I recently looked at improving the bootup performance of virtual machines
and was amazed by the fact that there is no logging / tracing framework
available that would give me a full picture of the Pre-OS phase including
time stamps and boot loaders (such as grub) without writing data to the
serial port - which taints all measurements.

The only place that I did find was PerformanceLib, which creates an FPDT.
I had 2 problems with that though:

  1) Discoverability - The best debugging tools give you all information
     you need as quickly as possible. The sub table FBPT which contains
     performance data is very condensed: It contains a modules GUID and up
     to 24 bytes of text per entry. Entries are limited to 255 bytes. It
     also only logs load events by default, nothing as fancy as FS reads.

  2) Ease of use - The best kernel engineers I know still use printk()
     and trace_printk() to identify issues: Because it's easy. You can
     quickly extract data into text and analyze later.

  3) Extensability to other payloads - The FPDT infrastructure considers
     everything as owned by PerformanceLib. I would like to create a one
     stop place for arbitrary UEFI applications to also put performance
     measurement data.

So I wrote a small configuration table (very similar to FPDT) that
contains references to boot logs, each with an array of strings as well
as time stamp. This patch set contains everything needed to set this up
and hook it into the 2 main DebugLib implementations in virtual machines:
Serial and DebugIO. That way, I can see every debug message after boot
with time stamp included, with very little impact on boot time.

I tried to see if I can call PERF_EVENT() instead of my Bootlog
infrastructure, but was unsuccessful. Let's use this patch set to open
the conversation on how to best move forward.

Eventually, I want to be able to log into Linux, fetch a sysfs file and
get a human readable, synchronized, time stamped log file with enough
information that allow me to create at least a bug report against the
actual firmware owner.

Github: https://github.com/agraf/edk2/tree/bootlog-v1


Alexander Graf (12):
  MdePkg: Add DebugBootlog header
  MdePkg: Add Null BaseDebugBootlog
  MdePkg: Add Fallback timer support for BaseDebugBootlog
  MdePkg: Add X86 timer support for BaseDebugBootlog
  MdePkg: Add ARM timer support for BaseDebugBootlog
  MdePkg: Add Pei phase BaseDebugBootlog
  MdePkg: Add Dxe phase BaseDebugBootlog
  MdePkg: Add BaseDebugLibBootlog
  Scripts: Add bootlog decyphering script
  BaseDebugLibSerialPort: Include BaseDebugBootlog in all dscs
  BaseDebugLibSerialPort: Emit messages to boot log
  OvmfPkg/PlatformDebugLibIoPort: Add Bootlog support

 ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirt.dsc.inc                    |   5 +
 BaseTools/Scripts/ShowDebugLog.py             |  88 +++++
 EmulatorPkg/EmulatorPkg.dsc                   |   3 +
 IntelFsp2Pkg/Tools/Tests/QemuFspPkg.dsc       |   1 +
 MdePkg/Include/Library/DebugBootlog.h         | 141 +++++++
 .../BaseDebugBootlog/BaseDebugBootlog.h       |  43 +++
 .../BaseDebugBootlog/BaseDebugBootlogLib.inf  |  61 +++
 .../BaseDebugBootlogLibPei.inf                |  60 +++
 .../BaseDebugBootlogNullLib.inf               |  26 ++
 .../Library/BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlog.c   |  22 ++
 .../BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogArm.c        |  32 ++
 .../BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogDxe.c        | 349 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogNotime.c     |  31 ++
 .../BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogNull.c       |  32 ++
 .../BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogPei.c        |  36 ++
 .../BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogX86.c        |  50 +++
 .../BaseDebugLibBootlog.inf                   |  44 +++
 .../BaseDebugLibBootlog.uni                   |  17 +
 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibBootlog/DebugLib.c | 338 +++++++++++++++++
 .../BaseDebugLibSerialPort.inf                |   1 +
 .../Library/BaseDebugLibSerialPort/DebugLib.c |  22 +-
 MdePkg/MdePkg.dec                             |  29 ++
 OvmfPkg/AmdSev/AmdSevX64.dsc                  |  10 +
 OvmfPkg/Bhyve/BhyveX64.dsc                    |  10 +
 OvmfPkg/CloudHv/CloudHvX64.dsc                |  10 +
 OvmfPkg/IntelTdx/IntelTdxX64.dsc              |   8 +
 .../Library/PlatformDebugLibIoPort/DebugLib.c |  23 +-
 .../PlatformDebugLibIoPort.inf                |   1 +
 .../PlatformRomDebugLibIoPort.inf             |   1 +
 .../PlatformRomDebugLibIoPortNocheck.inf      |   1 +
 OvmfPkg/Microvm/MicrovmX64.dsc                |  10 +
 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32.dsc                       |  10 +
 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32X64.dsc                    |  10 +
 OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc                        |   7 +
 OvmfPkg/OvmfXen.dsc                           |   1 +
 SourceLevelDebugPkg/SourceLevelDebugPkg.dsc   |   1 +
 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc             |   1 +
 37 files changed, 1526 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 BaseTools/Scripts/ShowDebugLog.py
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Include/Library/DebugBootlog.h
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/BaseDebugBootlog.h
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/BaseDebugBootlogLib.inf
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/BaseDebugBootlogLibPei.inf
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/BaseDebugBootlogNullLib.inf
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlog.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogArm.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogDxe.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogNotime.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogNull.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogPei.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugBootlog/DebugBootlogX86.c
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibBootlog/BaseDebugLibBootlog.inf
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibBootlog/BaseDebugLibBootlog.uni
 create mode 100644 MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibBootlog/DebugLib.c


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