Hi Sami,

Thanks for your Acks below. The updated patch is sent here:

Please let me know if there is any further feedback/issues.


On 8/9/2022 2:01 AM, Sami Mujawar wrote:
Hi Kun,

Please find my response inline marked [SAMI].


Sami Mujawar

On 09/08/2022, 00:44, "Kun Qin" <kuqi...@gmail.com> wrote:

     Hi Sami,

     Thank you for taking time testing this change!

     I have a question about one comment you have for this specific patch
     inline (marked with [KQ]).
     Could you please provide more details?

     I also responded to your other comments, please let me know if the
     proposed change makes
     sense to you. Looking forward to your reply.


     On 8/8/2022 8:39 AM, Sami Mujawar wrote:
     > Hi Kun,
     > Please find my response inline marked [SAMI].
     > Regards,
     > Sami Mujawar
     > On 08/08/2022 02:05 pm, Sami Mujawar wrote:
     >> Hi Kun,
     >> Thank you for this patch.
     >> Please find my response inline marked [SAMI].
     >> Regards,
     >> Sami Mujawar
     >> On 31/07/2022 06:37 am, Kun Qin wrote:
     >>> REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3997
     >>> This change added an extra step to allow check for installed ACPI
     >>> tables.
     >>> For FADT, MADT, GTDT, DSDT, DBG2 and SPCR tables, either
     >>> pre-installed or
     >>> supplied through AcpiTableInfo can be accepted.
     >>> An extra check for FADT ACPI table existence during installation
     >>> step is
     >>> also added.
     >>> Cc: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>
     >>> Cc: Alexei Fedorov <alexei.fedo...@arm.com>
     >>> Co-authored-by: Joe Lopez <joelo...@microsoft.com>
     >>> Signed-off-by: Kun Qin <kuqi...@gmail.com>
     >>> Reviewed-by: Pierre Gondois <pierre.gond...@arm.com>
     >>> ---
     >>> Notes:
     >>>      v2:
     >>>      - Function description updates [Sami]
     >>>      - Refactorized the table verification [Pierre]
     >>>           v3:
     >>>      - Added descriptions for new structures [Pierre]
     >>>      - Added check for SDT protocol PCD before using it [Pierre]
     >>> | 214 ++++++++++++--------
     >>> |   4 +
     >>>   2 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
     >>> diff --git
     >>> index ed62299f9bbd..7f3deef08a66 100644
     >>> ---
     >>> +++
     >>> @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
     >>>   #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
     >>>   #include <Library/PcdLib.h>
     >>>   #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
     >>> +#include <Protocol/AcpiSystemDescriptionTable.h>
     >>>   #include <Protocol/AcpiTable.h>
     >>>   // Module specific include files.
     >>> @@ -22,6 +23,58 @@
     >>>   #include <Protocol/DynamicTableFactoryProtocol.h>
     >>>   #include <SmbiosTableGenerator.h>
     >>> +///
     >>> +/// Bit definitions for acceptable ACPI table presence formats.
     >>> +/// Currently only ACPI tables present in the ACPI info list and
     >>> +/// already installed will count towards "Table Present" during
     >>> +/// verification routine.
     >>> +///
     >>> +
     >>> +///
     >>> +/// Order of ACPI table being verified during presence inspection.
     >>> +///
     >>> +#define ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_FADT   0
     >>> +#define ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_MADT   1
     >>> +#define ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_GTDT   2
     >>> +#define ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_DSDT   3
     >>> +#define ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_DBG2   4
     >>> +#define ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_SPCR   5
     >>> +#define ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_COUNT  6
     >>> +
     >>> +///
     >>> +/// Private data structure to verify the presence of mandatory
     >>> +/// or optional ACPI tables.
     >>> +///
     >>> +typedef struct {
     >>> +  /// ESTD ID for the ACPI table of interest.
     >>> +  ESTD_ACPI_TABLE_ID    EstdTableId;
     >>> +  /// Standard UINT32 ACPI signature.
     >>> +  UINT32                AcpiTableSignature;
     >>> +  /// 4 character ACPI table name (the 5th char8 is for null
     >>> terminator).
     >>> +  CHAR8                 AcpiTableName[sizeof (UINT32) + 1];
     >>> +  /// Indicator on whether the ACPI table is required.
     >>> +  BOOLEAN               IsMandatory;
     >>> +  /// Formats of verified presences, as defined by
     >>> +  /// This field should be initialized to 0 and will be populated
     >>> during
     >>> +  /// verification routine.
     >>> +  UINT16                Presence;
     >>> +
     >>> +///
     >>> +/// We require the FADT, MADT, GTDT and the DSDT tables to boot.
     >>> +/// This list also include optional ACPI tables: DBG2, SPCR.
     >>> +///
     >>> = {
     >>> +  { EStdAcpiTableIdFadt,
     >>> 0 },
     >>> +  { EStdAcpiTableIdMadt,
     >>> TRUE,  0 },
     >>> +  { EStdAcpiTableIdGtdt,
     >>> TRUE,  0 },
     >>> +  { EStdAcpiTableIdDsdt,
     >>> "DSDT", TRUE,  0 },
     >>> +  { EStdAcpiTableIdDbg2, EFI_ACPI_6_2_DEBUG_PORT_2_TABLE_SIGNATURE,
     >>> "DBG2", FALSE, 0 },
     >>> +  { EStdAcpiTableIdSpcr,
     >>> "SPCR", FALSE, 0 },
     >>> +};
