Hello Kun,

On 7/19/22 02:22, Kun Qin via groups.io wrote:
REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3998

Certain OSes will complain if the ECAM config space is not reserved in
the ACPI namespace.

This change adds a function to reserve PNP motherboard resources for a
given PCI node.

Co-authored-by: Joe Lopez <joelo...@microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: Kun Qin <kuqi...@gmail.com>
  DynamicTablesPkg/Library/Acpi/Arm/AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm/SsdtPcieGenerator.c | 
130 ++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 130 insertions(+)

diff --git 
index 626e53d70205..d9ed513a2ee3 100644
--- a/DynamicTablesPkg/Library/Acpi/Arm/AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm/SsdtPcieGenerator.c
+++ b/DynamicTablesPkg/Library/Acpi/Arm/AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm/SsdtPcieGenerator.c
@@ -772,6 +772,128 @@ error_handler:
    return Status;
+/** Generate a Pci Resource Template to hold Address Space Info
+  @param [in]       Generator       The SSDT Pci generator.
+  @param [in]       CfgMgrProtocol  Pointer to the Configuration Manager
+                                    Protocol interface.
+  @param [in]       PciInfo         Pci device information.
+  @param [in, out]  PciNode         RootNode of the AML tree to populate.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The function completed successfully.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   Invalid parameter.
+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Could not allocate memory.
+GeneratePciRes (
+  IN            ACPI_PCI_GENERATOR                            *Generator,
+  IN      CONST CM_ARM_PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_INFO                  *PciInfo,
+  IN  OUT       AML_OBJECT_NODE_HANDLE                        PciNode
+  )
+  EFI_STATUS                   Status;
+  UINT32                       EisaId;
+  BOOLEAN                      Translation;
+  UINT32                       Index;
+  CM_ARM_OBJ_REF               *RefInfo;
+  UINT32                       RefCount;
+  // ASL: Device (PCIx) {}
+  Status = AmlCodeGenDevice ("RES0", PciNode, &ResNode);
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    ASSERT (0);
+    return Status;
+  }
+  // ASL: Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C02"))
+  Status = AmlGetEisaIdFromString ("PNP0C02", &EisaId); /* PNP Motherboard 
Resources */
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    ASSERT (0);
+    return Status;
+  }
+  Status = AmlCodeGenNameInteger ("_HID", EisaId, ResNode, NULL);
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    ASSERT (0);
+    return Status;
+  }
+  // ASL: Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate () {})
+  Status = AmlCodeGenNameResourceTemplate ("_CRS", ResNode, &CrsNode);
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    ASSERT (0);
+    return Status;
+  }
+  // Get the array of CM_ARM_OBJ_REF referencing the
+  Status = GetEArmObjCmRef (
+             CfgMgrProtocol,
+             PciInfo->AddressMapToken,
+             &RefInfo,
+             &RefCount
+             );
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    ASSERT (0);
+    return Status;
+  }
+  for (Index = 0; Index < RefCount; Index++) {
+    // Get CM_ARM_PCI_ADDRESS_MAP_INFO structures one by one.
+    Status = GetEArmObjPciAddressMapInfo (
+               CfgMgrProtocol,
+               RefInfo[Index].ReferenceToken,
+               &AddrMapInfo,
+               NULL
+               );
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      ASSERT (0);
+      return Status;
+    }
+    Translation = (AddrMapInfo->CpuAddress != AddrMapInfo->PciAddress);
+    switch (AddrMapInfo->SpaceCode) {
+      case PCI_SS_CONFIG:
+        Status = AmlCodeGenRdQWordMemory (
+                   FALSE,
+                   TRUE,
+                   TRUE,
+                   TRUE,
+                   FALSE, // non-cacheable
+                   TRUE,
+                   0,
+                   AddrMapInfo->PciAddress,
+                   AddrMapInfo->PciAddress + AddrMapInfo->AddressSize - 1,
+                   Translation ? AddrMapInfo->CpuAddress : 0,
+                   AddrMapInfo->AddressSize,
+                   0,
+                   NULL,
+                   0,
+                   TRUE,
+                   CrsNode,
+                   NULL
+                   );
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    } // switch
+    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      ASSERT (0);
+      return Status;
+    }
+  }
+  return Status;
  /** Generate a Pci device.
@param [in] Generator The SSDT Pci generator.
@@ -855,9 +977,17 @@ GeneratePciDevice (
      return Status;
+ // Add the PNP Motherboard Resources Device to reserve ECAM space
+  Status = GeneratePciRes (Generator, CfgMgrProtocol, PciInfo, PciNode);
+  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+    ASSERT (0);
+    return Status;
+  }

(Just a remark for Sami)
It seems the RES0 device will be generated under each PCI device:
So there would be multiple devices with the PNP0C02 Eisaid.

PCI Firmware 3.2, sec 4.1.2:
    If the operating system does not natively comprehend reserving the
    MMCFG region, the MMCFG region must be reserved by firmware.  The
    address range reported in the MCFG table or by _CBA method (see Section
    4.1.3) must be reserved by declaring a motherboard resource.  For most
    systems, the motherboard resource would appear at the root of the ACPI
    namespace (under \_SB) in a node with a _HID of EISAID (PNP0C02), and
    the resources in this case should not be claimed in the root PCI bus’s
    _CRS.  The resources can optionally be returned in Int15 E820 or
    EFIGetMemoryMap as reserved memory but must always be reported through
    ACPI as a motherboard resource.

There are many examples devices describing the configuration space at other 
than under \_SB, so it should be ok to place it here.


Also it seems that a RES0 device will be generated even when no Address Space 
is available. I think it should be checked that there is a configuration space
to describe first.


    // Add the template _OSC method.
    Status = AddOscMethod (PciNode);
    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
    return Status;

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