Update CI, run all Linux (aka Ubuntu-GCC5) based jobs in custom

The container image provides the required compiler toolchains and Qemu
for the supported architectures. These are then no longer downloaded at
runtime, avoiding CI failures due to download errors. This approach also
makes it easier to switch to other or newer compilers. It makes the CI
setup independent from the default images that Azure DevOps provides.
It can also help debugging CI problems, because the CI environment
can be reproduced on a local machine.

The container images are hosted on ghcr.io and are automatically
generated using GitHub Actions. The Dockerfiles are maintained in the
Tianocore "containers" repository:

The current image is based on Fedora 35, with gcc 11. Fedora was chosen
because of its fast release cycle which makes it easy to keep the
toolchains up-to-date.

Some further possible changes not included in this series:
- The Tianocore/containers repository provides stack of layered images.
  One image for general purpose (build+test) and build-only jobs.
  The build+test image is based on the build-only one and adds Qemu,
  for the testing job that involve Qemu. This reduces the total download
  size. This was suggested by Chris Fernald. The work in the image side
  is done, we just need to change the CI setup accordingly.
  This patch set uses the build+test images for all jobs.
- Further reduce the number of external dependencies that need to be
  downloaded at runtime. Candidates are iasl and nasm, which are already
  included in the image but not used yet.

PR: https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/pull/2935

- Use the latest image from the tianocode/containers repository which
  pins down version numbers of gcc, iasl, and nasm in the Dockerfile.

- Images are now hosted under the Tianocore Organization

- Thread: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/89058
- Images were hosted at https://github.com/osteffenrh/edk2-build-images

Signed-off-by: Oliver Steffen <ostef...@redhat.com>
Acked-by: Ard Biesheuvel <a...@kernel.org>
Acked-by: Gerd Hoffmann <kra...@redhat.com>

Oliver Steffen (4):
  CI: don't force python verison (Linux only)
  CI: add ~/.local/bin to PATH (Linux only)
  CI: Use Fedora 35 container (Linux only)
  BaseTools: Remove ext. gcc dependencies (Linux only)

 .../templates/basetools-build-steps.yml       |  9 --------
 .../templates/platform-build-run-steps.yml    |  7 ++++++
 .../templates/pr-gate-build-job.yml           |  3 +++
 .azurepipelines/templates/pr-gate-steps.yml   |  7 ++++++
 .../.azurepipelines/Ubuntu-GCC5.yml           |  6 ++---
 BaseTools/Bin/gcc_aarch64_linux_ext_dep.yaml  | 21 ------------------
 BaseTools/Bin/gcc_arm_linux_ext_dep.yaml      | 21 ------------------
 .../Bin/gcc_riscv64_unknown_ext_dep.yaml      | 22 -------------------
 .../.azurepipelines/Ubuntu-GCC5.yml           |  2 ++
 .../.azurepipelines/Ubuntu-GCC5.yml           |  6 ++---
 10 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 BaseTools/Bin/gcc_aarch64_linux_ext_dep.yaml
 delete mode 100644 BaseTools/Bin/gcc_arm_linux_ext_dep.yaml
 delete mode 100644 BaseTools/Bin/gcc_riscv64_unknown_ext_dep.yaml


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