Hi Sami,

On 7/18/22 15:25, Sami Mujawar wrote:
Hi Pierre,

Thank you for this patch.

Please find my response inline marked [SAMI].

Other than the comment below, these changes looks good to me.

Reviewed-by: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>


Sami Mujawar

On 27/04/2022 03:59 pm, pierre.gond...@arm.com wrote:
From: Pierre Gondois <pierre.gond...@arm.com>

The Dynamic Tables Framework has been updated to add support for
generating an ASL description of a CPU topology and its _LPI states.
This patch:
   - Describes the _LPI states in the Configuration Manager of the Juno
   - Add the generation of a new SSDT table describing the CPU topology
     and its _LPI states
   - Removes the CPU topology description of the DSDT table

Signed-off-by: Pierre Gondois <pierre.gond...@arm.com>
   .../AslTables/Dsdt.asl                        | 198 ------------------
   .../ConfigurationManager.c                    | 196 ++++++++++++++++-
   .../ConfigurationManager.h                    |  20 +-
   3 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)


@@ -549,6 +575,84 @@ EDKII_PLATFORM_REPOSITORY_INFO ArmJunoPlatformRepositoryInfo = {
       { REFERENCE_TOKEN (CacheInfo[4]) }, // -> 'LITTLE' core's L1 I-cache
       { REFERENCE_TOKEN (CacheInfo[5]) }  // -> 'LITTLE' core's L1 D-cache
+  },
+  // Low Power Idle state information (LPI) for all cores/clusters
+  {
+    { // LpiInfo[0] -> Clusters CluPwrDn
+      2500,         // MinResidency
+      1150,         // WorstCaseWakeLatency
+      1,            // Flags
+      1,            // ArchFlags
+      100,          // ResCntFreq
+      0,            // EnableParentState
+      1,            // IsInteger

[SAMI] IsInteger field is of type BOOLEAN. Therefore, the value here
should be TRUE. Similar changes are requires at other places in this file.

If you agree, I will make the nessary changes locally before pushing the


Thanks for catching this. Yes if you can make this change it would be awesome,


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