Hi Pierre,

Thank you for this patch.

These changes look good to me.

Reviewed-by: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>


Sami Mujawar

On 27/04/2022 03:59 pm, pierre.gond...@arm.com wrote:
From: Pierre Gondois <pierre.gond...@arm.com>

The Dynamic Tables Framework has been updated to add support for
generating an ASL description of PCIe busses.
This patch:
  - Describes the PCI address-range mapping and PCI devices legacy
    interrupts in the Configuration Manager of the Juno
  - Add the generation of a new SSDT table describing the PCIe bus
  - Removes the existing (and hard-coded) SSDT table describing the
    PCIe bus

Signed-off-by: Pierre Gondois <pierre.gond...@arm.com>
  .../AslTables/SsdtPci.asl                     | 195 ---------------
  .../ConfigurationManager.c                    | 227 +++++++++++++++++-
  .../ConfigurationManager.h                    |  27 +++
  .../ConfigurationManagerDxe.inf               |   1 -
  4 files changed, 249 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)
  delete mode 100644 

diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ed37ea83c6c..000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  SSDT for Juno PCIe
-  Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.<BR>
-    SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
-#include "ArmPlatform.h"
-  See ACPI 6.1 Section 6.2.13
-  There are two ways that _PRT can be used.
-  In the first model, a PCI Link device is used to provide additional
-  configuration information such as whether the interrupt is Level or
-  Edge triggered, it is active High or Low, Shared or Exclusive, etc.
-  In the second model, the PCI interrupts are hardwired to specific
-  interrupt inputs on the interrupt controller and are not
-  configurable. In this case, the Source field in _PRT does not
-  reference a device, but instead contains the value zero, and the
-  Source Index field contains the global system interrupt to which the
-  PCI interrupt is hardwired.
-  We use the first model with link indirection to set the correct
-  interrupt type as PCI defaults (Level Triggered, Active Low) are not
-  compatible with GICv2.
-#define LNK_DEVICE(Unique_Id, Link_Name, irq)                           \
-  Device(Link_Name) {                                                   \
-  Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))                                         \
-  Name(_UID, Unique_Id)                                                 \
-  Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate() {                                       \
-    Interrupt(ResourceProducer, Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive) { irq }   \
-    })                                                                  \
-  Method (_CRS, 0) { Return (_PRS) }                                    \
-  Method (_SRS, 1) { }                                                  \
-  Method (_DIS) { }                                                     \
-#define PRT_ENTRY(Address, Pin, Link)                                          
-  Package (4) {                                                                
-    Address,  /* uses the same format as _ADR */                               
-    Pin,      /* The PCI pin number of the device (0-INTA, 1-INTB, 2-INTC, 
3-INTD)  */  \
-    Link,     /* Interrupt allocated via Link device  */                       
-    Zero      /* global system interrupt number (no used) */                   
-  See Reference [1] 6.1.1
-  "High word–Device #, Low word–Function #. (for example, device 3,
-  function 2 is 0x00030002). To refer to all the functions on a device #,
-  use a function number of FFFF)."
-#define ROOT_PRT_ENTRY(Pin, Link)   PRT_ENTRY(0x0000FFFF, Pin, Link)
-                                                    // Device 0 for Bridge.
-DefinitionBlock("SsdtPci.aml", "SSDT", 1, "ARMLTD", "ARM-JUNO", 
-  Scope(_SB) {
-    //
-    // PCI Root Complex
-    //
-    LNK_DEVICE(1, LNKA, 168)
-    LNK_DEVICE(2, LNKB, 169)
-    LNK_DEVICE(3, LNKC, 170)
-    LNK_DEVICE(4, LNKD, 171)
-    Device(PCI0)
-    {
-      Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0A08")) // PCI Express Root Bridge
-      Name(_CID, EISAID("PNP0A03")) // Compatible PCI Root Bridge
-      Name(_SEG, Zero) // PCI Segment Group number
-      Name(_BBN, Zero) // PCI Base Bus Number
-      Name(_CCA, 1)    // Initially mark the PCI coherent (for JunoR1)
-      // Root Complex 0
-      Device (RP0) {
-        Name(_ADR, 0xF0000000)    // Dev 0, Func 0
-      }
-      // PCI Routing Table
-      Name(_PRT, Package() {
-        ROOT_PRT_ENTRY(0, LNKA),   // INTA
-        ROOT_PRT_ENTRY(1, LNKB),   // INTB
-        ROOT_PRT_ENTRY(2, LNKC),   // INTC
-        ROOT_PRT_ENTRY(3, LNKD),   // INTD
-        })
-      // Root complex resources
