My guess is the flash-missingpdat-release-1.1.1.cap is not compatible with capsules from the latest edk2-platforms repo.
If you want to use capsules, I recommend you flash the FW image built from latest edk2-platforms using SF-100 and then use can use capsules to update to newer versions from that point. Mike From: <> On Behalf Of Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 3:51 AM To: Subject: [edk2-devel] CapsuleApp built form 'edk2-platforms' didn't work in Galileo Gen2 board. Hi all, According to the instructions of edk2-platforms, I built QUARKFIRMWAREUPDATECAPSULEFMPPKCS7.Cap and CapsuleApp.efi, Build command: build -a IA32 -t VS2019 -p QuarkPlatformPkg/Quark.dsc -D CAPSULE_ENABLE Reference: My system: Galileo Gen2 board, updated with flash-missingpdat-release-1.1.1.cap I executed the built CapsuleApp.efi in the UEFI shell and saw the following error message: ERROR: C2:V1050007 I0 BF40C9D7-C415-41C2-9EC9-DA6E07878520 DDEE690 Use the CapsuleApp.efi downloaded from Intel to update capsule, Update command: CapsuleApp QUARKFIRMWAREUPDATECAPSULEFMPPKCS7.Cap, And got the following error message: CapsuleApp: fs0:\QUARKFIRMWAREUPDATECAPSULEFMPPKCS7.Cap file is not recognized. How can I modify it to use the built CapsuleApp and capsule files on the Galileo Gen2 board? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#91223): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: Unsubscribe: [] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-