     >>> +
     >>>   /** This macro expands to a function that retrieves the ACPI Table
     >>>       List from the Configuration Manager.
     >>>   */
     >>> @@ -395,6 +448,7 @@ BuildAndInstallAcpiTable (
     >>>     @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Success.
     >>>     @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         If mandatory table is not found.
     >>> +  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED   If mandatory table found in
     >>> AcpiTableInfo is already installed.
     >>>   **/
     >>>   STATIC
     >>>   EFI_STATUS
     >>> @@ -404,75 +458,71 @@ VerifyMandatoryTablesArePresent (
     >>>     IN       UINT32 AcpiTableCount
     >>>     )
     >>>   {
     >>> -  EFI_STATUS  Status;
     >>> -  BOOLEAN     FadtFound;
     >>> -  BOOLEAN     MadtFound;
     >>> -  BOOLEAN     GtdtFound;
     >>> -  BOOLEAN     DsdtFound;
     >>> -  BOOLEAN     Dbg2Found;
     >>> -  BOOLEAN     SpcrFound;
     >>> +  EFI_STATUS                   Status;
     >>> +  UINTN                        Handle;
     >>> +  UINTN                        Index;
     >>> +  UINTN                        InstalledTableIndex;
     >>> +  EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER  *DescHeader;
     >>> +  EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION       Version;
     >>> +  EFI_ACPI_SDT_PROTOCOL        *AcpiSdt;
     >>> -  Status    = EFI_SUCCESS;
     >>> -  FadtFound = FALSE;
     >>> -  MadtFound = FALSE;
     >>> -  GtdtFound = FALSE;
     >>> -  DsdtFound = FALSE;
     >>> -  Dbg2Found = FALSE;
     >>> -  SpcrFound = FALSE;
     >>>     ASSERT (AcpiTableInfo != NULL);
     >>> +  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
     >>> +
     >>> +  // Check against the statically initialized ACPI tables to see if
     >>> they are in ACPI info list
     >>>     while (AcpiTableCount-- != 0) {
     >>> -    switch (AcpiTableInfo[AcpiTableCount].AcpiTableSignature) {
     >>> -        FadtFound = TRUE;
     >>> -        break;
     >>> -        MadtFound = TRUE;
     >>> -        break;
     >>> -        GtdtFound = TRUE;
     >>> -        break;
     >>> -      case
     >>> -        DsdtFound = TRUE;
     >>> -        break;
     >>> -      case EFI_ACPI_6_2_DEBUG_PORT_2_TABLE_SIGNATURE:
     >>> -        Dbg2Found = TRUE;
     >>> -        break;
     >>> -      case
     >>> -        SpcrFound = TRUE;
     >>> -        break;
     >>> -      default:
     >>> +    for (Index = 0; Index < ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_COUNT; Index++) {
     >>> +      if (AcpiTableInfo[AcpiTableCount].AcpiTableSignature ==
     >>> mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].AcpiTableSignature) {
     >>> +        mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].Presence |=
     >>> +        // Found this table, skip the rest.
     >>>           break;
     >>> +      }
     >>>       }
     >>>     }
     >>> -  // We need at least the FADT, MADT, GTDT and the DSDT tables to boot
     >>> -  if (!FadtFound) {
     >>> -    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: FADT Table not found\n"));
     >>> -    Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
     >>> -  }
     >>> +  // They also might be published already, so we can search from there
     >>> +  if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdInstallAcpiSdtProtocol)) {
     >>> +    AcpiSdt = NULL;
     >>> +    Status  = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiAcpiSdtProtocolGuid, NULL,
     >>> (VOID **)&AcpiSdt);
     >>> -  if (!MadtFound) {
     >>> -    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: MADT Table not found.\n"));
     >>> -    Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
     >>> -  }
     >>> +    if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (AcpiSdt == NULL)) {
     >>> +      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: Failed to locate ACPI SDT
     >>> protocol (0x%p) - %r\n", AcpiSdt, Status));
     >>> +      return Status;
     >>> +    }
     >>> -  if (!GtdtFound) {
     >>> -    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: GTDT Table not found.\n"));
     >>> -    Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
     >>> -  }
     >>> +    for (Index = 0; Index < ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_COUNT; Index++) {
     >>> +      Handle              = 0;
     >>> +      InstalledTableIndex = 0;
     >>> +      do {
     >>> +        Status = AcpiSdt->GetAcpiTable (InstalledTableIndex,
     >>> (EFI_ACPI_SDT_HEADER **)&DescHeader, &Version, &Handle);
     >>> +        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     > [SAMI] When running Kvmtool guest firmware I break from here with
     > EFI_NOT_FOUND. The problem is PcdInstallAcpiSdtProtocol is set to TRUE
     > in ArmVirt.dsc.inc and the Kvmtool guest firmware does not have any
     > preinstalled tables (i.e. all tables are generated using
     > DynamicTablesFramework).
     > This means platforms that use only Dynamic Tables Framework would all
     > need to define PcdInstallAcpiSdtProtocol to FALSE. Is it possible to
     > rework this logic so that the existing platform code does not need
     > updating, please?
     > [/SAMI]


