I agree with other comments here. I mainly want to add that if you're new to PI/UEFI, you might find the following resource helpful for tying together some pieces from the code and documents like the PI Spec.



On 6/22/2022 6:58 PM, Nate DeSimone wrote:
Hi Ayush,

For your work to make Rust run in PEI I would recommend writing a generic heap manager that uses the PEI services AllocatePage() and FreePage(). PEI does allow you to truly free up memory but only when allocated in 4KB increments. Your heap manager can allow the Rust program to go to a smaller granularity.

In parallel, I can see merit in the argument for adding proper heap management to PEI, but that would be a PI specification update that is way outside the scope of your GSoC project and won’t happen fast enough for the work you need to do this summer 😊.



*From:* devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> *On Behalf Of *Ayush Singh
*Sent:* Thursday, June 9, 2022 10:23 PM
*To:* Andrew Fish <af...@apple.com>
*Cc:* devel@edk2.groups.io
*Subject:* Re: [edk2-devel] Clarification of Memory management in PEI phase

Thanks for the wonderful answer.

Ayush Singh

On Thu, Jun 9 2022 at 01:26:58 PM -0700, Andrew Fish <af...@apple.com <mailto:af...@apple.com>> wrote:

        On Jun 9, 2022, at 10:28 AM, Ayush Singh
        <ayushdevel1...@gmail.com <mailto:ayushdevel1...@gmail.com>>
        wrote: Hello everyone, Can anyone help me with understanding
        dynamic memory management in PEI phase? In the UEFI Platform
        Integration Specification, version 1.7 Errata A, Section 4.6,
        PEI Memory services are given which include: 1. InstallPeiMemory()

    This is basically: (*PeiServices)->InstallPeiMemory (PeiServices,
    MemoryBegin, MemoryLength); This is how you tell the PEI Core the
    location of the memory that will can be used in PEI.

        2. AllocatePages() 3. AllocatePool() 4. CopyMem() 5. SetMem() 6.
        FreePages() However, no `FreePool()` service seems to be
        present. So how is the memory allocated using `AllocatePool()`

    It basically gets Freed when you transition to the DXE phase. To
    step back for a minute I think it is important to remember that the
    main job of PEI is to initialize DRAM, and deal with S3 (resuming
    from suspend to RAM). So as soon as you have DRAM you are kind done
    and ready for the DXE IPL so you can load the DXE Phase and start up
    EFI. Remember PEI is Pre EFI. The reality is programming DRAM is
    complex and lots of code got written, then lots more code got
    written and PEI has become large for some ports. That was never the
    intent. PEI is designed as a way to run C code when you code is
    running from ROM and you donā��t have any DRAM. For x86 not having
    DRAM means you are using the cache as RAM. For some SoCs there is
    actually an SRAM you can use. Thus the PEI memory allocation scheme
    is designed to deal with this very constrained environment. You
    start PEI with a heap and stack. You can also allocate HOBs (Hand
    Off Blocks). A pool allocation in PEI is just a HOB. See [1]. There
    is no way to free a HOB. So the AllocatePool() kind of leaks into
    DXE too as an entry in the HOB list. But when the OS called
    gBS->ExitBootServices() that frees all non runtime memory back to
    the OS. If you look a AllocatePages/FreePages you will see
    AllocatePages creates a HOB that points to the memory region, and
    FreePages just marks that HOB as not used. That code is also in this
    file [1]. TL;DR there is no pool manager in PEI. [1]
    Thanks, Andrew Fish

        Ayush Singh

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