 2: build the rest of HTTP request info.
@@ -1004,6 +1025,11 @@ deleteUriFromService (
   RequestMsg->HeaderCount  = HttpIoHeader->HeaderCount;
   RequestMsg->Headers      = HttpIoHeader->Headers;

+  if(content != NULL){
+      RequestMsg->BodyLength   = contentLength;
+      RequestMsg->Body         = (VOID *)content;
+  }
   ZeroMem (&ResponseMsg, sizeof (ResponseMsg));

@@ -1057,6 +1083,17 @@ ON_EXIT:
   return ret;

+json_t *
+deleteUriFromService (
+  redfishService        *service,
+  const char            *uri,
+  )
+  return deleteUriFromServiceEx(service, uri, NULL, StatusCode);
 redfishPayload *
 getRedfishServiceRoot (
   redfishService        *service,
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