     There was a mistake that the Status should be set to EFI_SUCCESS before
     entering the presence
     checking step. Otherwise it will remain the same value from GetAcpiTable
     if all tables are present.

     To your original observation, it is correct that this GetAcpiTable call
     will fail with EFI_NOT_FOUND,
     but it should only break from the internal `do-while` loop, and continue
     with the rest of table
     look-ups. Then during table inspection step, either installed table or
     from info_list will count as a
     passed check. The return Status should be reset before inspecting the
     full look-up results. Thanks
     for catching this! Will add the `Status = EFI_SUCCESS` statement in the
     next round.


[SAMI] Ack. I look forward to an updated patch with this fixed.

     >>> +          break;
     >>> +        }
     >>> -  if (!DsdtFound) {
     >>> -    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: DSDT Table not found.\n"));
     >>> -    Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
     >>> -  }
     >>> +        InstalledTableIndex++;
     >>> +      } while (DescHeader->Signature !=
     >>> mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].AcpiTableSignature);
     >>> -  if (!Dbg2Found) {
     >>> -    DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "WARNING: DBG2 Table not found.\n"));
     >>> +      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     >>> +        mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].Presence |=
     >>> +      }
     >>> +    }
     >>>     }
     >>> -  if (!SpcrFound) {
     >>> -    DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "WARNING: SPCR Table not found.\n"));
     >>> +  for (Index = 0; Index < ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_COUNT; Index++) {
     >>> +    if (mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].Presence == 0) {
     >>> +      if (mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].IsMandatory) {
     >>> +        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: %a Table not found.\n",
     >>> mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].AcpiTableName));
     >>> +        Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
     >>> +      } else {
     >>> +        DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "WARNING: %a Table not found.\n",
     >>> mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].AcpiTableName));
     >>> +      }
     >>> +    } else if (mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].Presence ==
     >>> +               (ACPI_TABLE_PRESENT_INFO_LIST |
     >>> +    {
     >>> +      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: %a Table found while already
     >>> published.\n", mAcpiVerifyTables[Index].AcpiTableName));
     >>> +      Status = EFI_ALREADY_STARTED;
     >>> +    }
     >>>     }
     >>>     return Status;
     >>> @@ -489,8 +539,9 @@ VerifyMandatoryTablesArePresent (
     >>>     @param [in]  CfgMgrProtocol       Pointer to the Configuration
     >>> Manager
     >>>                                       Protocol Interface.
     >>> -  @retval EFI_SUCCESS   Success.
     >>> -  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND If a mandatory table or a generator is not
     >>> found.
     >>> +  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Success.
     >>> +  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         If a mandatory table or a generator
     >>> is not found.
     >>> +  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED   If mandatory table found in
     >>> AcpiTableInfo is already installed.
     >>>   **/
     >>>   STATIC
     >>>   EFI_STATUS
     >>> @@ -562,7 +613,7 @@ ProcessAcpiTables (
     >>>     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     >>>       DEBUG ((
     >>>         DEBUG_ERROR,
     >>> -      "ERROR: Failed to find mandatory ACPI Table(s)."
     >>> +      "ERROR: Failed to verify mandatory ACPI Table(s) presence."
     >>>         " Status = %r\n",
     >>>         Status
     >>>         ));
     >>> @@ -570,29 +621,32 @@ ProcessAcpiTables (
     >>>     }
     >>>     // Add the FADT Table first.
     >>> -  for (Idx = 0; Idx < AcpiTableCount; Idx++) {
     >>> -    if (CREATE_STD_ACPI_TABLE_GEN_ID (EStdAcpiTableIdFadt) ==
     >>> -        AcpiTableInfo[Idx].TableGeneratorId)
     >>> -    {
     >>> -      Status = BuildAndInstallAcpiTable (
     >>> -                 TableFactoryProtocol,
     >>> -                 CfgMgrProtocol,
     >>> -                 AcpiTableProtocol,
     >>> -                 &AcpiTableInfo[Idx]
     >>> -                 );
     >>> -      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     >>> -        DEBUG ((
     >>> -          DEBUG_ERROR,
     >>> -          "ERROR: Failed to find build and install ACPI FADT Table." \
     >>> -          " Status = %r\n",
     >>> -          Status
     >>> -          ));
     >>> -        return Status;
     >>> -      }
     >>> +  if ((mAcpiVerifyTables[ACPI_TABLE_VERIFY_FADT].Presence &
     >> [SAMI] If I understand correctly, the mAcpiVerifyTables[x].Presence
     >> filed cannot be ACPI_TABLE_PRESENT_INFO_LIST and
     >> ACPI_TABLE_PRESENT_INSTALLED at the same time. Otherwise we would
     >> have returned EFI_ALREADY_STARTED from
     >> VerifyMandatoryTablesArePresent().
     >> Since FADT is mandatory, the only valid conditions are:
     >> Therefore, I think the above check is not required. What do you think?
     >> [/SAMI]


