Bugzilla: 3458 - Add support IORT Rev E.d specification updates
The IO Remapping Table, Platform Design Document, Revision E.d,
Feb 2022 (https://developer.arm.com/documentation/den0049/)
introduces the following updates, collectively including the
updates and errata fixes to Rev E, Rev E.a, Rev E.b, Rev E.c:
- increments the IORT table revision to 5.
- updates the node definition to add an 'Identifier' field.
- adds definition of node type 6 - Reserved Memory Range node.
- adds definition for Memory Range Descriptors.
- adds flag to indicate PRI support for root complexes.
- adds flag to indicate if the root complex supports forwarding
of PASID information on translated transactions to the SMMU.
- adds flag to indicate if the root complex supports PASID.
- adds flags to define access privilege and attributes for the
memory ranges.
Therefore, update the IORT parser to:
- parse the Identifier field.
- parse Reserved Memory Range node.
- parse Memory Range Descriptors.
- add validations to check that the physical range base
and size of the Memory Range Descriptor is 64KB aligned.
- add validation to check that the IORT Table Revision is
not 4 as IORT Rev E.c is deprecated.
- add validation to check that the IORT RMR node revision
is not 2 as it breaks backward compatibility and was
deprecated as part of IORT Rev E.c.
- skip parsing of IORT Rev E, Rev E.a, Rev E.b, Rev E.c as
some fields were deprecated in these revisions.
Signed-off-by: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>
- Make output format for Flags filed consistent. [PIERRE]
- Define macro for IORT Rev E.c and RMR Node revision 2 [PIERRE]
and use these to check for deprecated table/node
- Identifier field size changed between IORT revision E [PIERRE]
and E.a. so extra checks should be needed.
- Added check to skip parsing if IORT Rev E, E.<a,b,c> [SAMI]
as various fields were deprecated between revisions.
- No code change since v4. Included r-b received for [SAMI]
v5 series.
- Add validation to check that the IORT Table Revision is [SAMI]
not 4 as IORT Rev E.c is deprecated.
- Add validation to check that the IORT RMR node revision [SAMI]
is not 2 as it breaks backward compatibility and was
deprecated as part of IORT Rev E.c.
- No code change since v1. Included r-b received for [SAMI]
v2 series.
Ref: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/topic/83600720#7665
- No code change since v1. Re-sending with v2 series. [SAMI]
ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib/Parsers/Iort/IortParser.c | 230
1 file changed, 212 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git
--- a/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib/Parsers/Iort/IortParser.c
+++ b/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib/Parsers/Iort/IortParser.c
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
/** @file
IORT table parser
- Copyright (c) 2016 - 2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (c) 2016 - 2022, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
@par Reference(s):
- - IO Remapping Table, Platform Design Document, Revision D, March 2018
+ - IO Remapping Table, Platform Design Document, Revision E.d, Feb 2022
+ (https://developer.arm.com/documentation/den0049/)
@par Glossary:
- Ref - Reference
+ - Desc - Descriptor
#include <IndustryStandard/IoRemappingTable.h>
@@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ STATIC CONST UINT32 *IortNodeOffset;
STATIC CONST UINT16 *IortNodeLength;
+STATIC CONST UINT8 *IortNodeRevision;
STATIC CONST UINT32 *IortIdMappingCount;
STATIC CONST UINT32 *IortIdMappingOffset;
@@ -36,6 +39,9 @@ STATIC CONST UINT32 *PmuInterruptOffset;
+STATIC CONST UINT32 *RmrMemDescCount;
+STATIC CONST UINT32 *RmrMemDescOffset;
This function validates the ID Mapping array count for the ITS node.
@@ -100,6 +106,52 @@ ValidateItsIdArrayReference (
+ This function validates that the Physical Range address or length is not zero
+ and is 64K aligned.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the field data.
+ @param [in] Context Pointer to context specific information e.g. this
+ could be a pointer to the ACPI table header.