-      Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized) {
-      Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate () {
-        WordBusNumber ( // Bus numbers assigned to this root
-          ResourceProducer,
-          MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode,
-          0,   // AddressGranularity
-          0,   // AddressMinimum - Minimum Bus Number
-          255, // AddressMaximum - Maximum Bus Number
-          0,   // AddressTranslation - Set to 0
-          256  // RangeLength - Number of Busses
-          )
-        DWordMemory ( // 32-bit BAR Windows
-          ResourceProducer, PosDecode,
-          MinFixed, MaxFixed,
-          Cacheable, ReadWrite,
-          0x00000000,                          // Granularity
-          0x50000000,                          // Min Base Address
-          0x57FFFFFF,                          // Max Base Address
-          0x00000000,                          // Translate
-          0x08000000                           // Length
-          )
-        QWordMemory ( // 64-bit BAR Windows
-          ResourceProducer, PosDecode,
-          MinFixed, MaxFixed,
-          Cacheable, ReadWrite,
-          0x00000000,                          // Granularity
-          0x4000000000,                        // Min Base Address
-          0x40FFFFFFFF,                        // Max Base Address
-          0x00000000,                          // Translate
-          0x100000000                          // Length
-          )
-        DWordIo ( // IO window
-          ResourceProducer,
-          MinFixed,
-          MaxFixed,
-          PosDecode,
-          EntireRange,
-          0x00000000,                          // Granularity
-          0x00000000,                          // Min Base Address
-          0x007fffff,                          // Max Base Address
-          0x5f800000,                          // Translate
-          0x00800000,                          // Length
-          ,,,TypeTranslation
-          )
-        }) // Name(RBUF)
-        Return (RBUF)
-      } // Method(_CRS)
-      //
-      // OS Control Handoff
-      //
-      Name(SUPP, Zero) // PCI _OSC Support Field value
-      Name(CTRL, Zero) // PCI _OSC Control Field value
-      /*
-        See [1] 6.2.10, [2] 4.5
-      */
-      Method(_OSC,4) {
-        // Check for proper UUID
-        If(LEqual(Arg0,ToUUID("33DB4D5B-1FF7-401C-9657-7441C03DD766"))) {
-          // Create DWord-adressable fields from the Capabilities Buffer
-          CreateDWordField(Arg3,0,CDW1)
-          CreateDWordField(Arg3,4,CDW2)
-          CreateDWordField(Arg3,8,CDW3)
-          // Save Capabilities DWord2 & 3
-          Store(CDW2,SUPP)
-          Store(CDW3,CTRL)
-          // Only allow native hot plug control if OS supports:
-          // * ASPM
-          // * Clock PM
-          // * MSI/MSI-X
-          If(LNotEqual(And(SUPP, 0x16), 0x16)) {
-            And(CTRL,0x1E,CTRL) // Mask bit 0 (and undefined bits)
-          }
-          // Always allow native PME, AER (no dependencies)
-          // Never allow SHPC (no SHPC controller in this system)
-          And(CTRL,0x1D,CTRL)
-          If(LNotEqual(Arg1,One)) {        // Unknown revision
-            Or(CDW1,0x08,CDW1)
-          }
-          If(LNotEqual(CDW3,CTRL)) {        // Capabilities bits were masked
-            Or(CDW1,0x10,CDW1)
-          }
-          // Update DWORD3 in the buffer
-          Store(CTRL,CDW3)
-          Return(Arg3)
-        } Else {
-          Or(CDW1,4,CDW1) // Unrecognized UUID
-          Return(Arg3)
-        }
-      } // End _OSC
-    } // PCI0
-  }
diff --git 
index d147bbc317db..61c704411620 100644
ArmJunoPlatformRepositoryInfo = {
      // SSDT table describing the PCI root complex
        0, // Unused
-      CREATE_STD_ACPI_TABLE_GEN_ID (EStdAcpiTableIdSsdt),
-      (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER*)ssdtpci_aml_code
-    }
+      CREATE_STD_ACPI_TABLE_GEN_ID (EStdAcpiTableIdSsdtPciExpress),
+      NULL,
+      SIGNATURE_64 ('S','S','D','T','-','P','C','I')
+    },
// Boot architecture information
ArmJunoPlatformRepositoryInfo = {
      // The start bus number
      FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPciBusMin),
      // The end bus number
-    FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPciBusMax)
+    FixedPcdGet32 (PcdPciBusMax),
+    // AddressMapToken
+    REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciAddressMapRef),
+    // InterruptMapToken
+    REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciInterruptMapRef)
+  },
+  // PCI address-range mapping references
+  {
+    { REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciAddressMapInfo[0]) },
+    { REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciAddressMapInfo[1]) },
+    { REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciAddressMapInfo[2]) }