     You are correct that there will be only above 2 conditions for mandatory
     But the check is to make sure the FADT will only be installed on
     condition #1 above,
     which means it will only be installed if it has not already been
     installed. Please let
     me know if I missed anything here.

[SAMI] Ack. Please keep this check. If the table is already installed this 
check prevents searching in the AcpiTableInfo list and therefore optimises.
     >>> +    // FADT is not yet installed
     >>> +    for (Idx = 0; Idx < AcpiTableCount; Idx++) {
     >>> +      if (CREATE_STD_ACPI_TABLE_GEN_ID (EStdAcpiTableIdFadt) ==
     >>> +          AcpiTableInfo[Idx].TableGeneratorId)
     >>> +      {
     >>> +        Status = BuildAndInstallAcpiTable (
     >>> +                   TableFactoryProtocol,
     >>> +                   CfgMgrProtocol,
     >>> +                   AcpiTableProtocol,
     >>> +                   &AcpiTableInfo[Idx]
     >>> +                   );
     >>> +        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     >>> +          DEBUG ((
     >>> +            DEBUG_ERROR,
     >>> +            "ERROR: Failed to find build and install ACPI FADT
     >>> Table." \
     >>> +            " Status = %r\n",
     >>> +            Status
     >>> +            ));
     >>> +          return Status;
     >>> +        }
     >>> -      break;
     >>> -    }
     >>> -  } // for
     >>> +        break;
     >>> +      }
     >>> +    } // for
     >>> +  }
     >>>     // Add remaining ACPI Tables
     >>>     for (Idx = 0; Idx < AcpiTableCount; Idx++) {
     >>> diff --git
     >>> index 028c3d413cf8..ad8b3d037c16 100644
     >>> ---
     >>> +++
     >>> @@ -34,8 +34,12 @@ [LibraryClasses]
     >>>     UefiBootServicesTableLib
     >>>     UefiDriverEntryPoint
     >>> +[FeaturePcd]
     >>> +  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdInstallAcpiSdtProtocol ## CONSUMES
     >>> +
     >>>   [Protocols]
     >>>     gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid                     # PROTOCOL
     >>> +  gEfiAcpiSdtProtocolGuid                       # PROTOCOL
     >>>     gEdkiiConfigurationManagerProtocolGuid        # PROTOCOL
     >>>     gEdkiiDynamicTableFactoryProtocolGuid         # PROTOCOL

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