+ValidatePhysicalRange (
+ IN UINT8 *Ptr,
+ IN VOID *Context
+ )
+ UINT64 Value;
+ Value = *(UINT64 *)Ptr;
+ if ((Value == 0) || ((Value & (SIZE_64KB - 1)) != 0)) {
+ IncrementErrorCount ();
+ Print (L"\nERROR: Physical Range must be 64K aligned and cannot be zero.");
+ }
+ This function validates that the RMR memory range descriptor count.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the field data.
+ @param [in] Context Pointer to context specific information e.g. this
+ could be a pointer to the ACPI table header.
+ValidateRmrMemDescCount (
+ IN UINT8 *Ptr,
+ IN VOID *Context
+ )
+ if (*(UINT32 *)Ptr == 0) {
+ IncrementErrorCount ();
+ Print (L"\nERROR: Memory Range Descriptor count must be >=1.");
+ }
Helper Macro for populating the IORT Node header in the ACPI_PARSER array.
@@ -108,15 +160,15 @@ ValidateItsIdArrayReference (
@param [out] ValidateIdArrayReference Optional pointer to a function for
validating the ID Array reference.
-#define PARSE_IORT_NODE_HEADER(ValidateIdMappingCount, \
- ValidateIdArrayReference) \
- { L"Type", 1, 0, L"%d", NULL, (VOID**)&IortNodeType, NULL, NULL }, \
- { L"Length", 2, 1, L"%d", NULL, (VOID**)&IortNodeLength, NULL, NULL }, \
- { L"Revision", 1, 3, L"%d", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, \
- { L"Reserved", 4, 4, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, \
- { L"Number of ID mappings", 4, 8, L"%d", NULL, \
- (VOID**)&IortIdMappingCount, ValidateIdMappingCount, NULL }, \
- { L"Reference to ID Array", 4, 12, L"0x%x", NULL, \
+#define PARSE_IORT_NODE_HEADER(ValidateIdMappingCount, \
+ ValidateIdArrayReference) \
+ { L"Type", 1, 0, L"%d", NULL, (VOID**)&IortNodeType, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Length", 2, 1, L"%d", NULL, (VOID**)&IortNodeLength, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Revision", 1, 3, L"%d", NULL, (VOID**)&IortNodeRevision, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Identifier", 4, 4, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Number of ID mappings", 4, 8, L"%d", NULL, \
+ (VOID**)&IortIdMappingCount, ValidateIdMappingCount, NULL }, \
+ { L"Reference to ID Array", 4, 12, L"0x%x", NULL, \
(VOID**)&IortIdMappingOffset, ValidateIdArrayReference, NULL }
@@ -235,11 +287,13 @@ STATIC CONST ACPI_PARSER IortNodeNamedComponentParser[]
= {
STATIC CONST ACPI_PARSER IortNodeRootComplexParser[] = {
- { L"Memory access properties",8, 16, L"0x%lx", NULL, NULL,
- { L"ATS Attribute", 4, 24, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL,
- { L"PCI Segment number", 4, 28, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL,
- { L"Memory access size limit",1, 32, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL,
- { L"Reserved", 3, 33, L"%x %x %x", Dump3Chars, NULL,
+ { L"Memory access properties",8, 16, L"0x%lx", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
+ { L"ATS Attribute", 4, 24, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
+ { L"PCI Segment number", 4, 28, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
+ { L"Memory access size limit",1, 32, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
+ { L"PASID capabilities", 2, 33, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
+ { L"Reserved", 1, 35, L"%x", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
+ { L"Flags", 4, 36, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
@@ -253,6 +307,29 @@ STATIC CONST ACPI_PARSER IortNodePmcgParser[] = {
{ L"Page 1 Base Address", 8, 32, L"0x%lx",
+ An ACPI_PARSER array describing the IORT RMR node.
+ { L"Flags", 4, 16, L"0x%x", NULL,
+ { L"Memory Range Desc count", 4, 20, L"%d", NULL,
+ (VOID **)&RmrMemDescCount, ValidateRmrMemDescCount,NULL },
+ { L"Memory Range Desc Ref", 4, 24, L"0x%x", NULL,
+ (VOID **)&RmrMemDescOffset, NULL, NULL }
+ An ACPI_PARSER array describing the IORT RMR Memory Range Descriptor.