+  },
+  // PCI address-range mapping information
+  {
+    { // PciAddressMapInfo[0] -> 32-bit BAR Window
+      PCI_SS_M32,    // SpaceCode
+      0x50000000,    // PciAddress
+      0x50000000,    // CpuAddress
+      0x08000000     // AddressSize
+    },
+    { // PciAddressMapInfo[1] -> 64-bit BAR Window
+      PCI_SS_M64,    // SpaceCode
+      0x4000000000,  // PciAddress
+      0x4000000000,  // CpuAddress
+      0x0100000000   // AddressSize
+    },
+    { // PciAddressMapInfo[2] -> IO BAR Window
+      PCI_SS_IO,     // SpaceCode
+      0x00000000,    // PciAddress
+      0x5f800000,    // CpuAddress
+      0x00800000     // AddressSize
+    },
+  },
+  // PCI device legacy interrupts mapping information
+  {
+    { REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciInterruptMapInfo[0]) },
+    { REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciInterruptMapInfo[1]) },
+    { REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciInterruptMapInfo[2]) },
+    { REFERENCE_TOKEN (PciInterruptMapInfo[3]) }
+  },
+  // PCI device legacy interrupts mapping information
+  {
+    { // PciInterruptMapInfo[0] -> Device 0, INTA
+      0,   // PciBus
+      0,   // PciDevice
+      0,   // PciInterrupt
+      {
+        168, // Interrupt
+        0x0  // Flags
+      }
+    },
+    { // PciInterruptMapInfo[1] -> Device 0, INTB
+      0,   // PciBus
+      0,   // PciDevice
+      1,   // PciInterrupt
+      {
+        169, // Interrupt
+        0x0  // Flags
+      }
+    },
+    { // PciInterruptMapInfo[2] -> Device 0, INTC
+      0,   // PciBus
+      0,   // PciDevice
+      2,   // PciInterrupt
+      {
+        170, // Interrupt
+        0x0  // Flags
+      }
+    },
+    { // PciInterruptMapInfo[3] -> Device 0, INTD
+      0,   // PciBus
+      0,   // PciDevice
+      3,   // PciInterrupt
+      {
+        171, // Interrupt
+        0x0  // Flags
+      }
+    },
// GIC Msi Frame Info
@@ -962,6 +1042,105 @@ GetLpiInfo (
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+/** Return PCI address-range mapping Info.
+  @param [in]      This           Pointer to the Configuration Manager 
+  @param [in]      CmObjectId     The Object ID of the CM object requested
+  @param [in]      SearchToken    A unique token for identifying the requested
+                                  CM_ARM_PCI_ADDRESS_MAP_INFO object.
+  @param [in, out] CmObject       Pointer to the Configuration Manager Object
+                                  descriptor describing the requested Object.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             Success.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   A parameter is invalid.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND           The required object information is not found.
+GetPciAddressMapInfo (
+  IN  CONST CM_OBJECT_ID                                  CmObjectId,
+  IN  CONST CM_OBJECT_TOKEN                               SearchToken,
+  IN  OUT   CM_OBJ_DESCRIPTOR                     * CONST CmObject
+  )
+  UINT32                            TotalObjCount;
+  UINT32                            ObjIndex;
+  if ((This == NULL) || (CmObject == NULL)) {
+    ASSERT (This != NULL);
+    ASSERT (CmObject != NULL);
+  }
+  PlatformRepo = This->PlatRepoInfo;
+  TotalObjCount = ARRAY_SIZE (PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapInfo);
+  for (ObjIndex = 0; ObjIndex < TotalObjCount; ObjIndex++) {
+    if (SearchToken == 
(CM_OBJECT_TOKEN)&PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapInfo[ObjIndex]) {
+      CmObject->ObjectId = CmObjectId;
+      CmObject->Size = sizeof (PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapInfo[ObjIndex]);
+      CmObject->Data = (VOID*)&PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapInfo[ObjIndex];
+      CmObject->Count = 1;
+      return EFI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+  }
+  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+/** Return PCI device legacy interrupt mapping Info.
+  @param [in]      This           Pointer to the Configuration Manager 
+  @param [in]      CmObjectId     The Object ID of the CM object requested
+  @param [in]      SearchToken    A unique token for identifying the requested
+                                  CM_ARM_PCI_INTERRUPT_MAP_INFO object.
+  @param [in, out] CmObject       Pointer to the Configuration Manager Object
+                                  descriptor describing the requested Object.
+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             Success.
+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   A parameter is invalid.
+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND           The required object information is not found.
+GetPciInterruptMapInfo (
+  IN  CONST CM_OBJECT_ID                                  CmObjectId,
+  IN  CONST CM_OBJECT_TOKEN                               SearchToken,
+  IN  OUT   CM_OBJ_DESCRIPTOR                     * CONST CmObject
+  )
+  UINT32                            TotalObjCount;
+  UINT32                            ObjIndex;
+  if ((This == NULL) || (CmObject == NULL)) {
+    ASSERT (This != NULL);
+    ASSERT (CmObject != NULL);
+  }
+  PlatformRepo = This->PlatRepoInfo;
+  TotalObjCount = ARRAY_SIZE (PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapInfo);
+  for (ObjIndex = 0; ObjIndex < TotalObjCount; ObjIndex++) {
+    if (SearchToken == 
(CM_OBJECT_TOKEN)&PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapInfo[ObjIndex]) {
+      CmObject->ObjectId = CmObjectId;
+      CmObject->Size = sizeof (PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapInfo[ObjIndex]);
+      CmObject->Data = (VOID*)&PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapInfo[ObjIndex];
+      CmObject->Count = 1;
+      return EFI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+  }
+  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
  /** Return a list of Configuration Manager object references pointed to by the
      given input token.
@@ -1031,6 +1210,18 @@ GetCmObjRefs (
      CmObject->Count = ARRAY_SIZE (PlatformRepo->CoresLpiRef);
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  if (SearchToken == (CM_OBJECT_TOKEN)&PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapRef) {
+    CmObject->Size = sizeof (PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapRef);
+    CmObject->Data = (VOID*)&PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapRef;
+    CmObject->Count = ARRAY_SIZE (PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapRef);
+    return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  if (SearchToken == (CM_OBJECT_TOKEN)&PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapRef) {
+    CmObject->Size = sizeof (PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapRef);
+    CmObject->Data = (VOID*)&PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapRef;
+    CmObject->Count = ARRAY_SIZE (PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapRef);
+    return EFI_SUCCESS;
+  }
@@ -1320,6 +1511,32 @@ GetArmNameSpaceObject (
+ case EArmObjPciAddressMapInfo:
+      Status = HandleCmObjectRefByToken (
+                 This,
+                 CmObjectId,
+                 PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapInfo,
+                 sizeof (PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapInfo),
+                 ARRAY_SIZE (PlatformRepo->PciAddressMapInfo),
+                 Token,
+                 GetPciAddressMapInfo,
+                 CmObject
+                 );
+      break;
+    case EArmObjPciInterruptMapInfo:
+      Status = HandleCmObjectRefByToken (
+                 This,
+                 CmObjectId,
+                 PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapInfo,
+                 sizeof (PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapInfo),
+                 ARRAY_SIZE (PlatformRepo->PciInterruptMapInfo),
+                 Token,
+                 GetPciInterruptMapInfo,
+                 CmObject
+                 );
+      break;
      default: {
        Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
        DEBUG ((
diff --git 
index 1bc242bc9d85..5b5e62427f2b 100644
@@ -90,6 +90,21 @@ extern CHAR8  ssdtpci_aml_code[];
      (WritePolicy << 4)                                                  \
+/** PCI space codes.
+#define PCI_SS_CONFIG   0
+#define PCI_SS_IO       1
+#define PCI_SS_M32      2
+#define PCI_SS_M64      3
+/** Count of PCI address-range mapping struct.
+#define PCI_ADDRESS_MAP_COUNT       3
+/** Count of PCI device legacy interrupt mapping struct.
  /** A function that prepares Configuration Manager Objects for returning.
@param [in] This Pointer to the Configuration Manager Protocol.
@@ -226,6 +241,18 @@ typedef struct PlatformRepositoryInfo {
    /// PCI configuration space information
    CM_ARM_PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_INFO          PciConfigInfo;
+ // PCI address-range mapping references
+  CM_ARM_OBJ_REF                        
+  // PCI address-range mapping information
+  // PCI device legacy interrupts mapping references
+  CM_ARM_OBJ_REF                        
+  // PCI device legacy interrupts mapping information
    /// GIC MSI Frame information
    CM_ARM_GIC_MSI_FRAME_INFO             GicMsiFrameInfo;
diff --git a/Platform/ARM/JunoPkg/ConfigurationManager/ConfigurationManagerDxe/ConfigurationManagerDxe.inf b/Platform/ARM/JunoPkg/ConfigurationManager/ConfigurationManagerDxe/ConfigurationManagerDxe.inf
index 7ca134d6674b..91bffe8d5d82 100644
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ [Sources]
-  AslTables/SsdtPci.asl

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