+STATIC CONST ACPI_PARSER IortNodeRmrMemRangeDescParser[] = {
+ { L"Physical Range offset", 8, 0, L"0x%lx", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL },
+ { L"Physical Range length", 8, 8, L"0x%lx", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL },
+ { L"Reserved", 4, 16, L"0x%x", NULL, NULL, NULL,
This function parses the IORT Node Id Mapping array.
@@ -607,9 +684,102 @@ DumpIortNodePmcg (
+ This function parses the IORT RMR Node Memory Range Descriptor array.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the Memory Range Descriptor
+ array.
+ @param [in] Length Length of the buffer.
+ @param [in] DescCount Memory Range Descriptor count.
+DumpIortNodeRmrMemRangeDesc (
+ IN UINT8 *Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 Length,
+ IN UINT32 DescCount
+ )
+ UINT32 Index;
+ UINT32 Offset;
+ CHAR8 Buffer[40]; // Used for AsciiName param of ParseAcpi
+ Index = 0;
+ Offset = 0;
+ while ((Index < DescCount) &&
+ (Offset < Length))
+ {
+ AsciiSPrint (
+ Buffer,
+ sizeof (Buffer),
+ "Mem range Descriptor [%d]",
+ Index
+ );
+ Offset += ParseAcpi (
+ 4,
+ Buffer,
+ Ptr + Offset,
+ Length - Offset,
+ PARSER_PARAMS (IortNodeRmrMemRangeDescParser)
+ );
+ Index++;
+ }
+ This function parses the IORT RMR node.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] Length Length of the buffer.
+ @param [in] MappingCount The ID Mapping count.
+ @param [in] MappingOffset The offset of the ID Mapping array
+ from the start of the IORT table.
+DumpIortNodeRmr (
+ IN UINT8 *Ptr,
+ IN UINT16 Length,
+ IN UINT32 MappingCount,
+ IN UINT32 MappingOffset
+ )
+ ParseAcpi (
+ 2,
+ "RMR Node",
+ Ptr,
+ Length,
+ PARSER_PARAMS (IortNodeRmrParser)
+ );
+ if (*IortNodeRevision == EFI_ACPI_IORT_RMR_NODE_REVISION_02) {
+ IncrementErrorCount ();
+ Print (
+ L"ERROR: RMR node Rev 2 (defined in IORT Rev E.c) must not be used."
+ L" IORT tabe Revision E.c is deprecated and must not be used.\n"
+ );
+ }
+ DumpIortNodeIdMappings (
+ Ptr + MappingOffset,
+ Length - MappingOffset,
+ MappingCount
+ );
+ DumpIortNodeRmrMemRangeDesc (
+ Ptr + (*RmrMemDescOffset),
+ Length - (*RmrMemDescOffset),
+ *RmrMemDescCount
+ );
This function parses the ACPI IORT table.
- When trace is enabled this function parses the IORT table and traces the
ACPI fields.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the IORT table and traces the ACPI
+ fields.
This function also parses the following nodes:
- ITS Group
@@ -618,6 +788,7 @@ DumpIortNodePmcg (
- SMMUv1/2
- SMMUv3
+ - RMR
This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
@@ -643,6 +814,22 @@ ParseAcpiIort (
+ if ((AcpiTableRevision > EFI_ACPI_IO_REMAPPING_TABLE_REVISION_00) &&
+ {
+ Print (
+ L"ERROR: Parsing not supported for IORT tabe Revision E, E.<a,b,c>.\n"
+ );
+ if (AcpiTableRevision == EFI_ACPI_IO_REMAPPING_TABLE_REVISION_04) {
+ IncrementErrorCount ();
+ Print (
+ L"ERROR: IORT tabe Revision E.c is deprecated and must not be used.\n"
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
ParseAcpi (
@@ -765,7 +952,14 @@ ParseAcpiIort (
+ DumpIortNodeRmr (
+ NodePtr,
+ *IortNodeLength,
+ *IortIdMappingCount,
+ *IortIdMappingOffset
+ );
+ break;
IncrementErrorCount ();
Print (L"ERROR: Unsupported IORT Node type = %d\n", *IortNodeType);